Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Lifting & Rigging: break tour (pronounced "tower")

break tour (pronounced "tower")

Breaking Tour: A Crucial Step in the 24/7 Drilling Rhythm

In the demanding world of drilling and well completion, time is money. To maximize efficiency and ensure continuous operations, crews often work around the clock, operating on a 24-hour schedule. However, moving a drilling rig and preparing it for operation at a new location is a complex process that typically requires daylight hours for safety and visibility. This is where the term "break tour" comes in.

What is "Break Tour"?

"Break tour," pronounced "tower," refers to the moment when a drilling rig is ready to commence operations after being relocated and rigged up. It marks the transition from a period of preparation and setup to a full-fledged 24-hour drilling schedule.

The Process of Breaking Tour:

  1. Rig Move: The drilling rig is disassembled and transported to the new location. This typically involves heavy equipment and specialized trailers.
  2. Rigging Up: Once at the new location, the rig is reassembled and positioned for drilling. This includes setting up the derrick, installing the drilling equipment, and connecting the power source.
  3. Pre-Drilling Checks: Before operations can begin, a comprehensive inspection and testing process is conducted to ensure all systems are functioning correctly and safely.
  4. Breaking Tour: The moment when the final checks are completed, the rig is declared ready for operation, and drilling activities can begin on a 24/7 basis.

Why is Breaking Tour Important?

  • Maximizing Efficiency: By breaking tour and starting continuous drilling operations, companies can significantly reduce downtime and increase productivity.
  • Meeting Production Targets: 24-hour operations allow for faster completion of drilling programs, helping companies meet their production targets and achieve their revenue goals.
  • Cost Optimization: Continuous operations can lead to lower overall costs per well, as equipment and personnel are utilized more effectively.

Challenges and Considerations:

  • Safety: While breaking tour aims to maximize drilling time, safety is paramount. Rigging up and pre-drilling checks must be conducted thoroughly to minimize risks.
  • Weather: Adverse weather conditions can significantly impact the timing of breaking tour, potentially delaying operations.
  • Logistics: Coordinating the transportation and assembly of the rig, as well as procuring necessary equipment and materials, requires meticulous planning and logistics expertise.


Breaking tour is a critical milestone in the drilling process, marking the transition to continuous 24-hour operations. It requires careful planning, skilled execution, and a commitment to safety. By efficiently managing this process, drilling companies can maximize productivity, optimize costs, and achieve their production targets.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Breaking Tour

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does "Break Tour" refer to in the context of drilling operations? a) A period of time when drilling operations are paused. b) The process of disassembling and transporting a drilling rig. c) The moment when a drilling rig is ready to commence 24/7 operations. d) The final inspection and testing before drilling begins.


c) The moment when a drilling rig is ready to commence 24/7 operations.

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of breaking tour? a) Maximizing efficiency. b) Meeting production targets. c) Reducing the number of skilled personnel required. d) Cost optimization.


c) Reducing the number of skilled personnel required.

3. What is a crucial consideration during the breaking tour process? a) Ensuring the availability of spare parts. b) Maintaining a constant drilling rate. c) Prioritizing cost-effectiveness over safety. d) Conducting thorough inspections and tests.


d) Conducting thorough inspections and tests.

4. Which of these factors can potentially impact the timing of breaking tour? a) Availability of drilling fluid. b) Weather conditions. c) The number of wellbores to be drilled. d) The type of drilling equipment used.


b) Weather conditions.

5. What is the primary goal of breaking tour? a) To minimize downtime and maximize drilling time. b) To transport the drilling rig to a new location. c) To prepare the drilling rig for specific geological formations. d) To ensure the safety of the drilling crew.


a) To minimize downtime and maximize drilling time.

Exercise: Breaking Tour Planning

Scenario: You are the drilling supervisor responsible for planning the breaking tour of a drilling rig. You have just received a new location assignment and are tasked with ensuring a smooth and efficient transition to 24/7 operations.

Task: Create a checklist outlining the key steps and considerations for a successful breaking tour. Include at least 5 steps covering aspects like safety, logistics, and equipment preparation.

Exercise Correction

Here's a possible checklist for a successful breaking tour:

Breaking Tour Checklist

1. Safety and Risk Assessment: - Conduct a thorough safety assessment of the new location. - Identify potential hazards and develop mitigation plans. - Ensure all personnel are trained and equipped with appropriate safety gear.

2. Rig Move and Rigging Up: - Coordinate the transportation of the drilling rig and associated equipment. - Plan the sequence of assembly and positioning of the rig at the new location. - Ensure proper lifting and rigging procedures are followed.

3. Equipment Preparation: - Inspect and test all drilling equipment (derrick, drilling system, pumps, etc.). - Verify the availability and functionality of essential spare parts. - Ensure all equipment is properly lubricated and maintained.

4. Logistics and Supplies: - Secure necessary permits and authorizations for the new location. - Coordinate the delivery of drilling fluids, cement, casing, and other supplies. - Establish communication channels and emergency response plans.

5. Pre-Drilling Checks: - Conduct a comprehensive inspection of the wellhead and surrounding area. - Test all systems and instruments, including pressure gauges, flow meters, and alarms. - Ensure the drilling fluid system is properly prepared and operational.

6. Final Checks and Documentation: - Review and confirm all safety procedures and emergency response plans. - Conduct a final walk-through of the rig and wellsite. - Document the completion of all tasks and obtain necessary approvals.

7. Breaking Tour Commencement: - Once all checks and preparations are completed, announce the official "Break Tour" and commence drilling operations.


  • Drilling Engineering: Principles and Practices by Robert C. Earlougher, Jr. and John K. Jensen. This comprehensive book covers various aspects of drilling operations, including rig moves and breaking tour.
  • Well Completion Engineering by Michael J. Economides and Kenneth G. Nolte. This book delves into the well completion process, which often involves breaking tour for rig relocation and drilling resumption.
  • Drilling and Well Service Operations by William C. Lyons. This book provides an overview of drilling operations, including the role of breaking tour in maximizing efficiency and productivity.


  • "Optimizing Rig Moves and Breaking Tour for Enhanced Drilling Efficiency" by [Author Name]. This article could focus on strategies for streamlining the break tour process, minimizing downtime, and improving safety.
  • "The Impact of Weather on Breaking Tour and Drilling Operations" by [Author Name]. This article could discuss the challenges posed by adverse weather conditions on break tour timing and the importance of weather forecasting for efficient operations.
  • "Breaking Tour: A Case Study of a Successful Rig Move and Operational Startup" by [Author Name]. This article could provide a real-world example of a well-executed break tour process, highlighting best practices and lessons learned.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): This organization offers a vast library of technical publications, conference proceedings, and online resources related to drilling operations, including rig moves and break tour.
  • Oil & Gas Journal (OGJ): This industry publication often features articles and reports on drilling technology, including the latest trends in rig moves and break tour optimization.
  • DrillingInfo: This company provides data and analytics services to the oil and gas industry, including information on drilling operations, rig moves, and break tour scheduling.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "break tour drilling", "rig move optimization", "24/7 drilling operations", "drilling efficiency".
  • Combine keywords with industry terms: "break tour rig relocation", "break tour safety", "break tour cost analysis".
  • Explore related terms: "drilling rig breakdown", "drilling downtime", "rig move logistics", "drilling schedule optimization".
  • Use quotation marks: "break tour" to find exact matches of the phrase in online resources.
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