Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Air Quality Management: TTHMFP


Understanding TTHMFP: A Key Indicator for Water Quality

Total Trihalomethane Formation Potential (TTHMFP) is a critical parameter in environmental and water treatment, indicating the potential for the formation of trihalomethanes (THMs) in treated water. THMs are a group of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) formed during water disinfection, particularly when chlorine reacts with organic matter in the water source. These compounds are classified as potential human carcinogens and have been linked to adverse health effects, including liver, kidney, and bladder cancer.

Why is TTHMFP Important?

TTHMFP provides a proactive approach to water quality management by:

  • Predicting THM formation: It estimates the potential for THM formation in the treated water, even before disinfection occurs.
  • Optimizing disinfection strategies: This information helps water treatment plants adjust disinfection processes to minimize THM formation while maintaining effective water disinfection.
  • Ensuring compliance: TTHMFP helps water utilities comply with regulatory standards set by agencies like the EPA, which limit the amount of THMs allowed in drinking water.

How is TTHMFP Measured?

TTHMFP is determined through laboratory analysis using a specific protocol. It involves:

  1. Collecting water samples: Samples are collected from the source water before any treatment.
  2. Adding chlorine: Chlorine is added to the sample under controlled conditions to simulate the disinfection process.
  3. Monitoring THM formation: The formation of THMs is monitored over a specified time period.
  4. Calculating TTHMFP: The measured THM levels are extrapolated to predict the potential for THM formation in the treated water.

Factors Influencing TTHMFP

The following factors can significantly influence TTHMFP:

  • Organic matter content: Higher organic matter levels in the source water lead to higher TTHMFP.
  • Disinfection method and dosage: Chlorine-based disinfection methods contribute to THM formation. Higher chlorine dosages generally lead to higher TTHMFP.
  • Water temperature and pH: Temperature and pH levels influence the rate of THM formation.
  • Contact time: Longer contact times between chlorine and organic matter can increase THM formation.

Managing TTHMFP

Several strategies can be employed to manage TTHMFP and reduce THM formation in treated water:

  • Source water quality control: Implementing measures to reduce organic matter in the source water through pre-treatment options like coagulation and filtration.
  • Optimizing disinfection processes: Adjusting chlorine dosage, contact time, and exploring alternative disinfection methods like ozone or ultraviolet (UV) disinfection.
  • Post-treatment removal: Utilizing activated carbon filters or other treatment techniques to remove THMs from treated water.


TTHMFP is a crucial indicator for water quality, allowing for proactive management of THM formation in treated water. Understanding the factors influencing TTHMFP and implementing appropriate control measures is vital to ensure safe and healthy drinking water for consumers. By actively managing TTHMFP, water treatment facilities can minimize the risks associated with THMs and safeguard public health.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Understanding TTHMFP

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does TTHMFP stand for?

a) Total Trihalomethane Formation Potential



b) Total Trihalomethane Formation Process c) Total Trihalomethane Filtration Potential d) Total Trihalomethane Formation Production

2. Why is TTHMFP an important indicator for water quality?

a) It measures the amount of THMs already present in the water. b) It predicts the potential for THM formation in treated water.



c) It determines the effectiveness of water filtration systems. d) It measures the level of chlorine in treated water.

3. Which of the following factors does NOT influence TTHMFP?

a) Water temperature b) Water hardness



c) Disinfection method d) Organic matter content

4. What is a potential strategy to manage TTHMFP and reduce THM formation?

a) Increasing chlorine dosage for stronger disinfection. b) Using activated carbon filters to remove THMs from treated water.



c) Adding more organic matter to the water source. d) Discontinuing disinfection processes altogether.

5. Which of the following statements is TRUE about THMs?

a) They are harmless to human health. b) They are naturally occurring compounds found in water sources. c) They are classified as potential human carcinogens.



d) They are easily removed by boiling water.

Exercise: TTHMFP Scenarios

Scenario: You are a water treatment plant operator and are tasked with monitoring TTHMFP levels. You notice that the TTHMFP readings have been consistently increasing over the past few weeks.

Task: Identify two potential causes for the increased TTHMFP readings and explain how you would investigate each cause. Propose two practical actions you could take to address the issue.

Exercise Correction

Potential Causes:

  1. Increased Organic Matter in Source Water: Changes in the source water, such as seasonal variations or a new source, could lead to higher organic matter levels.

  2. Chlorine Dosage: An increase in chlorine dosage could contribute to higher THM formation.


  1. Source Water Analysis: Analyze the source water for changes in organic matter content, including TOC (Total Organic Carbon) levels and specific organic compounds. This could involve sampling at different points in the source water supply and comparing results to historical data.

  2. Disinfection Process Review: Check the chlorine feed rate and flow rate for any changes or inconsistencies. Verify that the chlorination system is operating correctly.

Actions to Address the Issue:

  1. Pre-treatment Optimization: Consider adding or improving pre-treatment processes like coagulation and filtration to remove more organic matter from the source water.

  2. Disinfection Optimization: Adjust the chlorine dosage, contact time, or explore alternative disinfection methods (like ozonation or UV disinfection) to reduce THM formation while still maintaining adequate disinfection levels.


  • Water Treatment: Principles and Design by W.J. Weber Jr. and D.A. DiGiano
  • Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations by C.N. Sawyer, P.L. McCarty, and G.F. Parkin
  • Drinking Water Treatment: Principles and Design by G.L. Amy and M.J. Wiesner


  • "Trihalomethane Formation Potential (THMFP) of Source Waters in the United States" by A.W. Saunier, A.D. Eaton, and J.C. Crittenden (Journal of the American Water Works Association, 1992)
  • "Effects of Water Quality Parameters on Trihalomethane Formation Potential" by J.C. Crittenden, A.W. Saunier, and A.D. Eaton (Water Research, 1993)
  • "A Review of Trihalomethane Formation Potential and its Control" by P.K. Singh and S.P. Singh (Journal of Environmental Management, 2010)
  • "Factors Influencing Trihalomethane Formation Potential in Drinking Water Treatment" by M.R. Al-Dahhan (Desalination, 2007)

Online Resources

  • United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): The EPA website provides extensive information on THMs, regulations, and best practices for managing TTHMFP.
    • EPA Drinking Water Regulations and Guidance:
    • EPA THM Information:
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): The AWWA offers resources and guidance on water treatment, including information on THM formation and control.
    • AWWA TTHM Information:
  • Water Research Foundation (WRF): The WRF provides research and information on a variety of water quality topics, including THM formation and control.
    • WRF Research Reports:

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "TTHMFP," "trihalomethane formation potential," "THM formation," "drinking water disinfection," "chlorine disinfection," "water quality"
  • Include relevant location or region: "TTHMFP in California," "THM formation potential in New York"
  • Combine keywords with operators: "TTHMFP AND regulations," "trihalomethane formation potential OR THM control"
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