Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: strainer


Strainers: The Unsung Heroes of Environmental & Water Treatment

In the world of environmental and water treatment, where maintaining purity and efficiency is paramount, strainers play a vital role. These seemingly simple devices, often overlooked, are essential for removing unwanted solids from liquid streams, ensuring smooth operation and preventing costly malfunctions.

What is a Strainer?

At its core, a strainer is a device that separates solids from liquids. It acts as a physical barrier, allowing the liquid to pass through while trapping solid particles. This simple concept translates into a wide range of applications, making strainers indispensable tools in various environmental and water treatment processes.

Types of Strainers:

Strainers come in diverse forms, each tailored for specific needs:

  • Wire Mesh Strainers: These utilize wire mesh screens of varying pore sizes to capture solids. They are commonly used in water treatment plants to remove debris, sediment, and other suspended solids.
  • Basket Strainers: These feature a removable basket containing a mesh screen. The basket can be easily removed for cleaning or replacement, making them suitable for applications with frequent clogging.
  • Y-Strainers: These are characterized by their "Y" shape, with a removable basket inserted into the pipe. They are commonly used in pipelines to remove large debris, protecting downstream equipment from damage.
  • Self-Cleaning Strainers: These automated strainers use a rotating screen and a backwash system to continuously remove accumulated solids, minimizing maintenance requirements.

Applications in Environmental & Water Treatment:

Strainers are crucial components in various environmental and water treatment processes:

  • Water Treatment: Removing debris from raw water sources, protecting pumps and other equipment.
  • Wastewater Treatment: Screening out large solids before entering treatment plants, preventing clogging and improving efficiency.
  • Industrial Processes: Filtering liquids in various industries, including food processing, chemical manufacturing, and oil & gas.
  • Stormwater Management: Intercepting debris in stormwater runoff, protecting drainage systems and preventing pollution.

Benefits of Using Strainers:

  • Improved Water Quality: Removing solids ensures cleaner, safer water for drinking, irrigation, and industrial use.
  • Reduced Equipment Maintenance: Preventing solids from entering pumps, filters, and other equipment minimizes wear and tear.
  • Increased System Efficiency: Removing clogging agents improves flow rates and reduces energy consumption.
  • Environmental Protection: Preventing pollutants and debris from entering waterways protects aquatic ecosystems.

Choosing the Right Strainer:

Selecting the appropriate strainer depends on factors like the type of liquid, solid particle size, flow rate, and operating pressure. Consulting with experts in environmental and water treatment can ensure optimal strainer selection for specific applications.


Strainers are unsung heroes in environmental and water treatment, playing a vital role in ensuring clean water, efficient systems, and environmental protection. Understanding their purpose, types, and benefits is crucial for implementing effective solutions in various applications. As we continue to face challenges in water scarcity and environmental pollution, strainers will remain essential tools for safeguarding our precious resources.

Test Your Knowledge

Strainer Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a strainer?

a) To remove dissolved impurities from water. b) To separate solids from liquids. c) To increase the pressure of a liquid stream. d) To sterilize water.


The correct answer is **b) To separate solids from liquids.**

2. Which type of strainer is characterized by its "Y" shape?

a) Wire mesh strainer b) Basket strainer c) Y-strainer d) Self-cleaning strainer


The correct answer is **c) Y-strainer.**

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using strainers?

a) Improved water quality. b) Reduced equipment maintenance. c) Increased energy consumption. d) Environmental protection.


The correct answer is **c) Increased energy consumption.** Strainers actually help reduce energy consumption by improving flow rates.

4. In which application are strainers NOT commonly used?

a) Water treatment b) Wastewater treatment c) Food processing d) Air filtration


The correct answer is **d) Air filtration.** Strainers are primarily used for separating solids from liquids, not for filtering air.

5. What is the most important factor to consider when choosing a strainer?

a) The color of the strainer b) The brand of the strainer c) The type of liquid and solid particle size d) The price of the strainer


The correct answer is **c) The type of liquid and solid particle size.** These factors are crucial for selecting the appropriate strainer size and mesh.

Strainer Exercise

Scenario: You are working at a water treatment plant. The plant uses a basket strainer to remove debris from incoming raw water before it is treated. The strainer is experiencing frequent clogging, requiring daily cleaning. This is causing delays in processing and increasing maintenance costs.


  1. Identify three potential reasons why the basket strainer is clogging so frequently.
  2. Suggest two possible solutions to reduce clogging and improve the efficiency of the strainer.
  3. Explain how your suggested solutions would address the identified problems.

Exercice Correction

Here are some possible answers:

1. Potential reasons for frequent clogging:

  • Excessive debris in the raw water source: This could be due to changes in the source, increased runoff, or a lack of pre-treatment.
  • Incorrect mesh size: The strainer might be using a mesh that is too fine, trapping more sediment than necessary.
  • Inadequate cleaning: If the strainer is not being cleaned effectively or frequently enough, debris can accumulate and reduce flow.

2. Possible solutions:

  • Install a pre-treatment system: This could include a coarse screen or a settling basin to remove larger debris before the water reaches the basket strainer.
  • Use a larger strainer with a coarser mesh: This would allow more water to flow through and reduce the frequency of clogging.

3. Explanation of how the solutions address the problems:

  • Pre-treatment system: This addresses excessive debris by capturing large particles before they reach the basket strainer.
  • Larger strainer with a coarser mesh: This solution addresses both the problem of excessive debris and incorrect mesh size by allowing more flow and capturing only larger particles.


  • Water Treatment Plant Design by A.W. Palmer - Covers the fundamentals of water treatment, including the use of strainers.
  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal, and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy - Addresses wastewater treatment, highlighting the role of strainers in preliminary treatment.
  • Handbook of Industrial Water Treatment by H.S. Tewari - Discusses the use of strainers in various industrial processes.


  • "Strainers: A Critical Component in Water Treatment" by Water Technology Magazine - An overview of different strainer types and their applications in water treatment.
  • "Self-Cleaning Strainers: The Future of Liquid Filtration" by Fluid Engineering Magazine - Explores the benefits and mechanisms of self-cleaning strainers.
  • "The Importance of Strainers in Stormwater Management" by Stormwater Solutions Journal - Discusses the role of strainers in reducing stormwater runoff pollution.

Online Resources

  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): - Provides resources and information on water and wastewater treatment, including strainer technologies.
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): - Offers resources and guidelines related to water treatment, including strainer selection and operation.
  • National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA): - Provides insights into wastewater treatment and management, including the use of strainers.

Search Tips

  • "Strainer types in water treatment"
  • "Self-cleaning strainers applications"
  • "Y-strainers for pipeline protection"
  • "Stormwater strainers for pollution control"
  • "Strainers in industrial water treatment"
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