Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: Targa


Targa: A Key Term in Waste Management & Desalination

The term "Targa" in waste management often refers to a desalination unit, specifically a vapor compression water desalination unit manufactured by Mechanical Equipment Co., Inc. (MEC). This technology plays a crucial role in addressing the global water crisis, especially in regions with limited freshwater resources.

Understanding Targa Desalination Units

Targa desalination units, produced by MEC, are designed to convert saline water (such as seawater or brackish water) into fresh, potable water. They employ the vapor compression technology, a highly efficient and environmentally friendly method. Here's how it works:

  • Evaporation: The saline water is heated to its boiling point, creating water vapor.
  • Compression: This vapor is compressed, increasing its temperature and pressure.
  • Condensation: The compressed vapor is cooled and condensed back into fresh water, leaving behind the salts.
  • Collection: The newly produced freshwater is collected, while the concentrated salt solution is discharged or disposed of.

Key Features of Targa Desalination Units

MEC's Targa units are known for their robust design and advanced features:

  • High Efficiency: They utilize a multi-stage flash (MSF) process and low-pressure vapor compression for high energy efficiency and reduced operating costs.
  • Compact Design: The units are designed for both land-based and offshore applications, fitting seamlessly into various settings.
  • Environmentally Friendly: Targa units minimize energy consumption and emissions, contributing to a sustainable water solution.
  • Flexibility: MEC offers a wide range of unit sizes and capacities, catering to different water demands.

Benefits of Targa Desalination in Waste Management

The adoption of Targa units in waste management offers significant benefits:

  • Sustainable Water Source: They provide a reliable and environmentally responsible source of fresh water for industrial and municipal uses.
  • Wastewater Reclamation: They can be used to treat wastewater, recovering valuable water resources and reducing reliance on freshwater sources.
  • Industrial Applications: Targa units are particularly relevant in industries like mining, agriculture, and power generation, where water scarcity is a major concern.


MEC's Targa vapor compression water desalination units are a testament to technological advancements in water treatment. Their efficiency, versatility, and environmental friendliness make them a vital tool in tackling global water challenges and promoting sustainable waste management practices. As the demand for fresh water continues to grow, Targa desalination units are poised to play a crucial role in securing a future where clean water is accessible to all.

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