Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: Tritor


Tritor: A Powerful Tool in Waste Management

In the realm of wastewater treatment, efficiency and effectiveness are paramount. The term "Tritor" refers to a powerful, innovative device that plays a crucial role in the first stages of wastewater treatment: front-end solids removal. This article delves into the world of Tritors, focusing on the front-cleaned bar screen and grit removal device offered by USFilter/Headworks Products.

Understanding the Importance of Front-End Solids Removal

Before wastewater can be treated effectively, it's essential to remove large solids and grit. These materials can damage pumps, clog pipes, and interfere with downstream treatment processes. Tritors are designed to tackle this task efficiently and reliably.

USFilter/Headworks Products: Combining Innovation and Efficiency

USFilter/Headworks Products is a leading provider of wastewater treatment solutions, including the renowned Tritor range. Their offerings combine robust construction, advanced engineering, and innovative features to ensure optimal performance.

Front-Cleaned Bar Screen: The First Line of Defense

The front-cleaned bar screen acts as the initial barrier against large debris in wastewater. Its key features include:

  • Vertical Bars: These bars are spaced precisely to efficiently capture large solids.
  • Front Cleaning Mechanism: A mechanical rake system travels along the front face of the screen, removing collected debris continuously. This eliminates the need for manual cleaning and reduces downtime.
  • Automatic Controls: Advanced sensors monitor screen operation, automatically adjusting the cleaning process as required.

Tritor Grit Removal Device: Eliminating Grit and Sand

The Gritor is a specialized device designed to remove grit and sand from wastewater. This is achieved through a combination of:

  • Controlled Velocity: Wastewater flow is carefully regulated within the device, allowing grit particles to settle while lighter solids remain suspended.
  • Skimming Mechanism: A rotating drum or scraper system collects the settled grit, removing it from the water stream.
  • Automatic Discharge: Collected grit is automatically discharged to a separate collection point, eliminating manual handling.

Benefits of USFilter/Headworks Products Tritors:

  • Improved Wastewater Quality: Effective solids removal ensures cleaner wastewater, promoting optimal treatment efficiency.
  • Reduced Operational Costs: Automatic cleaning and minimal maintenance requirements minimize labor costs and downtime.
  • Enhanced Equipment Lifespan: By protecting downstream equipment from damage, Tritors extend the lifespan of pumps, pipes, and other components.
  • Environmentally Sound: Efficient solids removal contributes to a cleaner environment by reducing pollution from wastewater discharge.


Tritors, particularly the front-cleaned bar screen and grit removal device offered by USFilter/Headworks Products, are crucial components in modern wastewater treatment plants. They ensure efficient solids removal, improve overall treatment effectiveness, and contribute to a cleaner environment. By embracing these innovative solutions, wastewater treatment facilities can optimize their operations and deliver high-quality effluent.

Test Your Knowledge

Tritor Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a Tritor in wastewater treatment? a) Removing dissolved organic matter b) Disinfecting wastewater c) Front-end solids removal d) Treating sludge


c) Front-end solids removal

2. Which component of a Tritor system acts as the initial barrier against large debris? a) Grit removal device b) Front-cleaned bar screen c) Skimming mechanism d) Automatic controls


b) Front-cleaned bar screen

3. How does the front-cleaned bar screen remove debris? a) By manually lifting and cleaning the screen b) By using a mechanical rake system that travels along the screen c) By filtering the wastewater through a fine mesh d) By settling the debris at the bottom of the screen


b) By using a mechanical rake system that travels along the screen

4. What is the main purpose of the Gritor component in a Tritor system? a) Removing dissolved solids b) Removing grit and sand c) Disinfecting the wastewater d) Controlling the flow rate


b) Removing grit and sand

5. What is a significant benefit of using Tritors in wastewater treatment? a) Reduction in operational costs b) Increased water usage c) Increased pollution d) Decreased equipment lifespan


a) Reduction in operational costs

Tritor Exercise:

Problem: A wastewater treatment plant is experiencing issues with clogged pipes and damaged pumps. The plant manager suspects the problem stems from inefficient solids removal in the initial stages of treatment.

Task: 1. Identify the likely cause of the plant's problems based on the information provided. 2. Recommend a specific solution involving Tritors to address the issue. 3. Explain how the recommended solution would improve the plant's overall efficiency and reduce operational costs.

Exercise Correction

**1. Identification:** The likely cause of the plant's problems is inefficient solids removal. This is because clogged pipes and damaged pumps often occur when large debris and grit are not adequately removed from the wastewater before it reaches the downstream equipment. **2. Recommendation:** The plant should install a USFilter/Headworks Tritor system, specifically the front-cleaned bar screen and grit removal device. **3. Explanation:** The Tritor system would effectively address the solids removal issue. The front-cleaned bar screen would capture large debris, preventing it from reaching the pumps and pipes. The Gritor would efficiently remove grit and sand, minimizing their impact on downstream equipment. By improving solids removal, the Tritor system would reduce the risk of clogged pipes and damaged pumps, leading to: * **Reduced maintenance costs:** Fewer repairs and replacements of damaged equipment. * **Improved operational efficiency:** Less downtime due to clogged pipes and equipment failures. * **Increased lifespan of equipment:** Better protection against wear and tear caused by debris. * **Enhanced wastewater quality:** More efficient treatment of wastewater.


  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy: This comprehensive textbook covers all aspects of wastewater treatment, including solids removal technologies.
  • Water Treatment: Principles and Design by Davis & Cornwell: This book explores various water and wastewater treatment processes, providing technical details on grit removal systems.


  • "Tritor Front-Cleaned Bar Screen" by USFilter/Headworks Products: This product brochure showcases the features and benefits of the Tritor front-cleaned bar screen.
  • "Grit Removal in Wastewater Treatment: A Review" by J.L. Smith et al. (Journal of Environmental Engineering): This academic article discusses the importance of grit removal and various techniques, including the use of Tritors.
  • "Automatic Grit Removal Systems: Design Considerations and Best Practices" by D.R. Jones: This article examines the engineering principles behind grit removal systems and provides guidelines for selecting appropriate technology.

Online Resources

  • USFilter/Headworks Products Website: This website provides detailed information about their Tritor products, including technical specifications, case studies, and customer testimonials.
  • WEF (Water Environment Federation): This professional organization offers resources, publications, and conferences related to wastewater treatment and water quality.
  • EPA (Environmental Protection Agency): The EPA website provides guidance and regulations related to wastewater treatment and pollution control.

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  • "Tritor front-cleaned bar screen"
  • "Tritor grit removal device"
  • "Wastewater treatment solids removal"
  • "USFilter Headworks Tritor"
  • "Grit removal technology"
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