Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: Toxic Release Inventory (TRI)

Toxic Release Inventory (TRI)

The Toxic Release Inventory: A Vital Tool for Environmental Health

The Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) is a publicly available database that provides a comprehensive overview of toxic chemical releases from industrial facilities in the United States. Created under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), specifically Title III, Section 313, the TRI acts as a critical tool for environmental monitoring, public health protection, and informed decision-making.

What is the TRI?

The TRI is a database that compiles reports submitted by facilities that manufacture, process, or use certain toxic chemicals listed in the TRI list. These reports detail the amounts of chemicals released into the environment, transferred off-site, and recycled. The data includes information on:

  • Chemical Name: The specific chemical released.
  • Amount Released: The quantity of each chemical released, measured in pounds.
  • Release Pathway: The route by which the chemical was released (e.g., air, water, land).
  • Facility Information: The name, location, and industry sector of the reporting facility.

Importance of the TRI:

The TRI plays a crucial role in promoting environmental health and public safety by:

  • Transparency & Accountability: The public availability of this data ensures transparency and accountability for industries regarding their toxic chemical releases.
  • Community Engagement: Communities can access information about potential risks and participate in efforts to reduce toxic chemical emissions.
  • Environmental Monitoring: The TRI data serves as a valuable resource for environmental agencies and researchers to track trends, identify hotspots, and assess the effectiveness of environmental regulations.
  • Pollution Prevention: By highlighting facilities with high release rates, the TRI encourages companies to adopt pollution prevention measures and invest in cleaner production technologies.
  • Informed Decision-Making: The TRI data empowers communities, policymakers, and businesses to make informed decisions about siting, planning, and environmental regulations.

Accessing the TRI Data:

The TRI data is accessible through the EPA's Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) website. Users can search for specific chemicals, facilities, or locations, and download data in various formats. The website also provides user-friendly tools and resources to analyze and interpret the data.

The TRI's Impact:

The TRI has had a significant impact on environmental protection and public health:

  • Reduced Toxic Chemical Releases: Since its implementation, the overall amount of toxic chemicals released in the US has decreased significantly, demonstrating the effectiveness of reporting and transparency requirements.
  • Increased Public Awareness: The TRI has raised public awareness about toxic chemical emissions and encouraged communities to engage in environmental issues.
  • Improved Environmental Regulations: The TRI data has informed the development and refinement of environmental regulations aimed at reducing pollution.


The Toxic Release Inventory serves as a powerful tool for environmental protection and public health. By providing transparent information about toxic chemical releases, the TRI empowers communities, promotes accountability, and drives progress towards cleaner industries and a healthier environment. As we continue to address environmental challenges, the TRI remains an essential resource for achieving a sustainable future.

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