Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: unit filter run volume (UFRV)

unit filter run volume (UFRV)

Understanding Unit Filter Run Volume (UFRV) in Environmental and Water Treatment


In environmental and water treatment, the goal is often to remove contaminants from water sources to make them safe and usable. Filtration plays a crucial role in this process, and one key metric for evaluating filter performance is the Unit Filter Run Volume (UFRV).

What is UFRV?

UFRV is a measure of the amount of liquid that can be filtered before a filter needs to be cleaned (backwashed). It's essentially the volume of water filtered per unit area of filter media before backwashing.


UFRV is calculated using the following formula:

UFRV = Filter Run Length (hours) x Filtration Rate (m3/h/m2)

  • Filter Run Length: This is the time between backwashes, indicating how long the filter can operate effectively before needing cleaning.
  • Filtration Rate: This is the flow rate of water through the filter media per unit area of the filter.

Significance of UFRV:

UFRV is a valuable indicator of filter performance and efficiency. A higher UFRV generally signifies:

  • Improved filtration efficiency: A filter with a longer run time between backwashes indicates that it's effectively trapping contaminants and maintaining high water quality.
  • Reduced operating costs: Lower backwash frequency translates to less water and energy used for cleaning, leading to cost savings.
  • Increased filter lifespan: Efficient filter operation reduces wear and tear on the media, extending its lifespan.

Factors Affecting UFRV:

Several factors influence UFRV, including:

  • Filter media type and size: Different filter media have varying porosities and particle sizes, impacting their filtration capacity and backwash frequency.
  • Feed water quality: Higher contaminant levels in the feed water will result in faster filter clogging and shorter run lengths.
  • Filtration rate: Higher filtration rates increase the loading on the filter, leading to quicker clogging and lower UFRV.
  • Backwash intensity: Proper backwash intensity ensures effective cleaning of the filter media, allowing for longer run times.

Optimizing UFRV:

To maximize UFRV and filter performance, consider the following:

  • Select the appropriate filter media: Choose media that's compatible with the specific contaminants being removed and the desired filtration rate.
  • Optimize filtration rate: Balance filtration speed with the need for efficient contaminant removal.
  • Implement a proper backwash schedule: Regular backwashing ensures optimal filter performance and extends its lifespan.
  • Monitor water quality: Track contaminant levels in the feed and filtered water to adjust filter operation and ensure effective treatment.


UFRV is a crucial metric in environmental and water treatment, providing insights into filter performance and efficiency. By understanding its significance and factors affecting it, operators can optimize filter operation, achieve cost savings, and ensure high-quality water for intended uses.

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