Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: Standard Methods

Standard Methods

The Gold Standard: Standard Methods in Environmental and Water Treatment

The world of environmental and water treatment relies on precise, reliable data to ensure the safety and quality of our water resources. To achieve this, a common language and standardized methodologies are essential. This is where Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, more commonly known as Standard Methods, comes in.

Standard Methods is a comprehensive reference book, jointly published by the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Water Environment Federation (WEF). It provides a standardized framework for the examination of water and wastewater, covering a vast array of analytical methods, from basic chemical and physical parameters to complex microbiological assays.

Why is Standard Methods so important?

  • Consistency and Comparability: Standard Methods ensures that water and wastewater testing is performed using consistent methodologies, enabling accurate data comparison across different laboratories and geographical locations. This is crucial for monitoring water quality trends, evaluating treatment plant efficiency, and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.
  • Accuracy and Precision: The methods outlined in Standard Methods are rigorously validated and continuously updated to reflect advancements in analytical techniques. This ensures high accuracy and precision in the data generated, leading to more reliable decisions regarding water quality management.
  • Global Recognition: Standard Methods is widely recognized and adopted by laboratories worldwide, making it the definitive resource for water and wastewater analysis.

What does Standard Methods cover?

The book covers a wide spectrum of topics, including:

  • Physical and Chemical Analyses: pH, conductivity, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, metals, organic contaminants, etc.
  • Microbiological Analyses: Bacteria, viruses, parasites, and other microorganisms.
  • Toxicological Analyses: Testing for the presence of harmful substances and their potential impact on human health.
  • Sampling and Preservation: Procedures for collecting and preserving samples to ensure their integrity.
  • Quality Control and Assurance: Guidelines for maintaining laboratory standards and ensuring data reliability.

Evolution of Standard Methods:

Since its first publication in 1905, Standard Methods has undergone numerous revisions and expansions to reflect advancements in analytical techniques and evolving water quality challenges. It is constantly being updated with new methods, revisions to existing methods, and new guidelines to address emerging contaminants and environmental concerns.

Beyond the book:

Standard Methods also provides access to online resources, including:

  • Standard Methods Online: A searchable online database of the latest edition of the book.
  • Standard Methods Webinar Series: A series of webinars offering in-depth training on specific methods and topics.
  • Standard Methods Proficiency Testing: Programs for assessing laboratory competency and ensuring data quality.


Standard Methods is the cornerstone of environmental and water treatment, ensuring consistent, accurate, and reliable data that underpins sound decision-making for protecting public health and safeguarding our water resources. By adopting and adhering to its guidelines, laboratories around the world contribute to a shared commitment to water quality excellence.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What organizations jointly publish Standard Methods?




b) APHA, AWWA, and WEF






d) FDA, USDA, and CDC



2. What is the primary purpose of Standard Methods?

a) To create a universal language for water quality analysis.



b) To monitor and regulate water quality standards.



c) To develop new technologies for water treatment.



d) To provide a legal framework for water resource management.



3. What type of analyses are NOT covered by Standard Methods?

a) Physical and chemical analyses



b) Microbiological analyses



c) Toxicological analyses



d) Economic and social analyses



4. Why is consistency in water quality testing important?

a) It helps monitor water quality trends over time.



b) It allows for easier comparison of data from different sources.



c) It ensures compliance with regulatory standards.



d) All of the above.



5. How has Standard Methods evolved over time?

a) It has become more complex and less accessible.



b) It has been updated to reflect advancements in analytical techniques.



c) It has shifted its focus away from water quality to environmental issues.



d) It has become less relevant in the digital age.




Scenario: You are a laboratory technician tasked with analyzing a water sample for E. coli bacteria.

Task: Using the information provided in the text and your knowledge of Standard Methods, outline the steps you would take to conduct this analysis. Ensure you consider:

  • Sampling and preservation methods.
  • Specific analytical techniques used for E. coli detection.
  • Quality control measures for ensuring reliable results.

Exercise Correction:

Exercice Correction

The following steps should be taken to analyze a water sample for E. coli bacteria according to Standard Methods: 1. **Sampling:** * Collect the water sample using a sterile container. * Ensure the sample is collected from the appropriate location and depth, according to the specific testing purpose. * Record the date, time, and location of sampling. 2. **Preservation:** * Immediately after collection, refrigerate the sample at 4°C to minimize bacterial growth. * If necessary, add appropriate preservatives (e.g., sodium thiosulfate) to the sample for specific analyses. 3. **Analytical Technique:** * Use a standard microbiological method for detecting E. coli, such as the **Colilert® or Quanti-Tray® method.** * Follow the detailed procedures outlined in Standard Methods for these techniques. This may involve: * Inoculating a culture medium with a specific volume of the water sample. * Incubating the culture medium at a specific temperature for a defined time. * Counting the number of colonies or observing the color change in the culture medium as an indicator of E. coli presence. 4. **Quality Control:** * Use positive and negative controls to ensure the accuracy of the test results. * Monitor the accuracy of equipment and reagents used in the analysis. * Document all steps of the procedure, including the results and any deviations from the standard method. * Ensure the laboratory meets the quality assurance standards outlined in Standard Methods. **Remember:** This is a simplified example. The specific procedures and methods used for E. coli detection may vary depending on the context and the specific analytical tools available. Always refer to the latest edition of Standard Methods for detailed guidance.


  • Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (Latest Edition):
  • Water Quality Assessment: A Guide to Using Biocriteria (Third Edition) by David M. Schindler, et al.
    • Provides a comprehensive overview of water quality assessment using biological indicators.
  • Environmental Microbiology (Fourth Edition) by William C. Stedman
    • Covers the microbiology of water and wastewater, including methods for detecting and identifying microorganisms.


  • "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater: A Century of Progress" by William D. Pfahler
    • A historical overview of the development of Standard Methods.
  • "The Role of Standard Methods in Environmental Monitoring" by A. K. Pandey
    • Discusses the importance of standardized methods for ensuring reliable environmental data.
  • "A Review of the Latest Developments in Water and Wastewater Analysis" by J. M. Lee
    • Provides a summary of the latest advancements in analytical techniques for water and wastewater.

Online Resources

  • Standard Methods Online:
    • Searchable online database of the latest edition of Standard Methods.
    • Provides access to individual methods, guidelines, and other resources.
    • Website:
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF):
    • Provides information on water quality, wastewater treatment, and other related topics.
    • Offers resources on Standard Methods, including training materials and webinars.
    • Website:
  • American Public Health Association (APHA):
    • Dedicated to promoting public health through advocacy, education, and research.
    • Offers resources on Standard Methods and other water-related issues.
    • Website:
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA):
    • Promotes safe and reliable drinking water for all.
    • Offers resources on water treatment, distribution, and management.
    • Website:

Search Tips

  • Use specific search terms: "Standard Methods", "water quality analysis", "wastewater treatment", "analytical methods", "environmental monitoring".
  • Combine terms with "AND" or "OR" to refine your search: For example, "Standard Methods AND microbiology" or "water quality analysis OR wastewater treatment".
  • Use quotation marks to search for exact phrases: For example, "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater".
  • Use the "site:" operator to limit your search to specific websites: For example, "" or "".
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