Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: UniMag


UniMag: A Powerful Tool for Environmental & Water Treatment

In the realm of environmental and water treatment, accurate and reliable flow measurement is paramount. From monitoring wastewater discharge to controlling chemical dosing, knowing the volume of fluid passing through a system is crucial. UniMag, a non-intrusive magnetic flow meter technology, has emerged as a powerful tool for these applications, particularly when utilized in conjunction with Isco, Inc.'s Closed Pipe Flow Meters.

What is UniMag?

UniMag stands for "Universal Magnetic," a descriptive term for a type of flow meter that leverages the principles of electromagnetic induction. This technology operates without physical obstructions within the pipe, making it particularly suitable for challenging environments with abrasive fluids, high viscosity, or solids content.

How UniMag Works:

UniMag flow meters work by generating a magnetic field around the pipe. When a conductive fluid flows through this field, an electric current is induced within the fluid. The magnitude of this current is directly proportional to the flow rate. This allows for accurate and non-intrusive flow measurement without the need for pressure drops or restrictions commonly associated with other flow meter types.

Benefits of UniMag Technology:

  • Non-intrusive: UniMag flow meters are installed on the outside of the pipe, eliminating the need for intrusive sensors that can disrupt flow or become fouled by particulates.
  • High Accuracy: UniMag technology delivers high accuracy in flow measurement, even at low flow rates and in challenging environments.
  • Low Maintenance: UniMag flow meters are virtually maintenance-free, requiring minimal calibration and cleaning.
  • Suitable for Various Fluids: UniMag technology is compatible with a wide range of conductive fluids, including water, wastewater, chemicals, and slurries.

ISCO Closed Pipe Flow Meters: A UniMag Solution

ISCO, Inc. specializes in developing innovative flow measurement solutions, including closed pipe flow meters that utilize UniMag technology. These meters are designed for accurate and reliable flow measurement in a variety of applications, including:

  • Wastewater Treatment: Monitoring and controlling influent and effluent flow rates for efficient treatment processes.
  • Water Treatment: Monitoring and controlling chemical dosing, filtration, and other treatment processes.
  • Industrial Process Monitoring: Tracking flow rates in various industrial processes to ensure optimal efficiency and safety.
  • Environmental Monitoring: Monitoring flow rates in rivers, streams, and other water bodies for research and regulatory compliance.


UniMag technology, particularly when combined with ISCO's closed pipe flow meters, provides a powerful and reliable solution for flow measurement in environmental and water treatment applications. This non-intrusive, high-accuracy, and low-maintenance technology offers significant advantages over traditional flow measurement methods, ensuring accurate and reliable data for informed decision-making and optimized process control.

Test Your Knowledge

UniMag Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does "UniMag" stand for?

a) Universal Magnetic b) Unified Magnetic c) Unique Magnetic d) Unitary Magnetic


a) Universal Magnetic

2. How does UniMag technology work?

a) Using pressure sensors to measure flow rate b) Utilizing ultrasonic waves to measure flow rate c) Generating a magnetic field to induce an electric current in the fluid d) Measuring the volume of fluid passing through a calibrated opening


c) Generating a magnetic field to induce an electric current in the fluid

3. Which of these is NOT a benefit of UniMag technology?

a) Non-intrusive installation b) High accuracy even at low flow rates c) Requires frequent calibration and cleaning d) Suitable for various conductive fluids


c) Requires frequent calibration and cleaning

4. What company specializes in closed pipe flow meters using UniMag technology?

a) Siemens b) Yokogawa c) ABB d) ISCO



5. What is a key application of UniMag technology in environmental and water treatment?

a) Monitoring and controlling influent and effluent flow rates in wastewater treatment plants b) Measuring the volume of fuel consumed by vehicles c) Tracking the flow of blood in the human body d) Determining the speed of a moving train


a) Monitoring and controlling influent and effluent flow rates in wastewater treatment plants

UniMag Exercise:

Scenario: You are tasked with monitoring the flow rate of wastewater entering a treatment plant. The plant currently uses a traditional flow meter that requires frequent maintenance and suffers from accuracy issues due to the presence of solids in the wastewater.


  1. Explain how UniMag technology would be a better solution for this application.
  2. Outline two key advantages of using UniMag technology in this scenario.

Exercice Correction

**1. UniMag would be a better solution because:** * It is non-intrusive, meaning it does not disrupt the flow of wastewater or become fouled by solids, unlike the traditional flow meter. * It provides high accuracy even in challenging environments with solids, unlike the traditional flow meter which struggles with accuracy in such conditions. **2. Key Advantages:** * **Reduced Maintenance:** UniMag technology requires minimal maintenance, unlike the traditional flow meter which requires frequent cleaning and calibration. This saves time and resources. * **Improved Accuracy:** UniMag provides accurate flow rate data, even in the presence of solids, which is crucial for efficient wastewater treatment and monitoring. This ensures that the treatment process is optimized and that regulatory compliance is met.


  • "Handbook of Industrial Metrology" by Kenneth G. Löfquist: This handbook provides an in-depth overview of flow measurement techniques, including magnetic flow metering.
  • "Flow Measurement Engineering Handbook" by Robert W. Miller: This book delves into the theory and practice of various flow measurement technologies, offering valuable insights into UniMag principles.
  • "Water Treatment Plant Design" by James M. Symons: This book covers the design of water treatment plants, including flow measurement requirements and the application of different flow meter types.


  • "Magnetic Flow Meters: A Comprehensive Guide" by Control Engineering: This article offers a detailed explanation of magnetic flow meter technology, including working principles, advantages, and limitations.
  • "Flow Measurement for Water and Wastewater Treatment" by Water Technology Online: This article discusses the importance of accurate flow measurement in water and wastewater treatment, highlighting the suitability of UniMag technology for these applications.
  • "Non-Intrusive Flow Measurement: An Overview" by Instrumentation & Control Systems: This article explores the benefits of non-intrusive flow measurement techniques, such as UniMag, for various industries, including environmental monitoring.

Online Resources

  • ISCO, Inc. website: This website provides comprehensive information about ISCO's flow measurement solutions, including closed pipe flow meters that utilize UniMag technology. You can find product specifications, application examples, and technical documentation.
  • Endress+Hauser website: Endress+Hauser is a leading manufacturer of flow meters, including magnetic flow meters. Their website offers technical resources, application guides, and product information related to UniMag technology.
  • Wikipedia: You can find a basic overview of magnetic flow meters on Wikipedia, which offers a starting point for understanding the fundamental principles of UniMag technology.

Search Tips

  • "UniMag flow meter": Use this phrase to find product information, articles, and research related to UniMag technology.
  • "ISCO closed pipe flow meter": This will help you find specific information about ISCO's UniMag flow meter solutions and their applications.
  • "Magnetic flow meter applications": This search will yield a broad range of articles and resources discussing the various applications of magnetic flow meters, including environmental and water treatment.
  • "Flow measurement water treatment": This will provide insights into the importance of flow measurement in water treatment processes and the advantages of using UniMag technology.
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