Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: type III settling

type III settling

Type III Settling: A Deep Dive into Hindered Settling in Environmental and Water Treatment


Type III settling, also known as hindered settling, is a fundamental concept in environmental and water treatment. It describes the settling behavior of particles in a suspension when they are so densely packed that their movement is significantly hindered by collisions with each other. Understanding this phenomenon is crucial for optimizing sedimentation processes in various applications, including wastewater treatment, water purification, and mineral processing.

Understanding Hindered Settling:

Imagine a glass filled with water and a small amount of sand. When you drop the sand, each particle settles individually, following a Type I settling pattern. However, if you increase the sand concentration, the particles start to encounter each other as they fall. This creates resistance and slows down the settling process. This is Type III settling.

In this regime, particles are so close together that they cannot settle independently. Instead, they form a loosely structured "flock," with the settling rate dictated by the collective movement of the entire group. This flock behaves differently than individual particles, exhibiting lower settling velocities than Type I settling.

Factors Influencing Type III Settling:

Several factors influence hindered settling, including:

  • Particle Concentration: As the particle concentration increases, the settling velocity decreases.
  • Particle Size and Shape: Larger and irregularly shaped particles experience greater hindrance than smaller and spherical ones.
  • Fluid Viscosity: Higher fluid viscosity leads to increased resistance and slower settling rates.
  • Particle Density: Denser particles settle faster, but the effect is less pronounced in hindered settling compared to Type I settling.

Implications for Environmental and Water Treatment:

Type III settling is crucial in several environmental and water treatment applications:

  • Wastewater Treatment: Sedimentation tanks rely on hindered settling to separate solids from wastewater. Understanding hindered settling helps optimize tank design and operation, maximizing the removal of suspended solids.
  • Water Purification: Filtration processes often involve hindered settling to remove particles from water. By controlling the concentration of particles, filtration efficiency can be improved.
  • Mineral Processing: Hindered settling is used to separate valuable minerals from their associated ores. By understanding the factors influencing settling behavior, the efficiency of mineral recovery can be enhanced.

Distinguishing Type III Settling from Other Settling Types:

Type III settling is distinct from other settling types:

  • Type I Settling: Individual particles settle independently, unaffected by other particles.
  • Type II Settling: Particles start to interact with each other, leading to a slight reduction in settling velocity.
  • Type IV Settling: The settling velocity becomes independent of particle concentration, due to the formation of a tightly packed sediment layer.


Type III settling, also known as hindered settling, is a crucial concept in environmental and water treatment. It describes the settling behavior of dense suspensions, where particle interactions significantly impact the settling rate. Understanding this phenomenon is essential for optimizing sedimentation processes in various applications, ensuring efficient removal of suspended solids and enhancing the overall performance of treatment systems. By carefully considering factors influencing hindered settling, we can design and operate systems that effectively treat water and other materials, protecting our environment and promoting sustainability.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz on Type III Settling:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is another name for Type III settling?

a) Free settling b) Hindered settling c) Compression settling d) Zone settling


b) Hindered settling

2. What is the primary factor influencing hindered settling?

a) Particle size b) Fluid viscosity c) Particle concentration d) All of the above


d) All of the above

3. In Type III settling, particles:

a) Settle independently at their terminal velocity. b) Settle as a group, with a lower settling velocity than individual particles. c) Form a tightly packed sediment layer. d) Exhibit a settling velocity independent of concentration.


b) Settle as a group, with a lower settling velocity than individual particles.

4. Which of the following applications DOES NOT rely on Type III settling?

a) Wastewater treatment b) Water purification c) Soil erosion d) Mineral processing


c) Soil erosion

5. How does increased fluid viscosity affect hindered settling?

a) Increases settling velocity b) Decreases settling velocity c) Has no effect on settling velocity d) Increases the density of particles


b) Decreases settling velocity



You are tasked with designing a sedimentation tank for a wastewater treatment plant. The wastewater contains a high concentration of suspended solids, and you need to ensure efficient removal of these solids.


  1. Explain how Type III settling is relevant to the design of this sedimentation tank.
  2. Identify three key factors that will influence the efficiency of the sedimentation process, considering the concept of hindered settling.
  3. Briefly describe how you would adjust the design of the sedimentation tank to optimize the removal of suspended solids, taking into account the factors identified in step 2.

Exercice Correction

1. Relevance of Type III Settling: Type III settling is highly relevant because the wastewater contains a high concentration of suspended solids. This means the particles will be densely packed, leading to hindered settling. Understanding the principles of hindered settling is crucial for designing a tank that promotes efficient separation of solids. 2. Key Factors Influencing Sedimentation Efficiency: * **Particle Concentration:** High concentration will significantly impact settling velocity, requiring a larger tank or longer settling time. * **Fluid Viscosity:** Wastewater viscosity can affect the settling velocity, requiring adjustments in tank design (e.g., increasing settling time or modifying tank shape). * **Particle Size and Shape:** Larger and irregularly shaped particles experience greater hindrance, potentially requiring pre-treatment or larger settling zones. 3. Adjusting Tank Design for Optimization: * **Larger Settling Area:** To accommodate the high particle concentration and the decreased settling velocity caused by hindered settling, a larger settling area will be needed to allow sufficient time for solids to settle. * **Increased Settling Time:** Longer retention time within the tank will help compensate for slower settling velocities. * **Pre-treatment for Particle Size Reduction:** If the wastewater contains large particles, a pre-treatment step (e.g., screening or flocculation) can be implemented to reduce particle size and improve settling efficiency.


  • "Water Treatment: Principles and Design" by Davis & Cornwell: This comprehensive textbook covers various aspects of water treatment, including sedimentation and hindered settling. It provides a strong foundation for understanding the theoretical principles behind Type III settling.
  • "Fluid Mechanics" by Frank M. White: A classic textbook for fluid mechanics, this book delves into the physics behind particle movement in fluids, including the concepts of drag and settling velocity, which are crucial for understanding hindered settling.
  • "Separation Process Principles" by J.R. Backhurst & J.H. Harker: This book covers various separation processes, including sedimentation, and provides insights into the design and operation of settling tanks and other related equipment.


  • "A Review of the Mechanisms of Particle Settling in Suspension" by J.H. Masliyah and R.T. Hunter: This article comprehensively reviews different types of particle settling, including hindered settling. It explores the underlying mechanisms and factors influencing each settling regime.
  • "Hindered Settling of Spherical Particles in a Viscous Fluid" by S.D. Wilson and A.K. Chesters: This article focuses on the mathematical modeling of hindered settling for spherical particles, providing insights into the relationship between particle concentration, particle size, and settling velocity.
  • "Effect of Particle Shape on Hindered Settling Velocity" by D.W. Fuerstenau and J.D. Miller: This article investigates the influence of particle shape on settling velocity in hindered settling, showcasing how irregular shapes can significantly impact settling behavior.

Online Resources

  • "Hindered Settling" Wikipedia page: Provides a concise overview of the concept, including definitions, influencing factors, and applications.
  • "Type III Settling" on Engineering Toolbox: This website offers a detailed explanation of Type III settling, including equations and examples.
  • "Particle Settling Velocity Calculator" by Engineering Toolbox: This tool allows you to calculate settling velocity for different particle sizes, densities, and fluid properties.
  • "Sedimentation Tanks" on Water Environment Federation: This webpage provides information on the design and operation of sedimentation tanks, highlighting the importance of hindered settling in wastewater treatment.

Search Tips

  • "Type III settling" OR "Hindered settling": Use both terms to find relevant results.
  • "Type III settling" + "applications": Focus your search on specific applications, such as wastewater treatment or mineral processing.
  • "Type III settling" + "mathematical model": Find articles and resources related to the mathematical modeling of hindered settling.
  • "Type III settling" + "research papers": Explore research publications related to the topic.
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