Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: urease


Urease: A Key Player in Environmental & Water Treatment

Urease, an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of urea into ammonia and carbon dioxide, plays a crucial role in various aspects of environmental and water treatment. Understanding its properties and applications can lead to more efficient and sustainable solutions for managing wastewater and improving water quality.

Urease in Wastewater Treatment:

  • Nitrogen Removal: Urea, a primary component of urine, contributes significantly to the nitrogen load in wastewater. Urease-producing bacteria utilize urea as a nitrogen source, converting it to ammonia. This ammonia can then be further processed through nitrification and denitrification, ultimately removing nitrogen from the wastewater.
  • Enhanced Nutrient Removal: The presence of urease in wastewater treatment systems can also enhance the removal of other nutrients like phosphorus. Urease activity can lead to an increase in pH, facilitating phosphorus precipitation and removal.
  • Bioaugmentation: Introducing urease-producing bacteria to wastewater treatment systems can be a bioaugmentation strategy to enhance nitrogen removal efficiency. This can be particularly beneficial for treating wastewater with high urea concentrations.

Urease in Water Quality Management:

  • Drinking Water Disinfection: Urease activity can contribute to the formation of chloramines during water disinfection. These chloramines can have adverse effects on water quality, potentially causing taste and odor issues. Understanding urease activity can aid in optimizing disinfection processes and minimizing chloramine formation.
  • Agricultural Runoff: Urea is commonly used as a nitrogen fertilizer in agriculture. Runoff from agricultural fields can introduce high levels of urea into water bodies, leading to eutrophication and other water quality issues. Urease activity can accelerate the release of ammonia from urea, potentially exacerbating these problems.
  • Bioremediation: Urease-producing microorganisms can be used in bioremediation efforts to remove urea from contaminated water and soil. This can be particularly useful in treating wastewater from livestock operations or industrial processes.

Challenges and Opportunities:

While urease offers significant potential in environmental and water treatment, there are also challenges associated with its application:

  • Environmental Conditions: Urease activity is highly sensitive to environmental conditions like pH, temperature, and nutrient availability. Optimizing these conditions is crucial for maximizing urease activity in treatment systems.
  • Enzyme Stability: Urease can be susceptible to inactivation under certain conditions, like extreme temperatures or the presence of inhibitors. Developing robust and stable urease sources is important for its effective application.
  • Regulation: The introduction of urease-producing bacteria into treatment systems can raise regulatory concerns regarding potential risks to water quality and ecosystem health. Thorough risk assessments and monitoring are crucial.

Future Research and Applications:

  • Engineered Enzymes: Research is ongoing to develop engineered urease enzymes with improved stability, activity, and resistance to inhibitors. This would enhance their applicability in various environmental settings.
  • Novel Treatment Technologies: Innovative technologies are being developed that utilize urease activity for efficient and sustainable wastewater treatment. These technologies aim to minimize energy consumption and maximize resource recovery.


Urease plays a vital role in various aspects of environmental and water treatment. Understanding its properties and applications is essential for developing sustainable solutions to manage wastewater and improve water quality. As research progresses, we can expect to see even more innovative applications of urease in this critical field.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Urease - A Key Player in Environmental & Water Treatment

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of urease?

a) Degrades proteins into amino acids. b) Converts urea into ammonia and carbon dioxide. c) Breaks down cellulose into glucose. d) Oxidizes organic matter into carbon dioxide.


b) Converts urea into ammonia and carbon dioxide.

2. How does urease contribute to nitrogen removal in wastewater treatment?

a) Urease directly converts ammonia into nitrogen gas. b) Urease-producing bacteria break down urea, releasing ammonia that can be further processed. c) Urease inhibits the growth of nitrogen-fixing bacteria. d) Urease increases the solubility of nitrogen in water.


b) Urease-producing bacteria break down urea, releasing ammonia that can be further processed.

3. Which of the following is NOT a potential challenge associated with using urease in environmental applications?

a) Urease activity is sensitive to environmental conditions like pH and temperature. b) Urease can be inhibited by certain substances. c) Urease-producing bacteria can be genetically modified to enhance their activity. d) There are regulatory concerns regarding the introduction of urease-producing bacteria into treatment systems.


c) Urease-producing bacteria can be genetically modified to enhance their activity. (While true, this is an opportunity, not a challenge.)

4. How can urease activity potentially impact drinking water quality?

a) Urease can directly contaminate water with harmful bacteria. b) Urease can break down chlorine, reducing its effectiveness as a disinfectant. c) Urease can contribute to the formation of chloramines, which can affect taste and odor. d) Urease can increase the pH of water, making it corrosive.


c) Urease can contribute to the formation of chloramines, which can affect taste and odor.

5. What is a potential application of urease in bioremediation?

a) Removing heavy metals from contaminated soil. b) Breaking down plastics in landfills. c) Degrading pesticides in agricultural runoff. d) Removing urea from contaminated water and soil.


d) Removing urea from contaminated water and soil.

Exercise: Urease and Agricultural Runoff

Scenario: A farmer is using urea fertilizer on their corn field. Heavy rainfall occurs shortly after application, leading to significant runoff into a nearby lake.

Task: Explain the potential environmental consequences of this runoff, specifically focusing on the role of urease.


  • Describe how urease contributes to the breakdown of urea in the runoff.
  • Explain how this breakdown can lead to eutrophication of the lake.
  • Discuss potential consequences of eutrophication for the lake ecosystem.

Exercice Correction

The urea in the runoff will be broken down by urease-producing bacteria present in the lake water. This process releases ammonia, which is a form of nitrogen readily available to algae and other aquatic plants. The increased nitrogen supply can trigger an algal bloom, leading to eutrophication.

Eutrophication can have several negative consequences for the lake ecosystem:

  • Oxygen depletion: As the algal bloom dies off, bacteria decompose the organic matter, consuming large amounts of dissolved oxygen in the water. This can lead to fish kills and the death of other organisms that require oxygen to survive.
  • Water quality issues: Algal blooms can produce toxins harmful to humans and animals. They can also block sunlight from reaching submerged plants, disrupting the food web and reducing biodiversity.
  • Habitat degradation: Eutrophication can cause changes in the lake's physical and chemical properties, leading to the loss of habitat for many organisms.


  • Microbiology of Water and Wastewater Treatment by G. Bitton (ISBN: 9780849311423) - This comprehensive text covers the role of microbes in wastewater treatment, including the activity of urease.
  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal, and Reuse by M.T. Davis (ISBN: 9780134642110) - This widely used textbook delves into the biological processes in wastewater treatment, highlighting the importance of urease in nitrogen removal.
  • Biotechnology: A Textbook of Industrial Microbiology by A.N. Purohit (ISBN: 9788122413509) - This book covers the applications of enzymes, including urease, in various industrial processes, including wastewater treatment.


  • Urease Activity in Wastewater Treatment: A Review by A.K. Sharma, S.K. Singh, and P.K. Singh (Published in Journal of Environmental Management, 2016) - This review article focuses on the role of urease in wastewater treatment and its potential applications in nitrogen removal.
  • The Potential of Urease for Bioremediation of Urea-Contaminated Environments by M.A. Khan, S.Z. Khan, and M.A. Khan (Published in Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018) - This article explores the use of urease for bioremediation of urea-contaminated environments, including water and soil.
  • Urease: A Versatile Enzyme with Potential Applications in Water Treatment by S.K. Singh, A.K. Sharma, and P.K. Singh (Published in Biotechnology Advances, 2017) - This review examines the properties and applications of urease in water treatment, including disinfection, nutrient removal, and bioremediation.

Online Resources

  • National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI): This website provides a wealth of information on urease, including its structure, function, and applications. Search for "Urease" in PubMed, the NCBI's database of scientific literature.
  • ScienceDirect: This online platform offers a vast collection of scientific articles and research papers related to urease and its role in environmental and water treatment.
  • ResearchGate: This social networking platform for scientists connects researchers working on urease and other related fields.

Search Tips

  • Combine keywords: Use specific keywords like "urease wastewater treatment," "urease bioremediation," or "urease drinking water."
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases in quotation marks to find exact matches, such as "urease activity in wastewater."
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  • Explore related searches: Google automatically suggests related searches at the bottom of the results page, offering additional insights and resources.
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