Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Air Quality Management: Tub Scrubber

Tub Scrubber

Tub Scrubber: A Key Component in Environmental and Water Treatment

The term "tub scrubber" is a general term used in environmental and water treatment to describe a type of air pollution control device that utilizes a scrubbing solution to remove pollutants from a gas stream. These scrubbers are often used in industrial settings to remove harmful gases, dust, and other particulate matter from the air before it is released into the atmosphere.

How Tub Scrubbers Work:

Tub scrubbers work by passing the polluted gas stream through a cylindrical vessel, known as a "tub" or "tower," containing a scrubbing solution. The solution can be water, an alkaline solution, or a specialized chemical depending on the specific pollutants being targeted. As the gas stream travels through the tub, the pollutants come into contact with the scrubbing solution and undergo a physical or chemical reaction, removing them from the gas stream.

Types of Tub Scrubbers:

There are various types of tub scrubbers, each tailored for different applications and pollutants:

  • Venturi Scrubbers: These scrubbers utilize high-velocity gas flow through a constricted section (venturi) to create a high-energy scrubbing action.
  • Packed Bed Scrubbers: These scrubbers use a packed bed of material, like ceramic or plastic rings, to increase the surface area for contact between the scrubbing solution and the gas stream.
  • Spray Towers: These scrubbers use a series of spray nozzles to disperse the scrubbing solution into the gas stream, creating a fine mist that effectively captures pollutants.

Single Stage Dry Chemical Air Scrubber by Purafil, Inc.:

Purafil, Inc. offers a range of air scrubbers, including the single-stage dry chemical air scrubber. This system utilizes a proprietary dry chemical media to capture and neutralize pollutants, eliminating the need for a liquid scrubbing solution. The dry chemical media is highly efficient at removing various airborne contaminants, including:

  • Acid Gases: Sulfur dioxide (SO2), Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), Hydrogen chloride (HCl), Nitrogen oxides (NOx).
  • Organic Vapors: Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), ketones, aldehydes.
  • Particulate Matter: Dust, smoke, fumes.

Advantages of Purafil's Single Stage Dry Chemical Air Scrubber:

  • Low Maintenance: The dry chemical media requires minimal maintenance, unlike traditional wet scrubbers.
  • Low Operating Costs: No need for water or chemicals for the scrubbing process, reducing operational expenses.
  • Compact Design: The scrubber is designed for space-saving installations.
  • High Efficiency: The dry chemical media provides high capture rates for a wide range of pollutants.
  • Environmentally Friendly: Reduces air pollution emissions without generating wastewater or hazardous waste.


Tub scrubbers, including Purafil's dry chemical air scrubber, play a crucial role in environmental and water treatment, effectively controlling air pollution and protecting human health. Their efficiency, low maintenance, and environmental friendliness make them valuable tools for various industries striving to minimize their environmental footprint.

Test Your Knowledge

Tub Scrubber Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a tub scrubber in environmental and water treatment? a) To filter water for drinking purposes b) To remove pollutants from a gas stream c) To generate electricity from wastewater d) To separate oil and water


b) To remove pollutants from a gas stream

2. Which of the following is NOT a type of tub scrubber? a) Venturi Scrubber b) Packed Bed Scrubber c) Spray Tower d) Cyclone Separator


d) Cyclone Separator

3. What is the main advantage of Purafil's single-stage dry chemical air scrubber compared to traditional wet scrubbers? a) Higher water consumption b) Less efficient pollution removal c) Higher maintenance requirements d) Lower operating costs


d) Lower operating costs

4. Which of the following pollutants can be effectively removed by Purafil's dry chemical air scrubber? a) Carbon Dioxide (CO2) b) Ozone (O3) c) Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) d) Nitrogen (N2)


c) Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)

5. What makes Purafil's dry chemical air scrubber environmentally friendly? a) It uses only natural materials b) It produces a clean energy byproduct c) It reduces air pollution without generating wastewater d) It captures and recycles all pollutants


c) It reduces air pollution without generating wastewater

Tub Scrubber Exercise:

Scenario: An industrial plant is looking to install a new air pollution control system. They are considering either a wet scrubber or a dry chemical scrubber like Purafil's single-stage system. The plant produces a gas stream containing sulfur dioxide (SO2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and particulate matter.

Task: Compare and contrast the two types of scrubbers based on the following criteria:

  • Efficiency in removing pollutants (SO2, H2S, particulate matter)
  • Operating costs (water, chemicals, maintenance)
  • Environmental impact (wastewater generation, energy consumption)
  • Space requirements

Instructions: Present your findings in a table format, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each scrubber type in the context of this specific scenario.

Exercice Correction

CriteriaWet ScrubberDry Chemical Scrubber
Efficiency in removing SO2, H2S, and particulate matterHigh efficiency for SO2 and H2S, moderate efficiency for particulate matter. Requires careful selection of scrubbing solution and operating conditions.High efficiency for SO2, H2S, and particulate matter. Can be tailored to specific pollutant concentrations.
Operating costsHigher operating costs due to water consumption, chemical usage, and regular maintenance.Lower operating costs as it doesn't require water or chemicals. Maintenance is minimal.
Environmental impactGenerates wastewater that needs to be treated. Can require significant energy consumption for water pumping and chemical handling.Minimizes environmental impact due to lack of wastewater generation and lower energy consumption.
Space requirementsTypically requires larger space for equipment, water storage, and wastewater treatment.Compact design with smaller footprint compared to wet scrubbers.


  • Air Pollution Control Engineering by Kenneth W. Busch
  • Handbook of Air Pollution Control Engineering by Daniel J. Theodore, John A. Reynolds, and Wayne J. Zimmerman
  • Pollution Control for the Process Industries by Theodore et al.
  • Environmental Engineering: A Global Perspective by David A. Chin


  • "Scrubbers: A Review of Their Use in Air Pollution Control" by David A. Tillman, Environmental Engineering Science, 2005
  • "Wet Scrubbers: An Overview" by John S. Boggs, Chemical Engineering Progress, 2002
  • "Dry Scrubbers: An Overview" by Robert E. Cavanaugh, Chemical Engineering Progress, 2001
  • "A Comparative Study of Wet Scrubbers and Dry Scrubbers for SO2 Removal" by M. A. Khan et al., Environmental Science & Technology, 2012

Online Resources

  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Air Pollution Control Technology Factsheets:
  • Air Pollution Control Association (APCA):
  • Purafil, Inc.:
  • The National Air Pollution Control Association (NAPCA):

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "tub scrubber," "air pollution control," "wet scrubber," "dry scrubber," "venturi scrubber," "packed bed scrubber," "spray tower," "sulfur dioxide removal," "VOC removal."
  • Combine keywords: "tub scrubber applications," "tub scrubber advantages," "tub scrubber types."
  • Search for specific manufacturers: "Purafil tub scrubber," "Erie Environmental tub scrubber," "Koch-Glitsch tub scrubber."
  • Include location: "tub scrubber manufacturers in [city/state]."
  • Use advanced search operators:
    • Site: "tub scrubber"
    • Filetype: "tub scrubber" filetype:pdf
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