Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: Total Coliform Rule (TCR)

Total Coliform Rule (TCR)

The Total Coliform Rule: Protecting Public Health One Drop at a Time

The Total Coliform Rule (TCR), established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), plays a critical role in safeguarding public health by ensuring the safety of our drinking water. The rule focuses on coliform bacteria, a group of naturally occurring microorganisms often found in the environment, including soil, vegetation, and the intestines of humans and animals.

While not all coliform bacteria are harmful, their presence in drinking water can indicate potential contamination with disease-causing pathogens. These pathogens, such as E. coli, Salmonella, and Shigella, can cause serious illnesses like diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal cramps.

Key Aspects of the TCR:

  • Monitoring for Coliform Bacteria: The TCR requires public water systems to regularly sample their water for coliforms. This includes both total coliforms (a broad group of bacteria) and fecal coliforms (a specific subgroup indicating contamination from fecal matter).
  • Treatment and Disinfection: If coliform bacteria are detected, the water system must investigate the source of contamination and implement appropriate treatment and disinfection measures to eliminate the bacteria. This may involve flushing the system, repairing leaks, or adjusting disinfection processes.
  • Public Notification: If coliform contamination is found, the water system must notify the public about the potential health risks and the actions they are taking to address the issue.
  • Compliance and Enforcement: The EPA enforces the TCR through inspections, monitoring, and potential penalties for non-compliance.

Why is the TCR Important?

  • Protecting Public Health: The TCR prevents the spread of waterborne diseases by ensuring that drinking water is free from harmful pathogens.
  • Early Detection and Prevention: The rule's monitoring requirements allow for the early detection of contamination, enabling timely corrective actions to minimize health risks.
  • Ensuring Safe Water Systems: By promoting good water treatment practices, the TCR helps maintain the integrity and safety of public water systems.

The TCR is a crucial component of the EPA's comprehensive approach to water safety. It helps to ensure that our drinking water is safe for consumption, protecting public health and promoting a high quality of life.

Beyond the TCR:

While the TCR focuses on coliform bacteria as an indicator of potential contamination, the EPA has implemented additional regulations to address specific pathogens, such as the Lead and Copper Rule and the Cryptosporidium and Giardia Rule. These regulations further strengthen the safety of our drinking water and provide an additional layer of protection for public health.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Total Coliform Rule

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. The Total Coliform Rule (TCR) is primarily concerned with: a) The presence of all types of bacteria in drinking water. b) The presence of coliform bacteria as an indicator of potential contamination. c) The removal of all bacteria from drinking water. d) The regulation of water treatment chemicals.


b) The presence of coliform bacteria as an indicator of potential contamination.

2. Which of the following is NOT a key aspect of the TCR? a) Monitoring for coliform bacteria in water samples. b) Requiring water systems to install filtration systems for all homes. c) Treatment and disinfection when coliform bacteria are detected. d) Public notification about potential health risks related to coliform contamination.


b) Requiring water systems to install filtration systems for all homes.

3. Why is the presence of fecal coliforms in drinking water particularly concerning? a) They can directly cause severe illnesses. b) They indicate potential contamination from animal waste. c) They are resistant to standard water treatment methods. d) They are known to cause water discoloration and odor.


b) They indicate potential contamination from animal waste.

4. The TCR helps to protect public health by: a) Eliminating all bacteria from drinking water. b) Ensuring water is safe from harmful pathogens. c) Preventing water leaks from occurring. d) Monitoring the amount of chlorine used in water treatment.


b) Ensuring water is safe from harmful pathogens.

5. Which of the following is NOT an additional regulation implemented by the EPA to further enhance drinking water safety? a) Lead and Copper Rule b) Cryptosporidium and Giardia Rule c) Water Fluoridation Rule d) Total Coliform Rule


d) Total Coliform Rule

Exercise: Water System Contamination Scenario

Scenario: You are a water system operator and receive a positive coliform sample from a routine test. The test shows the presence of fecal coliforms.

Task: Describe the steps you would take to address this situation, including actions to investigate the source of contamination, implement treatment and disinfection measures, and notify the public.

Exercice Correction

Here is a possible response for the exercise:

  1. Investigate the Source of Contamination:

    • Review recent system maintenance records for any potential leaks, repairs, or changes.
    • Conduct a thorough site inspection to look for visible sources of contamination, such as animal waste, leaking sewage lines, or improperly functioning disinfection equipment.
    • Check for any unusual events or changes in the water system that could have affected water quality.
  2. Implement Treatment and Disinfection Measures:

    • Increase the chlorine dosage in the system to ensure adequate disinfection.
    • Flush the affected portion of the water system to remove contaminated water.
    • Re-sample the water system for coliform bacteria to verify the effectiveness of the corrective actions.
  3. Public Notification:

    • Immediately inform the public about the coliform contamination and the potential health risks.
    • Provide clear instructions on how to avoid potential health risks, such as boiling water before consumption.
    • Update the public on the corrective actions taken and the results of re-testing.

Important Note: The specific actions taken will depend on the severity of the contamination, the size of the water system, and the local regulations. It is crucial to consult with the EPA and state health officials for guidance on appropriate procedures and reporting requirements.


  • "Water Treatment Plant Design" by AWWA (American Water Works Association) - Provides a comprehensive overview of water treatment processes, including those related to coliform control.
  • "Water Quality & Treatment" by AWWA - Offers a detailed examination of water quality standards, regulations, and treatment technologies, including the TCR.
  • "Drinking Water Treatment: Principles and Design" by Metcalf & Eddy - Covers the principles of water treatment and design, including the role of the TCR in ensuring safe drinking water.


  • "The Total Coliform Rule: An Overview" by EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) - Provides a detailed explanation of the rule's history, requirements, and implementation.
  • "Compliance with the Total Coliform Rule: Challenges and Solutions" by Journal of the American Water Works Association (AWWA) - Discusses the challenges faced by water systems in complying with the TCR and potential solutions.
  • "The Impact of the Total Coliform Rule on Public Health" by Environmental Health Perspectives - Analyzes the effectiveness of the TCR in protecting public health from waterborne pathogens.

Online Resources

  • EPA's Total Coliform Rule Website:
  • AWWA's Total Coliform Rule Resources:
  • CDC's Waterborne Disease Outbreak Reporting System: (Provides information on reported waterborne disease outbreaks)

Search Tips

  • "Total Coliform Rule EPA" - This search will return results from the EPA website, including information about the rule and its implementation.
  • "Total Coliform Rule regulations" - This search will help you find specific regulatory documents related to the TCR.
  • "Total Coliform Rule compliance" - This search will provide resources related to the requirements and challenges of complying with the rule.
  • "Total Coliform Rule case studies" - This search can help you learn from other water systems' experiences with the rule.
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