Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: TOXFP


TOXFP: A Key Indicator for Water Quality and Treatment Efficiency

The term TOXFP, or Total Organic Halogen Formation Potential, plays a crucial role in environmental and water treatment sectors. It refers to the maximum amount of halogens (chlorine, bromine, iodine) that can be incorporated into organic compounds during water treatment processes. This information is critical for understanding and managing potential risks associated with the formation of disinfection byproducts (DBPs) in drinking water.

Why is TOXFP important?

  • Disinfection Byproduct Formation: During water treatment, disinfectants like chlorine are used to kill harmful bacteria and viruses. However, when these disinfectants react with organic matter present in the water, they can form DBPs. Some DBPs are known to be carcinogenic and can pose health risks even at low concentrations.
  • Predicting DBP Formation: TOXFP provides a valuable tool to predict the potential formation of DBPs in water. By measuring the amount of halogens that can be incorporated into organic matter, we can estimate the maximum concentration of DBPs that could form during disinfection.
  • Optimizing Treatment Processes: TOXFP data helps water treatment plants optimize their processes. Knowing the TOXFP of source water allows them to select the most efficient disinfection method and minimize DBP formation. It also helps them adjust treatment parameters like chlorine dosage and contact time.
  • Monitoring Water Quality: Regular monitoring of TOXFP in source water and treated water allows for early detection of potential problems related to DBP formation. This enables proactive measures to prevent or minimize the risk of DBP exposure to consumers.

Measuring TOXFP:

TOXFP is typically measured using laboratory methods, such as haloform formation potential (HFP) and total organic halogen (TOX). These methods involve reacting water samples with a strong oxidizing agent (like chlorine) under controlled conditions and then measuring the amount of halogens that are incorporated into organic compounds.

Factors Influencing TOXFP:

Several factors can influence the TOXFP of water, including:

  • Source water quality: The presence and concentration of organic matter, especially humic substances, directly affects TOXFP.
  • Treatment processes: Different treatment processes, like coagulation, flocculation, and filtration, can impact the amount of organic matter removed from the water, thus affecting TOXFP.
  • Disinfectant type and dosage: The type and dosage of disinfectants used can influence the extent of DBP formation and ultimately the TOXFP value.
  • Water temperature and pH: These factors can influence the rate and extent of chemical reactions involved in DBP formation.

Reducing TOXFP:

Several strategies can be employed to reduce TOXFP and minimize DBP formation:

  • Pre-treatment: Removing organic matter from source water using techniques like coagulation, flocculation, and filtration can significantly reduce TOXFP.
  • Optimization of disinfection: Using alternative disinfectants like ozone or UV light can help minimize DBP formation. Adjusting chlorine dosage and contact time can also be effective.
  • Membrane filtration: Advanced treatment methods like membrane filtration can effectively remove organic matter and reduce TOXFP.
  • Alternative water sources: Utilizing alternative sources like groundwater or surface water with lower organic content can help reduce TOXFP.


TOXFP is a critical indicator of water quality and treatment efficiency. Understanding and monitoring TOXFP allows for better prediction and control of DBP formation, enabling water treatment plants to deliver safe and potable water to consumers. By implementing appropriate treatment strategies, we can effectively manage TOXFP and ensure the quality and safety of our drinking water resources.

Test Your Knowledge


Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does TOXFP stand for?

a) Total Organic Fluorine Potential b) Total Organic Halogen Formation Potential c) Total Organic Hydrogen Formation Potential d) Total Oxidized Fluoride Potential


b) Total Organic Halogen Formation Potential

2. Why is TOXFP an important indicator of water quality?

a) It measures the amount of dissolved minerals in water. b) It indicates the presence of harmful bacteria and viruses. c) It predicts the potential formation of disinfection byproducts (DBPs). d) It measures the total organic carbon content in water.


c) It predicts the potential formation of disinfection byproducts (DBPs).

3. Which of the following factors can influence TOXFP?

a) Water temperature b) Disinfectant type and dosage c) Presence of organic matter in source water d) All of the above


d) All of the above

4. What is one strategy to reduce TOXFP?

a) Increasing the chlorine dosage during disinfection b) Using alternative disinfectants like ozone or UV light c) Adding more organic matter to the source water d) Decreasing the water temperature during treatment


b) Using alternative disinfectants like ozone or UV light

5. What is the primary purpose of measuring TOXFP in water treatment?

a) To determine the level of fluoride in the water. b) To predict the amount of DBPs that may form during disinfection. c) To measure the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water. d) To determine the effectiveness of filtration processes.


b) To predict the amount of DBPs that may form during disinfection.

TOXFP Exercise

Scenario: A water treatment plant is experiencing high levels of TOXFP in its treated water. The plant uses chlorine for disinfection and has a conventional treatment process with coagulation, flocculation, and filtration.

Task: Propose at least three strategies that the water treatment plant can implement to reduce the TOXFP in its treated water. Explain the rationale behind each strategy.

Exercice Correction

Here are some potential strategies the water treatment plant could implement:

  • Pre-treatment Optimization:

    • Enhanced Coagulation/Flocculation: Improve the efficiency of the coagulation and flocculation processes by adjusting chemical dosages, optimizing mixing times, and potentially upgrading equipment. This can lead to better removal of organic matter from the source water, ultimately reducing TOXFP.
    • Improved Filtration: Assess and potentially upgrade the filtration system to remove more organic matter before disinfection. Consider using finer filter media or implementing additional filtration stages.
  • Disinfection Optimization:

    • Alternative Disinfectant: Explore using alternative disinfectants like ozone or UV light, which can be more effective at killing pathogens without forming as many DBPs.
    • Chlorine Dosage Adjustment: Carefully evaluate and potentially reduce the chlorine dosage used for disinfection. While lower dosages might not achieve the same level of disinfection, they could significantly reduce the formation of chlorinated DBPs.
  • Source Water Evaluation:

    • Alternative Source: Investigate the possibility of using an alternative source water with lower organic content. This could involve exploring groundwater sources or implementing source water protection measures to minimize pollution in the existing source.

Rationale: These strategies target the key factors influencing TOXFP: reducing the amount of organic matter in the water, optimizing disinfection processes, and potentially changing the source water. By addressing these factors, the water treatment plant can effectively reduce TOXFP and improve the overall quality and safety of the treated water.


  • Water Treatment: Principles and Design by Mark J. Hammer
  • Drinking Water Treatment: Principles and Applications by Charles N. Sawyer and Perry L. McCarty
  • Disinfection Byproducts in Water Treatment by R.P. Singal
  • Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment by M.N. Rao


  • Disinfection Byproducts: Formation, Occurrence, and Control by G.R. Peyton, J.M. Edzwald, and R.C. Hoehn (Journal of the American Water Works Association, 1997)
  • Evaluating the Impact of Water Treatment Processes on Trihalomethane Formation Potential by M.L. Davis, S.C. Singer, and R.L. Valentine (Water Research, 2002)
  • Advanced Oxidation Processes for the Control of Disinfection Byproducts: A Review by M.A. Vicente, J.A. Garcia, and J.M. Casas (Water Research, 2004)
  • TOXFP as a Predictor of Disinfection Byproduct Formation in Drinking Water by J.H. Kim, D.J. Yoon, and J.S. Lee (Environmental Science & Technology, 2007)

Online Resources

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "TOXFP," "total organic halogen formation potential," "disinfection byproducts," "DBPs," "water treatment," and "drinking water."
  • Combine keywords with relevant terms like "measurement," "control," "monitoring," "formation," "reduction," and "strategies."
  • Use quotation marks to search for exact phrases, for example, "TOXFP measurement."
  • Utilize advanced search operators like "+" (include a term), "-" (exclude a term), and "site:gov" (search only government websites).
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