Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: turbidity


Turbidity: A Cloudy Picture of Water Quality

Turbidity, a seemingly simple term, plays a crucial role in the world of environmental and water treatment. It serves as a crucial indicator of water quality, reflecting the presence of suspended particles that scatter light, making the water appear cloudy or murky.

Understanding Turbidity:

At its core, turbidity is a measure of how much light is scattered by particles suspended in a water sample. These particles can be anything from clay and silt to algae, plankton, and even bacteria. The more particles present, the higher the turbidity, and the less light can penetrate the water.

Why Turbidity Matters:

Turbidity's impact extends far beyond aesthetics. High turbidity levels can:

  • Impair aquatic life: Reduced light penetration inhibits photosynthesis for aquatic plants, impacting the entire food chain.
  • Interfere with water treatment: Suspended particles can clog filters, increase chemical usage, and compromise disinfection processes.
  • Pose health risks: Turbid water can harbor harmful pathogens, increasing the risk of waterborne diseases.
  • Affect recreational activities: Cloudy water diminishes visibility, making swimming and other water sports less enjoyable.

Measuring Turbidity:

Turbidity is typically measured using a nephelometer, an instrument that shines a beam of light through a water sample and measures the amount of scattered light. The results are reported in Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTUs).

Controlling Turbidity:

Managing turbidity is vital for ensuring safe and healthy water. Common methods employed in water treatment plants include:

  • Coagulation and flocculation: Chemicals are added to bind small particles together, forming larger flocs that are easier to remove.
  • Sedimentation: Allowing water to settle in tanks allows heavier particles to sink to the bottom.
  • Filtration: Water is passed through filters, which remove remaining suspended particles.
  • Disinfection: After filtration, disinfectants like chlorine are used to kill any remaining harmful microorganisms.

Beyond Water Treatment:

Turbidity also plays a role in environmental monitoring. Scientists use turbidity measurements to assess water quality in rivers, lakes, and oceans. Changes in turbidity can signal pollution events, erosion, or algal blooms, providing valuable data for environmental management.

In Conclusion:

Turbidity, a seemingly simple measure of water clarity, holds profound implications for water quality, public health, and environmental well-being. By understanding the causes and consequences of turbidity, we can effectively manage water treatment processes and protect our aquatic ecosystems.

Test Your Knowledge

Turbidity Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does turbidity measure in water?

(a) The presence of dissolved salts (b) The amount of light scattered by suspended particles (c) The temperature of the water (d) The concentration of dissolved oxygen


(b) The amount of light scattered by suspended particles

2. Which of the following is NOT a consequence of high turbidity levels?

(a) Reduced visibility in water (b) Increased water treatment costs (c) Improved aquatic plant growth (d) Increased risk of waterborne diseases


(c) Improved aquatic plant growth

3. What unit is used to measure turbidity?

(a) Milligrams per liter (mg/L) (b) Parts per million (ppm) (c) Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTUs) (d) Degrees Celsius (°C)


(c) Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTUs)

4. Which of the following is a common method used to control turbidity in water treatment plants?

(a) Adding chlorine to kill bacteria (b) Using a filter to remove suspended particles (c) Heating the water to kill microorganisms (d) Adding fertilizer to promote plant growth


(b) Using a filter to remove suspended particles

5. How can turbidity measurements be used in environmental monitoring?

(a) To identify sources of pollution (b) To track the growth of algae blooms (c) To assess the health of aquatic ecosystems (d) All of the above


(d) All of the above

Turbidity Exercise

Scenario: You are a water quality technician working at a local lake. You have been tasked with monitoring turbidity levels to assess the impact of a recent construction project on the lake.


  1. Research: Find out what the typical turbidity levels are for the lake before the construction project began.
  2. Measurement: Use a nephelometer to take turbidity measurements at several locations in the lake.
  3. Analysis: Compare your measurements to the historical turbidity levels.
  4. Conclusion: Based on your findings, write a brief report explaining whether the construction project has affected the turbidity levels in the lake.

Exercise Correction:

Exercice Correction

The report should include the following points: * **Introduction:** Briefly explain the purpose of the turbidity monitoring and the context of the construction project. * **Methods:** Describe how you gathered data (sampling locations, number of measurements, etc.). * **Results:** Present the collected turbidity data (including historical data) in a clear and organized way (e.g., table, graph). * **Discussion:** Analyze the data and compare the current turbidity levels to historical data. Did the construction project significantly increase the turbidity? * **Conclusion:** Summarize your findings and state whether the construction project has affected the turbidity levels. Include any recommendations based on your observations.


  • Water Quality: Examination and Control by Davis & Cornwell: Offers a comprehensive overview of water quality parameters, including turbidity, its measurement, and management.
  • Water Treatment Principles and Design by AWWA: A classic text in the field of water treatment, covering turbidity control techniques and their effectiveness.
  • Environmental Engineering: Fundamentals, Sustainability, and Design by Davis & Masten: Provides a thorough understanding of environmental principles, including the role of turbidity in water quality and pollution control.


  • "Turbidity: A Water Quality Indicator" by the US EPA: An informative article explaining the significance of turbidity, its impact on human health, and the regulatory standards for potable water.
  • "A Review of Turbidity Measurement Techniques for Water Quality Monitoring" by C. A. Edwards: A research paper analyzing various turbidity measurement methods and their applications in water quality assessment.
  • "The Role of Turbidity in Water Treatment" by the Water Research Foundation: An article highlighting the challenges and advancements in controlling turbidity during water treatment processes.

Online Resources

  • United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): - Access a wealth of information on water quality regulations, turbidity standards, and related resources.
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): - Explore various publications, training materials, and technical resources related to water treatment, including turbidity management.
  • Water Research Foundation (WRF): - Find research reports, technical guides, and best practices for managing turbidity in water treatment and environmental monitoring.

Search Tips

  • Specific search terms: Use keywords like "turbidity measurement," "turbidity control," "turbidity standards," "turbidity impact on aquatic life," or "turbidity water treatment."
  • Filter your search: Use "filetype:pdf" to search for downloadable documents like research papers and technical reports.
  • Combine keywords: Combine relevant keywords to narrow your search results, for example, "turbidity measurement techniques AND water quality monitoring."
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases in quotation marks to find exact matches, such as "nephelometric turbidity units."
  • Explore advanced search operators: Use operators like "+" for required words, "-" for excluded words, and "OR" to expand your search.
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