Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: volumetric feeder

volumetric feeder

Understanding Volumetric Feeders in Environmental & Water Treatment

Volumetric feeders are indispensable tools in environmental and water treatment, playing a crucial role in delivering precise amounts of chemicals to ensure effective treatment processes. These feeders work by measuring and dispensing a predetermined volume of chemical, regardless of the material's density. This article delves into the workings of volumetric feeders, highlighting their strengths and limitations, and exploring their applications in various water treatment scenarios.

How Volumetric Feeders Work:

At their core, volumetric feeders rely on a simple yet effective principle: delivering a consistent volume of chemical. This is achieved through a mechanical system that controls the movement of a screw or auger, which in turn rotates a chamber holding the chemical. The volume of chemical dispensed per unit time is determined by the speed of the screw/auger and the size of the chamber.

Key Characteristics of Volumetric Feeders:

  • Constant Flow Rate: Volumetric feeders provide a constant flow rate of chemicals, irrespective of fluctuations in material density. This ensures consistent treatment effectiveness.
  • Preset or Proportional Delivery: These feeders can be programmed to deliver a specific volume of chemical per unit time (preset delivery), or they can be linked to other process variables like flow rate, ensuring proportional chemical dosage.
  • Simple Operation: Volumetric feeders are relatively straightforward to operate, requiring minimal maintenance and calibration.

Advantages of Volumetric Feeders:

  • Accuracy and Reliability: Volumetric feeders offer dependable and accurate chemical delivery, minimizing inconsistencies in treatment processes.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Their simple design and low maintenance requirements make them economically viable for many applications.
  • Versatile Applications: Volumetric feeders are suitable for various chemical feed types, including powders, granules, and even some liquids, making them adaptable for diverse water treatment scenarios.

Limitations of Volumetric Feeders:

  • Density Dependence: While volumetric feeders maintain a constant flow rate, they are not sensitive to changes in material density. This can lead to inaccuracies in chemical dosage if the density of the chemical fluctuates significantly.
  • Limited Material Handling: Volumetric feeders are best suited for dry, free-flowing materials and may struggle with sticky or difficult-to-handle substances.

Applications in Water Treatment:

Volumetric feeders find wide applications in diverse water treatment processes, including:

  • Coagulation and Flocculation: Precisely dosing coagulants and flocculants ensures efficient removal of suspended solids and turbidity.
  • Disinfection: Accurate delivery of chlorine or other disinfectants ensures microbial inactivation in water.
  • pH Adjustment: Volumetric feeders play a critical role in maintaining the desired pH level of water for optimal treatment performance.
  • Nutrient Removal: They contribute to the effective removal of nutrients like phosphorus and nitrogen from wastewater.


Volumetric feeders are essential components of many water treatment systems. Their ability to provide a constant and controlled flow of chemicals makes them invaluable for maintaining treatment process effectiveness. However, it's crucial to understand their limitations, particularly regarding their reliance on material density. By carefully selecting the right feeder for the specific application and monitoring its performance, water treatment professionals can ensure optimal chemical delivery and achieve the desired water quality.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Understanding Volumetric Feeders in Environmental & Water Treatment

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary principle behind the operation of a volumetric feeder? a) Measuring and delivering a constant weight of chemical.


b) Measuring and delivering a consistent volume of chemical.

c) Adjusting the flow rate based on the chemical's density. d) Maintaining a steady pressure of chemical delivery.

2. Which of the following is NOT a key characteristic of volumetric feeders? a) Constant flow rate


b) Variable flow rate based on density

c) Preset or proportional delivery d) Simple operation

3. Which of the following is a significant advantage of using volumetric feeders? a) High sensitivity to changes in material density


b) Cost-effectiveness and low maintenance requirements

c) Ability to handle all types of materials, including sticky substances d) Independence from process variables like flow rate

4. What is a major limitation of volumetric feeders? a) They can only be used for liquid chemicals.


b) They are not sensitive to changes in material density, leading to potential inaccuracies in chemical dosage.

c) They are complex to operate and require frequent calibration. d) They are not suitable for water treatment applications.

5. Which of the following water treatment processes does NOT benefit from the use of volumetric feeders? a) Coagulation and flocculation b) Disinfection c) pH adjustment


d) Filtration

Exercise: Applying Volumetric Feeders in Water Treatment

Scenario: A water treatment plant uses a volumetric feeder to deliver chlorine for disinfection. The feeder is set to deliver 100 ml of chlorine solution per minute. The chlorine solution has a density of 1.2 g/ml.

Task: Calculate the mass of chlorine delivered per hour.

Exercice Correction

1. **Calculate the volume of chlorine delivered per hour:** 100 ml/min * 60 min/hour = 6000 ml/hour 2. **Calculate the mass of chlorine delivered per hour:** 6000 ml/hour * 1.2 g/ml = 7200 g/hour

Therefore, the volumetric feeder delivers 7200 grams of chlorine per hour.


  • Water Treatment Plant Design: By James M. Symons
  • Water Quality and Treatment: By American Water Works Association (AWWA)
  • Handbook of Environmental Engineering: By W. Wesley Eckenfelder
  • Environmental Engineering: Fundamentals, Sustainability, Design: By C. David Cooper & S.C. Das


  • "Dry Chemical Feeding: An Overview of Types, Applications, and Selection Criteria" by ChemEngProgress
  • "Volumetric Feeders: A Guide to Selection and Application" by Chemical Processing Magazine
  • "The Role of Chemical Feeders in Water Treatment" by Water Technology Online
  • "A Comparison of Volumetric and Gravimetric Feeders for Water Treatment Applications" by The American Society of Civil Engineers

Online Resources

Search Tips

  • "Volumetric feeders water treatment"
  • "Dry chemical feeders for environmental applications"
  • "Types of chemical feeders for wastewater treatment"
  • "Volumetric vs. gravimetric feeders"
  • "Chemical dosing systems for water treatment"
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