Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Air Quality Management: stack


Stacking Up Solutions: Exploring the Diverse Uses of "Stack" in Environmental and Water Treatment

The term "stack" carries a familiar image in our minds – a towering structure of materials, often associated with industrial production. However, in the field of environmental and water treatment, "stack" takes on a broader meaning, signifying different approaches to tackling pollution and purifying water. Two distinct interpretations of this term deserve our attention:

1. Stack as a Vertical Conveyance Method:

This usage of "stack" refers to a vertical system designed to elevate and disperse pollutants into the atmosphere. It's commonly seen in industrial settings where airborne emissions are generated during manufacturing processes. Imagine a tall chimney, for instance, where smoke or gases from a factory are directed upwards and released into the air.

Key features:

  • Vertical structure: The stack's height allows for the pollutants to be carried away from ground-level populations and dispersed over a larger area.
  • Dispersion: The rising air column created by the stack aids in the dilution and dissipation of pollutants, reducing their concentration near the emission source.
  • Emission control: Stacks can be equipped with various technologies to control and minimize the amount of pollutants released, such as scrubbers, filters, and electrostatic precipitators.


  • Factory chimneys: Industrial plants utilize stacks to release combustion gases, particulate matter, and other byproducts of manufacturing processes.
  • Power plant stacks: These towering structures vent flue gases containing sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and other pollutants from power generation activities.
  • Incinerator stacks: Municipal waste incinerators use stacks to release combustion gases and ash into the atmosphere after controlled waste burning.

2. Stack as the Core of Electrodialysis:

In the realm of water treatment, "stack" takes on a different form. Here, it represents the key element of an electrodialysis unit. Electrodialysis is a membrane-based process used for desalination and purification of water, where salt ions are selectively removed. The "stack" in this context refers to a series of membrane cells arranged between two electrodes.

Key features:

  • Membrane cells: These cells consist of alternating anion-exchange and cation-exchange membranes, creating a layered structure.
  • Electrodes: Electrodes are placed at the ends of the stack, creating an electric field that drives the movement of ions.
  • Selective transport: The membranes allow the passage of specific ions while blocking others, resulting in the separation of salts from the water.


  • Desalination plants: Electrodialysis stacks are used to remove salt from seawater or brackish water, providing a source of fresh drinking water.
  • Industrial water treatment: Stacks are employed to purify industrial process water, removing dissolved salts and other contaminants.
  • Food and beverage applications: Electrodialysis stacks can be used to demineralize fruit juices, reduce salt content in cheese production, or purify dairy products.


The term "stack" in environmental and water treatment encompasses a variety of applications, highlighting the diverse and innovative methods used to address pollution and purify water. Whether it's a towering structure dispersing pollutants into the atmosphere or a layered assembly of membranes separating salts from water, the concept of "stack" stands as a testament to human ingenuity in tackling environmental challenges.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Stacking Up Solutions

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a key feature of a stack used as a vertical conveyance method?

a) Vertical structure

AnswerThis is a key feature.

b) Horizontal dispersion

AnswerThis is the correct answer. Stacks are designed for vertical dispersion, not horizontal.

c) Emission control

AnswerThis is a key feature.

d) Dilution of pollutants

AnswerThis is a key feature.

2. What is the primary function of a stack in an industrial setting?

a) To collect and store industrial waste

AnswerThis is incorrect. Stacks are not for storage.

b) To elevate and disperse pollutants into the atmosphere

AnswerThis is the correct answer.

c) To purify water for industrial use

AnswerThis is incorrect. Stacks are not used for water purification.

d) To generate electricity from waste materials

AnswerThis is incorrect. While some industrial stacks might be connected to power plants, their primary function is not electricity generation.

3. Which of the following is NOT an example of an industrial application of a vertical conveyance stack?

a) Factory chimneys

AnswerThis is a common application of a stack.

b) Power plant stacks

AnswerThis is a common application of a stack.

c) Electrodialysis stacks

AnswerThis is the correct answer. Electrodialysis stacks are used for water treatment, not for vertical conveyance.

d) Incinerator stacks

AnswerThis is a common application of a stack.

4. What is the core element of an electrodialysis stack?

a) A series of filters

AnswerThis is incorrect. Electrodialysis relies on membranes, not filters.

b) A vertical chimney

AnswerThis is incorrect. This describes a vertical conveyance stack.

c) A collection of membrane cells

AnswerThis is the correct answer.

d) A large storage tank

AnswerThis is incorrect. Electrodialysis is a process, not storage.

5. Which of the following is NOT a potential application of electrodialysis stacks?

a) Desalination of seawater

AnswerThis is a common application of electrodialysis stacks.

b) Purification of industrial water

AnswerThis is a common application of electrodialysis stacks.

c) Removal of pollutants from the atmosphere

AnswerThis is the correct answer. Electrodialysis is used for water treatment, not air pollution control.

d) Demineralization of fruit juices

AnswerThis is a common application of electrodialysis stacks.

Exercise: Stacking Up Solutions in Practice

Scenario: You are tasked with designing a water treatment system for a small town. The town's water source is a nearby river, which is contaminated with a high concentration of dissolved salts.


  1. Explain why electrodialysis would be an appropriate technology for treating this water source.
  2. Briefly describe the key components of an electrodialysis stack that would be used in this system.
  3. Discuss at least one advantage and one potential disadvantage of using electrodialysis for this specific application.

Exercice Correction

**1. Electrodialysis would be appropriate because:**

  • It specifically targets dissolved salts, which are the primary contaminant in the river water.
  • It is a relatively energy-efficient method for desalination compared to other technologies like reverse osmosis.

**2. Key components of an electrodialysis stack:**

  • **Membrane cells:** These are the core of the stack, consisting of alternating anion-exchange and cation-exchange membranes, creating a layered structure.
  • **Electrodes:** These are placed at the ends of the stack and create an electric field that drives the movement of ions through the membranes.
  • **Spacing and flow channels:** The stack is designed with specific spacing between membranes and flow channels to optimize the movement of water and salt ions.

**3. Advantages and Disadvantages:**

  • **Advantage:** Electrodialysis can effectively remove dissolved salts from water without significant energy consumption. This is particularly relevant for the small town, considering cost-effectiveness.
  • **Disadvantage:** Electrodialysis is less efficient at removing other contaminants, such as organic pollutants, compared to other treatment methods. This might require additional treatment stages in the system.


  • Air Pollution Control Engineering by Kenneth W. Pratt (2009): A comprehensive text covering air pollution control technologies, including stack design and emission control methods.
  • Environmental Engineering: A Global Perspective by C.S. Rao (2014): This book provides a broad overview of environmental engineering topics, including air pollution control and water treatment technologies.
  • Desalination: Principles, Technologies and Applications by A.A. Zularisam (2015): This text focuses on various desalination methods, with a detailed section on electrodialysis and the role of stacks in this process.


  • "Electrodialysis for Water Desalination: A Review" by A.S. Abdel-Rahman (2017): This article provides a detailed review of electrodialysis technology, focusing on its use in desalination and the structure and function of the electrodialysis stack.
  • "Air Pollution from Industrial Stacks: A Review" by M.R. Khan (2018): This review explores the impact of industrial stack emissions on air quality and discusses various methods for controlling these emissions.
  • "Stack Height Regulations and their Impact on Air Quality" by S.D. Sharma (2019): This article examines the regulations governing stack height and the influence these regulations have on air pollution levels.

Online Resources

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  • Use specific keywords: "stack air pollution", "electrodialysis stack", "water treatment stack"
  • Combine keywords with location: "stack air pollution regulations California", "electrodialysis stack desalination plants UAE"
  • Include file type: "filetype:pdf stack height regulations" to focus your search on PDF documents.
  • Use advanced operators: " stack height regulations" to search specifically within government websites.
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