Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: stray current corrosion

stray current corrosion

Stray Current Corrosion: A Silent Threat to Water Infrastructure


Stray current corrosion is a unique form of electrochemical corrosion that occurs when electric currents, unintended and often undetected, flow through unintended paths, including water infrastructure. These stray currents can originate from various sources, primarily electrical installations, and cause significant damage to metal structures submerged or in contact with water. Understanding the nature of this phenomenon is crucial for preventing costly repairs and ensuring the longevity of essential water treatment facilities.

The Mechanics of Stray Current Corrosion:

Stray currents arise from a disparity in electrical potential between two points. This potential difference can be created by:

  • Faulty Grounding: Inadequate or damaged grounding systems can lead to the flow of current through unintended paths, such as water pipes.
  • Electrical Leakage: Damaged insulation or faulty wiring in electrical installations can result in current escaping into the surrounding environment, including water systems.
  • Electrolysis: The use of electrolysis for water treatment or other purposes can introduce stray currents into the water system.

Once stray currents enter a water system, they can flow through metallic structures like pipes, valves, and tanks. This flow of current disrupts the natural electrochemical balance on the metal surface, leading to:

  • Anodic Corrosion: The metal surface exposed to the stray current becomes an anode, releasing metal ions into the surrounding water.
  • Cathodic Protection: Other metal surfaces in the system, away from the source of stray current, become cathodic. However, this protection is often localized and can cause pitting corrosion in the immediate vicinity.

Consequences of Stray Current Corrosion:

The effects of stray current corrosion on water infrastructure can be severe:

  • Pipe Failure: Corrosion weakens the pipe walls, leading to leaks, bursts, and ultimately, system failure.
  • Reduced Water Quality: Metal ions released during corrosion can contaminate the water supply, impacting taste, odor, and safety.
  • Increased Maintenance Costs: Repairs and replacements due to corrosion are costly and disruptive.

Detection and Mitigation:

Identifying and mitigating stray current corrosion is essential for protecting water infrastructure. Here are some key strategies:

  • Regular Inspections: Routine inspections of electrical installations and water systems can help identify potential sources of stray currents.
  • Electrochemical Monitoring: Specialized equipment can measure potential differences and current flow to pinpoint areas of stray current activity.
  • Grounding System Optimization: Properly designed and maintained grounding systems can minimize the risk of stray currents entering water infrastructure.
  • Corrosion Protection: Applying protective coatings, using cathodic protection systems, and employing corrosion inhibitors can help mitigate the effects of stray current corrosion.


Stray current corrosion is a significant threat to the integrity and reliability of water infrastructure. By understanding the mechanisms, consequences, and mitigation strategies, water treatment professionals can effectively address this hidden corrosion threat and ensure the safe and efficient operation of essential water systems.

Test Your Knowledge

Stray Current Corrosion Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary source of stray currents that can affect water infrastructure?

(a) Lightning strikes (b) Electrical installations (c) Solar panels (d) Natural geological currents


(b) Electrical installations

2. Which of the following is NOT a direct consequence of stray current corrosion?

(a) Pipe failure (b) Reduced water quality (c) Increased water pressure (d) Increased maintenance costs


(c) Increased water pressure

3. What is the name of the process where a metal surface becomes an anode due to stray current, releasing metal ions into the water?

(a) Cathodic protection (b) Galvanic corrosion (c) Anodic corrosion (d) Electrolysis


(c) Anodic corrosion

4. Which of these is NOT a strategy for mitigating stray current corrosion?

(a) Regular inspections (b) Using sacrificial anodes (c) Installing more electrical outlets (d) Optimizing grounding systems


(c) Installing more electrical outlets

5. What is the most effective way to detect stray currents in a water system?

(a) Visual inspection of pipes (b) Testing water for taste and odor (c) Electrochemical monitoring (d) Checking water pressure


(c) Electrochemical monitoring

Stray Current Corrosion Exercise:

Scenario: A water treatment plant is experiencing increased pipe failures and a decline in water quality. Electrochemical monitoring reveals stray current activity near the plant's electrical transformer.


  • Identify the most likely cause of the stray currents.
  • Propose at least three specific actions the plant manager should take to address the problem.

Exercice Correction

**Most Likely Cause:** The stray currents are likely originating from the electrical transformer due to faulty grounding or insulation issues. **Actions for the Plant Manager:** 1. **Inspect the Electrical Transformer:** A thorough inspection of the transformer's grounding system and insulation should be conducted by a qualified electrician. 2. **Improve Grounding:** If the grounding system is inadequate, it should be upgraded to ensure proper current flow and prevent stray currents from entering the water system. 3. **Cathodic Protection:** Consider installing a cathodic protection system on the affected pipes to mitigate further corrosion. 4. **Regular Monitoring:** Continue regular electrochemical monitoring to ensure the effectiveness of the corrective measures.


  • Corrosion and its Control by Fontana and Greene: A comprehensive overview of corrosion, including chapters dedicated to stray current corrosion and its mitigation.
  • Principles of Electrochemical Corrosion by J.R. Davis: Provides a detailed scientific explanation of electrochemical corrosion, including a section on stray current corrosion.
  • Corrosion Engineering by Uhlig and Revie: A classic textbook covering various aspects of corrosion, including stray current corrosion in different industrial settings.


  • Stray Current Corrosion: A Review by C.P. Dillon and J.B. Gill: A review paper outlining the causes, consequences, and mitigation techniques for stray current corrosion.
  • Stray Current Corrosion in Water Infrastructure by A.M. K. Singh and S.K. Sharma: Focuses on the impact of stray current corrosion on water distribution systems and offers solutions.
  • Investigation and Mitigation of Stray Current Corrosion in Municipal Water Systems by P.J.C. Jones and D.A.A. Smedley: Discusses methods for identifying and resolving stray current corrosion issues in water systems.

Online Resources

  • NACE International: A non-profit organization focused on corrosion control, offering technical resources, publications, and training courses on stray current corrosion. (
  • ASTM International: Provides standards and guidelines for materials and corrosion control, including documents related to stray current corrosion testing and mitigation. (
  • Water Research Foundation: A non-profit organization dedicated to improving water quality and infrastructure, with resources and research on various aspects of water systems, including corrosion. (
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): A professional association for water professionals, offering publications, technical information, and training on water infrastructure management, including corrosion control. (

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "stray current corrosion," "stray current mitigation," "corrosion water pipes," and "corrosion water infrastructure."
  • Combine keywords with specific locations or industries to narrow down the search results (e.g., "stray current corrosion water treatment plant").
  • Use quotation marks around phrases to find exact matches.
  • Employ advanced search operators like "+" (AND) or "-" (NOT) to refine your search.
  • Explore relevant websites and journals using the search function on their platforms.
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