Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: Towerbrom


Towerbrom: A Powerful Tool in the Waste Management Arsenal

In the world of waste management, the battle against harmful microorganisms is a constant struggle. From preventing odor and corrosion in wastewater treatment plants to ensuring safe drinking water, biocides play a crucial role. Enter Towerbrom, a bromine-based biocide produced by Calgon Corporation, which has become a trusted weapon in this fight.

Understanding the Power of Bromine

Towerbrom harnesses the power of bromine, a highly effective disinfectant known for its broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity. It effectively targets a wide range of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and algae, preventing them from proliferating and causing issues.

Why Towerbrom Stands Out:

  • Superior Performance: Towerbrom exhibits excellent biocidal activity, achieving rapid and sustained disinfection even in challenging environments. This effectiveness translates to cleaner water, reduced odor, and increased system efficiency.
  • Versatility: Its versatility allows for application in various waste management processes, including:
    • Wastewater treatment: Controlling bacteria and algae in wastewater treatment plants, ensuring optimal performance.
    • Cooling water systems: Preventing biofilm formation, corrosion, and fouling in cooling towers, safeguarding critical infrastructure.
    • Drinking water treatment: Eliminating harmful microorganisms to ensure the safety and quality of drinking water.
  • Long-lasting Protection: Towerbrom's residual effect provides long-lasting protection, ensuring continued disinfection even after initial treatment.
  • Safety and Compliance: Calgon Corporation prioritizes safety and adheres to stringent regulations, ensuring Towerbrom's responsible use and environmental compatibility.

The Key Benefits for Waste Management Professionals:

  • Improved Process Efficiency: By effectively controlling microorganisms, Towerbrom enhances the efficiency of various waste management processes, leading to reduced costs and improved performance.
  • Reduced Odor and Corrosion: Its powerful biocidal action minimizes unpleasant odors and corrosion, creating a cleaner and safer environment for workers and communities.
  • Enhanced Water Quality: Towerbrom helps safeguard the quality of water sources, ensuring the delivery of safe and clean drinking water for all.
  • Environmental Sustainability: Its responsible formulation and effective disinfection minimize the need for excessive chemical usage, promoting sustainability in waste management practices.


Towerbrom by Calgon Corporation is a valuable tool for waste management professionals. Its exceptional biocidal activity, versatility, long-lasting effect, and safety make it a reliable and effective solution for tackling various challenges in the field. By choosing Towerbrom, waste management facilities can achieve superior process efficiency, enhanced water quality, and a safer and more sustainable environment for everyone.

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