Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: bottom plug

bottom plug

The Unsung Hero of Well Completion: The Bottom Plug

In the world of oil and gas exploration, the success of a well hinges on a series of intricate procedures, often involving specialized equipment and highly technical processes. One such critical component, often overlooked, is the bottom plug. This seemingly simple device plays a crucial role in well completion, ensuring the integrity and effectiveness of the cementing operation.

The Importance of Cementing:

Cementing is a fundamental step in well completion. It involves injecting a specially formulated cement slurry down the casing to isolate different zones, provide structural support, and prevent fluid migration between formations. A successful cement job is essential for the long-term production and safety of the well.

Enter the Bottom Plug:

The bottom plug, specifically a cement wiper plug, is positioned just above the bottom of the casing string before the cement slurry is pumped. This plug serves two critical functions:

  1. Cleaning the Casing Walls: The wiper plug, often made of a rubber or elastomeric material, scrapes the inner walls of the casing, removing drilling mud that may have accumulated during the drilling process.

  2. Preventing Contamination: By removing the drilling mud, the wiper plug ensures that the cement slurry doesn't come into contact with contaminated surfaces, preserving the integrity of the cement bond and minimizing the risk of channeling (the formation of pathways for fluids to bypass the cement).

Types of Bottom Plugs:

While cement wiper plugs are the most common, other types of bottom plugs exist:

  • Float Plugs: These plugs are designed to float on top of the cement slurry, preventing it from being forced out of the wellbore during the pumping process.
  • Displacement Plugs: These plugs are used to displace a volume of fluid from the wellbore before the cement slurry is pumped.


The bottom plug, particularly the cement wiper plug, is a vital piece of equipment in well completion. Its role in cleaning the casing walls and preventing contamination is essential for the success of the cementing operation, ensuring the long-term productivity and safety of the well. While often overlooked, the bottom plug stands as a silent but critical guardian of the well, ensuring a robust and reliable cement bond.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Unsung Hero of Well Completion - The Bottom Plug

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a bottom plug in well completion? a) To hold the casing string in place. b) To control the flow of drilling mud. c) To ensure a clean and effective cement bond. d) To prevent blowouts during drilling.


c) To ensure a clean and effective cement bond.

2. What type of bottom plug is specifically designed to remove drilling mud from the casing walls? a) Float Plug b) Displacement Plug c) Cement Wiper Plug d) Circulation Plug


c) Cement Wiper Plug

3. Why is it important to remove drilling mud from the casing walls before cementing? a) To reduce the weight of the cement slurry. b) To prevent the cement from hardening too quickly. c) To ensure a proper bond between the cement and the casing. d) To prevent the formation of channels that could allow fluid migration.


d) To prevent the formation of channels that could allow fluid migration.

4. What is the primary purpose of a float plug in well completion? a) To displace fluid from the wellbore. b) To prevent the cement slurry from being forced out of the wellbore. c) To control the rate of cement slurry injection. d) To seal off the wellbore after cementing.


b) To prevent the cement slurry from being forced out of the wellbore.

5. Which of the following is NOT a type of bottom plug? a) Cement Wiper Plug b) Float Plug c) Displacement Plug d) Blowout Preventer


d) Blowout Preventer

Exercise: Choosing the Right Bottom Plug

Scenario: You are preparing to cement a wellbore after drilling. The drilling mud is contaminated with a high concentration of sand. The wellbore is relatively shallow, and the cement slurry is expected to be pumped at a moderate rate.

Task: Based on the information provided, choose the most suitable type of bottom plug for this scenario and explain your reasoning.

Exercice Correction

The most suitable bottom plug for this scenario would be a **Cement Wiper Plug**. Here's why:

  • High Concentration of Sand: A cement wiper plug will effectively remove the sand-contaminated drilling mud from the casing walls, preventing potential contamination of the cement slurry.
  • Shallow Wellbore: The moderate depth of the well makes it less likely that the cement slurry will be forced out of the wellbore during pumping, making a float plug less crucial.
  • Moderate Pumping Rate: A cement wiper plug is suitable for both low and moderate pumping rates, making it a good choice for this scenario.


  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by John M. Campbell: This comprehensive handbook covers various aspects of petroleum engineering, including well completion. You can find information about bottom plugs and their role in cementing operations.
  • "Well Completion Design and Operations" by Arthur W. Bourgoyne, Jr., et al.: This book delves into the details of well completion, with specific chapters dedicated to cementing and the use of bottom plugs.
  • "Cementing: Theory and Practice" by Jean-Paul Chenevert: This textbook focuses specifically on the science and techniques of cementing in oil and gas wells, providing detailed information on different types of plugs and their applications.


  • "Cementing Operations: Bottom Hole Plugs" by Halliburton: This technical article from a major oilfield services company explains the different types of bottom plugs and their specific functions.
  • "The Importance of Cementing in Well Completion" by Schlumberger: This article highlights the significance of cementing for well integrity and productivity, with a section discussing the role of bottom plugs.
  • "Understanding Cementing Practices and Equipment" by Baker Hughes: This publication provides an overview of cementing procedures and equipment, including explanations of bottom plug types and their uses.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): SPE website offers a vast repository of technical papers, articles, and presentations on various oil and gas topics, including cementing and well completion. Search for "bottom plug" or "cement wiper plug" to find relevant content.
  • Oilfield Glossary: This online glossary provides definitions and explanations of common oil and gas terms, including bottom plug and cementing procedures.
  • Halliburton, Schlumberger, Baker Hughes, and other oilfield service companies: Their websites often contain technical publications, case studies, and training materials related to well completion and cementing practices.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Search for terms like "bottom plug," "cement wiper plug," "cementing operations," and "well completion."
  • Combine keywords: Combine terms like "bottom plug types" or "bottom plug function" for more specific results.
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases like "cement wiper plug" in quotation marks to find exact matches.
  • Explore related terms: Use related terms like "cementing head," "float collar," and "casing shoe" to discover relevant information.
  • Include specific industry terms: Add terms like "oilfield," "well completion," or "production" to narrow down your search to relevant results.
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