Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Sustainable Water Management: Transvap


Transvap: Revolutionizing Wastewater Reduction & Recovery with Mobile Technology

The term "Transvap" refers to a cutting-edge technology utilized by Licon, Inc. in their innovative mobile wastewater reduction and recovery system. This technology harnesses the power of evaporation to effectively reduce and reuse wastewater, offering a sustainable and environmentally conscious solution for various industries.

What is Transvap and how does it work?

Transvap is a specialized evaporation process that leverages heat to separate water from wastewater. The process involves heating the wastewater to its boiling point, allowing the water vapor to rise and be collected. This collected vapor is then condensed back into clean, reusable water, while the remaining concentrated contaminants are safely disposed of or further treated.

Mobile Wastewater Reduction/Recovery System by Licon, Inc.:

Licon, Inc.'s mobile wastewater reduction/recovery system incorporates the Transvap technology into a self-contained, portable unit. This system boasts several advantages:

  • On-site deployment: The system's mobility allows for easy deployment at various locations, eliminating the need for costly and time-consuming transportation.
  • Reduced water consumption: By recovering and reusing water, the system significantly reduces reliance on freshwater sources, contributing to water conservation efforts.
  • Minimized waste disposal: The system efficiently removes contaminants from wastewater, minimizing the volume of waste that requires disposal.
  • Environmentally friendly: By reducing wastewater discharge and promoting water reuse, the system significantly minimizes environmental impact.
  • Cost-effective: The system reduces water treatment costs and potentially eliminates the need for costly wastewater disposal fees.

Applications and benefits:

Licon's Transvap-based mobile system offers a versatile solution for numerous industries, including:

  • Oil and gas: Removing contaminants from produced water and reducing the volume of wastewater requiring disposal.
  • Agriculture: Reusing water for irrigation, reducing reliance on freshwater sources and minimizing water stress.
  • Construction: Reducing water consumption and wastewater discharge during construction projects.
  • Manufacturing: Recovering and reusing process water, promoting water conservation and reducing costs.
  • Disaster relief: Providing clean water for drinking, sanitation, and other essential uses in emergency situations.


Transvap technology, as implemented in Licon, Inc.'s mobile wastewater reduction/recovery system, offers a highly effective and sustainable solution for various industries. This mobile technology addresses the increasing demand for water conservation, reduces environmental impact, and provides a cost-effective alternative to traditional wastewater treatment methods. With its versatility and efficiency, Transvap holds the potential to revolutionize wastewater management and promote a more sustainable future.

Test Your Knowledge

Transvap Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the core technology behind Transvap?

a) Reverse osmosis
b) Filtration


c) Evaporation

c) Evaporation
d) Distillation

2. How does Transvap contribute to environmental sustainability?

a) By using harsh chemicals to treat wastewater
b) By increasing reliance on freshwater sources


c) By reducing wastewater discharge and promoting water reuse

c) By reducing wastewater discharge and promoting water reuse
d) By creating more landfill waste

3. What is a key advantage of Licon's mobile wastewater reduction system?

a) It requires a permanent, fixed location
b) It is expensive to operate


c) It can be deployed on-site at various locations

c) It can be deployed on-site at various locations
d) It only works for specific types of wastewater

4. Which industry could benefit from using Transvap to recover water for irrigation?

a) Oil and gas
b) Construction


c) Agriculture

c) Agriculture
d) Manufacturing

5. What is a potential cost benefit of using Transvap?

a) Increased reliance on freshwater sources
b) Higher wastewater disposal fees


c) Reduced water treatment costs

c) Reduced water treatment costs
d) Increased need for specialized equipment

Transvap Exercise

Task: Imagine you are working for a construction company. Your team is building a new shopping mall in a drought-stricken area. Explain how Licon's Transvap technology could be a valuable asset in this project. Consider the benefits, challenges, and potential impact on the local environment.

Exercice Correction

Licon's Transvap technology would be invaluable in this project for several reasons: **Benefits:** * **Water Conservation:** Transvap would significantly reduce the project's reliance on freshwater resources, which are scarce in a drought-stricken area. * **Waste Reduction:** The system would minimize the volume of wastewater requiring disposal, reducing environmental impact. * **On-Site Deployment:** The mobile nature of the system allows for convenient use at the construction site, eliminating the need for costly transportation. * **Cost Savings:** Reusing treated water can reduce water treatment expenses and potentially eliminate wastewater disposal fees. **Challenges:** * **Initial Investment:** The initial purchase of the Transvap system may require a significant investment. * **Power Needs:** The system requires power to operate, which may require additional infrastructure at the site. * **Maintenance:** Regular maintenance is necessary to ensure the system's efficiency and longevity. **Impact on the Local Environment:** * **Reduced Water Stress:** Using Transvap would minimize the strain on local water sources, contributing to the region's sustainability. * **Minimized Pollution:** The system's efficient contaminant removal would reduce the potential for pollution from wastewater discharge. * **Positive Public Image:** The company's commitment to sustainable practices would project a positive image to the local community.



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