Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: circulating pressure

circulating pressure

Circulating Pressure: The Driving Force in Drilling & Well Completion

In the world of drilling and well completion, circulating pressure plays a crucial role, acting as the driving force behind crucial operations. It's the pressure generated by mud pumps and exerted on the drill stem, creating a continuous flow of drilling fluid throughout the wellbore. This flow serves multiple purposes, making circulating pressure a critical factor in optimizing drilling efficiency and ensuring safe operations.

Understanding the Basics:

  • Mud Pumps: These powerful pumps are the heart of the circulating system. They create the hydraulic pressure needed to move drilling fluid through the wellbore.
  • Drill Stem: The drill stem, consisting of drill pipes connected to the drill bit, acts as the conduit for circulating fluid.
  • Circulating Fluid (Drilling Mud): This specially formulated fluid serves several purposes:
    • Cooling and Lubricating: It cools the drill bit and lubricates the drill string.
    • Cleaning: It removes cuttings from the wellbore and prevents hole collapse.
    • Pressure Control: It helps maintain pressure against the formation, preventing blowouts.

How Circulating Pressure Works:

The mud pumps push the drilling fluid down the drill string, through the drill bit, and up the annulus (the space between the drill string and the wellbore wall). This flow creates the circulating pressure, which can be measured at various points in the system.

Key Factors Affecting Circulating Pressure:

  • Pump Output: The volume of fluid pumped per unit time directly affects circulating pressure.
  • Wellbore Depth: As the wellbore deepens, hydrostatic pressure increases, requiring higher circulating pressure to maintain fluid flow.
  • Fluid Density: Higher density drilling fluids require higher pressure to circulate.
  • Drill String Friction: Friction between the drill string and the wellbore wall can reduce the circulating pressure.
  • Mud Rheology: The viscosity and density of the drilling fluid can impact flow and circulating pressure.

Significance of Circulating Pressure in Drilling & Well Completion:

  • Optimizing Drilling Efficiency: Maintaining sufficient circulating pressure ensures the efficient removal of cuttings and prevents hole collapse, allowing for faster drilling rates.
  • Maintaining Pressure Control: Circulating pressure is crucial for managing pressure within the wellbore, preventing blowouts and ensuring safe operations.
  • Fluid Circulation: Maintaining a consistent flow of drilling fluid keeps the drill bit and wellbore cool and lubricated, reducing wear and tear.
  • Well Completion Operations: Circulating pressure is essential in various well completion operations, such as cementing, perforating, and hydraulic fracturing.


Circulating pressure is an indispensable component of drilling and well completion operations. Understanding its significance and the factors that influence it is crucial for optimizing drilling efficiency, ensuring safe operations, and achieving successful well completions. Through careful monitoring and control of circulating pressure, operators can optimize performance and minimize risks throughout the drilling and well completion process.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Circulating Pressure

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of mud pumps in drilling operations?

a) To create circulating pressure for fluid flow. b) To mix and prepare the drilling fluid. c) To control the speed of the drill bit. d) To monitor the wellbore pressure.


a) To create circulating pressure for fluid flow.

2. Which of the following is NOT a function of drilling fluid?

a) Cooling and lubricating the drill bit. b) Removing cuttings from the wellbore. c) Providing pressure support to the wellbore. d) Increasing the weight of the drill string.


d) Increasing the weight of the drill string.

3. What is the annulus in a wellbore?

a) The space between the drill string and the wellbore wall. b) The space between the drill bit and the formation. c) The space inside the drill string. d) The space inside the mud pump.


a) The space between the drill string and the wellbore wall.

4. Which of the following factors directly influences circulating pressure?

a) The length of the drill pipe. b) The type of drilling fluid used. c) The size of the drill bit. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

5. What is the primary benefit of maintaining adequate circulating pressure during drilling operations?

a) Faster drilling rates due to efficient cuttings removal. b) Prevention of wellbore collapse. c) Reduced wear and tear on the drill bit. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

Exercise: Calculating Circulating Pressure


A drilling crew is operating at a depth of 10,000 feet with a drilling fluid density of 10.5 lb/gal. The mud pumps are delivering 500 gallons of fluid per minute.


Calculate the approximate circulating pressure at the bottom of the wellbore.


Use the following formula:

Circulating Pressure = Fluid Density * Gravity * Depth

  • Gravity = 8.34 lb/gal/ft


Exercice Correction

1. Calculate the hydrostatic pressure: Hydrostatic Pressure = Fluid Density * Gravity * Depth Hydrostatic Pressure = 10.5 lb/gal * 8.34 lb/gal/ft * 10,000 ft Hydrostatic Pressure = 875,700 lb/ft2 2. Convert to psi: Circulating Pressure = 875,700 lb/ft2 * (1 ft2 / 144 in2) Circulating Pressure ≈ 6,081 psi


  • Drilling Engineering: This classic textbook by John A. Davies and Adrian C. Lock provides comprehensive coverage of drilling engineering principles, including circulating pressure. [Available online and in libraries]
  • Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion: Another classic by John S. Archer covers drilling and well completion with a section on circulating pressure and its significance. [Available online and in libraries]
  • Drilling Fluids: Technology and Practice: By Robert J. Millheim, this book details the properties and applications of drilling fluids, including their role in managing circulating pressure. [Available online and in libraries]


  • "Circulating Pressure: A Key to Successful Drilling" by [Author Name] - Search online databases like OnePetro, SPE, and Google Scholar for articles discussing the specific topic of circulating pressure and its importance in drilling.
  • "The Impact of Mud Rheology on Circulating Pressure" by [Author Name] - Look for articles that delve into the relationship between drilling fluid properties and circulating pressure.
  • "Managing Circulating Pressure in Deepwater Drilling" by [Author Name] - Search for articles that address the challenges and solutions for circulating pressure in deepwater drilling operations.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): This professional organization has a wealth of resources on drilling engineering, including papers, webinars, and publications related to circulating pressure. [SPE Website:]
  • OnePetro: This online platform provides access to a vast library of technical articles and publications on drilling and well completion, including circulating pressure. [OnePetro Website:]
  • Drilling & Well Completion Magazine: This industry magazine regularly publishes articles on various drilling and well completion topics, including those related to circulating pressure. [Website:]
  • Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary: This glossary defines many terms related to drilling and well completion, including circulating pressure. [Website:]

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just "circulating pressure," use more specific keywords like "circulating pressure drilling," "circulating pressure well completion," or "circulating pressure mud rheology."
  • Combine keywords with "PDF": This will help you find downloadable PDF articles and publications on the topic.
  • Use quotation marks: Use quotation marks around phrases to find exact matches for your search. For example, "circulating pressure and drilling efficiency."
  • Use "site:" operator: Use the "site:" operator to restrict your search to a specific website, such as " circulating pressure."
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