Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: UST


Underground Storage Tanks (UST): Protecting Our Environment, One Tank at a Time

The term "UST" in environmental and water treatment circles stands for Underground Storage Tank. These tanks, often hidden beneath the surface, play a crucial role in various industries, storing everything from gasoline to heating oil, chemicals, and even drinking water. However, their location poses a unique set of challenges, making their safe operation and environmental protection paramount.

The Silent Threat of USTs:

While seemingly innocuous, USTs can pose significant environmental risks if not properly managed. Leaks, spills, and corrosion can lead to:

  • Groundwater contamination: Leaking USTs can release harmful substances into the surrounding soil and groundwater, contaminating our drinking water sources.
  • Soil contamination: Spilled materials can seep into the soil, impacting plant life and creating a toxic environment.
  • Air pollution: Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released from leaking tanks can evaporate into the air, contributing to smog and health problems.

Regulations and Safe Practices:

To mitigate these risks, stringent regulations have been implemented governing the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of USTs. These regulations focus on:

  • Leak detection systems: Regular testing to identify potential leaks and prevent contamination.
  • Corrosion protection: Using materials resistant to corrosion and regular inspections to prevent structural damage.
  • Spill prevention and containment: Implementing procedures to minimize the risk of spills and to contain them if they occur.
  • Closure and removal: Proper procedures for decommissioning and removing USTs once they are no longer in use.

Environmental and Water Treatment Solutions:

  • Soil and groundwater remediation: Cleaning up contaminated soil and groundwater using various technologies like pump-and-treat systems, bioremediation, and in-situ treatment.
  • Air monitoring and remediation: Monitoring air quality around USTs and implementing measures to remove any harmful VOCs.
  • Tank replacement and upgrading: Replacing older, potentially problematic USTs with newer, more environmentally friendly models.
  • Alternative storage methods: Exploring above-ground storage options or alternative materials to minimize environmental risks.

Importance of Compliance and Awareness:

Compliance with UST regulations is crucial for protecting our environment and public health. It is vital for:

  • Individuals: To be aware of the risks associated with USTs and to take steps to ensure their safe operation.
  • Businesses: To prioritize responsible UST management and invest in proper maintenance, monitoring, and remediation if needed.
  • Government agencies: To enforce regulations effectively and provide support for responsible UST management practices.

By prioritizing environmental responsibility and adhering to best practices, we can ensure that USTs serve their purpose safely and without jeopardizing our water resources and overall well-being.

Test Your Knowledge

Underground Storage Tanks (UST) Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a potential environmental risk associated with underground storage tanks (USTs)?

a) Groundwater contamination b) Soil contamination c) Air pollution d) Increased biodiversity


d) Increased biodiversity

2. What is the primary purpose of leak detection systems in USTs?

a) To prevent corrosion b) To monitor air quality around the tank c) To identify potential leaks and prevent contamination d) To facilitate tank closure and removal


c) To identify potential leaks and prevent contamination

3. Which of the following is NOT a method used for soil and groundwater remediation from UST leaks?

a) Pump-and-treat systems b) Bioremediation c) In-situ treatment d) Tank replacement


d) Tank replacement

4. Which of the following groups is primarily responsible for enforcing UST regulations?

a) Individuals b) Businesses c) Government agencies d) Environmental NGOs


c) Government agencies

5. What is the most important reason for prioritizing environmental responsibility when managing USTs?

a) To avoid fines and penalties b) To protect public health and water resources c) To improve the image of the business d) To comply with industry standards


b) To protect public health and water resources

Underground Storage Tanks (UST) Exercise:

Scenario: A small business owner has an older UST that is nearing the end of its lifespan. They are considering replacing it with a newer, more environmentally friendly model.

Task: Create a list of factors the business owner should consider when making this decision, including:

  • Environmental impact: Compare the environmental risks of the current UST with the potential benefits of a newer model.
  • Cost: Consider the initial cost of replacement, ongoing maintenance, and potential remediation costs.
  • Regulations: Check for any applicable regulations regarding UST replacement and ensure compliance.
  • Operational needs: Determine if the new model meets the business's current and future storage needs.

Exercise Correction:

Exercice Correction

Environmental impact: * Assess the current UST's condition: Potential for leaks, corrosion, and overall age. * Research the environmental benefits of newer UST models: Improved leak detection systems, corrosion resistance, and materials with lower environmental impact. * Compare the potential environmental risks of both options. Cost: * Calculate the initial cost of replacement: Including installation, permits, and any necessary site preparation. * Research ongoing maintenance costs for both the current and new UST models. * Consider potential remediation costs in case of leaks or spills for both options. Regulations: * Consult local and state regulations regarding USTs: This includes requirements for replacement, decommissioning, and environmental compliance. * Check for any financial incentives or grants available for UST upgrades. Operational needs: * Determine the current and future storage needs of the business: Consider capacity, product type, and any potential future expansions. * Ensure the new UST model meets those needs and is compatible with existing equipment.


  • Underground Storage Tanks: A Practical Guide to Design, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance by James A. Smith (This book provides comprehensive information on all aspects of USTs, including regulations, best practices, and remediation techniques.)
  • Handbook of Environmental Engineering Calculations by George Tchobanoglous, Franklin L. Burton, and H. David Stensel (This book includes a chapter dedicated to USTs, covering topics such as leak detection, corrosion control, and spill prevention.)


  • "Underground Storage Tanks: A Guide for Owners and Operators" (EPA website): Provides information on UST regulations, compliance requirements, and best management practices.
  • "The Importance of Underground Storage Tank (UST) Management" by The National Ground Water Association: Discusses the potential risks of USTs, the need for responsible management, and available resources for owners and operators.
  • "Leak Detection in Underground Storage Tanks" by ASTM International: An article focused on various leak detection methods and their effectiveness in preventing environmental contamination.

Online Resources

  • EPA Office of Underground Storage Tanks: ( The EPA website provides extensive information on UST regulations, financial assistance programs, and guidance for compliance.
  • National Tank Association: ( A trade association for the tank industry offering resources on UST regulations, best practices, and technical information.
  • Underground Storage Tank (UST) Regulations and Guidance (Texas Commission on Environmental Quality): ( A good example of state-specific resources for UST management.

Search Tips

  • "UST Regulations" + [your state/country]: To find specific regulations for your location.
  • "UST Leak Detection Systems" + [type of tank]: To learn about different leak detection technologies and their applications.
  • "UST Remediation Companies" + [your location]: To find companies that specialize in cleaning up UST-related contamination.
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