Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: submerged MBR

submerged MBR

Submerged Membrane Bioreactors (MBRs): A Powerful Tool for Wastewater Treatment

Wastewater treatment is essential for protecting public health and the environment. Traditional wastewater treatment processes often struggle with limitations like high sludge production, large footprint requirements, and vulnerability to shock loads. Submerged Membrane Bioreactors (MBRs) have emerged as a promising alternative, offering numerous advantages over conventional methods.

What are Submerged MBRs?

Submerged MBRs are a specific type of membrane bioreactor where the membrane modules are directly immersed within the activated sludge reactor. This differs from external MBR configurations, where the membranes are housed in separate tanks. The immersed membranes act as a physical barrier, separating the treated water from the activated sludge.

Key Advantages of Submerged MBRs:

  • Enhanced Water Quality: Submerged MBRs can produce high-quality effluent, often exceeding conventional treatment standards. They effectively remove suspended solids, bacteria, viruses, and other contaminants.
  • Smaller Footprint: Compared to conventional treatment plants, MBRs have a significantly smaller footprint, making them ideal for urban environments or areas with limited space.
  • Reduced Sludge Production: The membranes' ability to retain biomass within the reactor reduces the overall sludge production, leading to lower disposal costs and environmental burden.
  • Improved Operational Flexibility: Submerged MBRs can handle variations in influent flow and composition more effectively than conventional systems, making them more adaptable to changes in wastewater characteristics.

How Submerged MBRs Work:

  1. Activated Sludge Treatment: Wastewater enters the reactor and undergoes aerobic treatment using activated sludge. Microorganisms within the sludge break down organic matter and other pollutants.
  2. Membrane Filtration: The treated water flows through the submerged membrane modules, where the membranes physically remove suspended solids and other contaminants.
  3. Sludge Retention: The membranes retain the activated sludge within the reactor, enhancing biomass concentration and treatment efficiency.
  4. Clean Water Discharge: The permeate (filtered water) is collected and discharged, meeting high-quality standards.

Challenges and Considerations:

Despite their advantages, submerged MBRs also present some challenges:

  • Membrane Fouling: The membranes can become fouled by organic matter, inorganic deposits, and biomass. Regular cleaning and maintenance are crucial to prevent fouling and maintain efficiency.
  • Membrane Cost: The initial investment in membrane modules can be higher than traditional treatment systems.
  • Energy Consumption: Membrane filtration requires energy for pumping and aeration, which can contribute to operational costs.

Applications and Future Developments:

Submerged MBRs are increasingly popular for various wastewater treatment applications, including:

  • Municipal Wastewater Treatment: Treating municipal wastewater to meet discharge standards and protect receiving waters.
  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment: Removing specific pollutants from industrial wastewater, ensuring compliance with regulations.
  • Reclamation and Reuse: Treating wastewater to produce high-quality water for irrigation, industrial processes, or even drinking water.

Ongoing research and development are focusing on improving membrane performance, reducing fouling, and optimizing energy consumption, further enhancing the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of submerged MBRs.


Submerged MBRs offer a promising solution for efficient and effective wastewater treatment. Their ability to produce high-quality effluent, reduce sludge production, and occupy a smaller footprint makes them a compelling alternative to conventional systems. While challenges related to fouling and costs remain, continuous advancements in membrane technology and operational strategies are making submerged MBRs an increasingly viable option for a sustainable future.

Test Your Knowledge

Submerged Membrane Bioreactors (MBRs) Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the key difference between submerged and external MBR configurations? a) Submerged MBRs use a different type of membrane. b) Submerged MBRs have a smaller footprint. c) Submerged MBRs have the membranes directly immersed in the reactor. d) Submerged MBRs produce higher quality effluent.


c) Submerged MBRs have the membranes directly immersed in the reactor.

2. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of submerged MBRs? a) Enhanced water quality b) Reduced sludge production c) Increased energy consumption d) Improved operational flexibility


c) Increased energy consumption

3. What is the primary role of activated sludge in a submerged MBR system? a) To remove suspended solids from the wastewater b) To break down organic matter and pollutants c) To filter the treated water through membranes d) To reduce the overall sludge production


b) To break down organic matter and pollutants

4. Which of the following is a major challenge associated with submerged MBRs? a) The high cost of the membranes b) The difficulty in cleaning the membranes c) The inability to handle variations in influent flow d) The production of large amounts of sludge


a) The high cost of the membranes

5. Which application is NOT a typical use for submerged MBRs? a) Treating municipal wastewater b) Treating industrial wastewater c) Producing drinking water from seawater d) Reclaiming wastewater for irrigation


c) Producing drinking water from seawater

Submerged Membrane Bioreactors (MBRs) Exercise:

Imagine you are designing a wastewater treatment plant for a small community. You have to choose between a conventional treatment system and a submerged MBR system. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each system and justify your choice based on the specific needs of the community.

Consider these factors:

  • Space limitations: The community has a limited area available for the treatment plant.
  • Budget constraints: The community has a limited budget for the initial investment and ongoing operation.
  • Environmental concerns: The community wants to minimize the environmental impact of the treatment plant.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible approach to the exercise:

Advantages of a Conventional Treatment System:

  • Lower Initial Cost: Conventional systems generally have a lower initial investment compared to MBRs.
  • Established Technology: Conventional treatment processes have a long history of proven reliability.

Disadvantages of a Conventional Treatment System:

  • Larger Footprint: Conventional systems require more land for the treatment process.
  • Higher Sludge Production: Conventional systems produce significantly more sludge, leading to higher disposal costs.
  • Lower Effluent Quality: The effluent from conventional treatment systems may not meet the same quality standards as MBRs.

Advantages of a Submerged MBR System:

  • Smaller Footprint: MBRs have a much smaller footprint, making them ideal for space-constrained areas.
  • Reduced Sludge Production: MBRs significantly reduce sludge production, lowering disposal costs and environmental burden.
  • High Effluent Quality: MBRs produce high-quality effluent, exceeding conventional treatment standards.

Disadvantages of a Submerged MBR System:

  • Higher Initial Cost: The initial investment in membrane modules is typically higher than conventional systems.
  • Potential for Fouling: Membranes can foul, requiring regular cleaning and maintenance, which adds to operational costs.
  • Higher Energy Consumption: Membrane filtration requires energy for pumping and aeration, contributing to operational costs.


Given the limited space, budget constraints, and environmental concerns of the community, a submerged MBR system would be the more suitable choice. While the initial cost is higher, the long-term benefits in terms of space savings, reduced sludge production, high effluent quality, and reduced environmental impact outweigh the initial investment.

The community can potentially offset the higher operational costs by exploring options like renewable energy sources for powering the system. Regular maintenance and proper operation will be crucial to ensure the long-term effectiveness and efficiency of the MBR system.


  • Membrane Bioreactors: Principles and Applications by T.F. Speth, D.A. Vaccari (2012) - Provides a comprehensive overview of MBR technology, including submerged systems.
  • Water Treatment Membrane Processes by M. Elimelech, W.A. Phillip (2013) - Covers various membrane processes, including MBR, with a focus on their applications in wastewater treatment.
  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse by M.T. Davis, D.A. Cornwell (2008) - Presents a detailed discussion on wastewater treatment technologies, with a chapter dedicated to membrane bioreactors.


  • Submerged Membrane Bioreactors: A Review by K. Lee, et al. (2016) - Offers a comprehensive review of submerged MBRs, including their advantages, challenges, and recent advancements.
  • Performance of Submerged Membrane Bioreactors for Municipal Wastewater Treatment: A Review by R.J.J. van der Zee, et al. (2014) - Focuses on the application of submerged MBRs in municipal wastewater treatment and discusses their performance in various operating conditions.
  • Membrane Fouling in Submerged Membrane Bioreactors: A Review by Y. Li, et al. (2019) - Provides a detailed analysis of membrane fouling in submerged MBRs, exploring various fouling mechanisms and mitigation strategies.
  • Energy Consumption in Submerged Membrane Bioreactors: A Review by S. Zhang, et al. (2021) - Examines the energy consumption of submerged MBRs and discusses strategies to optimize energy efficiency.

Online Resources

  • International Water Association (IWA) - Offers various resources, publications, and events related to membrane bioreactor technology.
  • Membrane Technology and Research (MTR) - A peer-reviewed journal publishing research on various membrane technologies, including MBRs.
  • Membrane Filtration for Wastewater Treatment - A comprehensive website by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) covering the use of membrane filtration in wastewater treatment, including submerged MBRs.

Search Tips

  • "Submerged Membrane Bioreactor" "Wastewater Treatment": To find relevant articles and resources on the application of submerged MBRs for wastewater treatment.
  • "Submerged MBR" "Fouling Control": To search for information on membrane fouling and strategies to mitigate it in submerged MBRs.
  • "Submerged MBR" "Energy Consumption": To explore research on energy consumption in submerged MBRs and potential energy-saving solutions.
  • "Submerged MBR" "Case Studies": To find real-world applications and performance data of submerged MBRs in various wastewater treatment projects.
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