Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: sodium absorption ratio (SAR)

sodium absorption ratio (SAR)

Understanding Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR) in Environmental and Water Treatment

The sodium absorption ratio (SAR) is a crucial parameter in environmental and water treatment, particularly for irrigation and soil health management. It quantifies the relative activity of sodium ions (Na+) in exchange reactions with soil. This article delves into the concept of SAR, its importance, and its implications for environmental sustainability.

What is SAR?

SAR is a dimensionless ratio calculated using the concentrations of sodium (Na+), calcium (Ca2+), and magnesium (Mg2+) in water, expressed in milliequivalents per liter (meq/L):

SAR = [Na+] / √([Ca2+] + [Mg2+]/2)

A higher SAR value indicates a greater proportion of sodium ions in the water relative to calcium and magnesium. This translates to a higher potential for sodium to displace these other cations from soil exchange sites, leading to detrimental effects.

Why is SAR Important?

Understanding SAR is crucial for several reasons:

  • Soil Salinity and Permeability: High SAR levels in irrigation water can lead to soil salinization. Sodium, being a monovalent cation, is less effective in holding soil particles together compared to divalent cations like calcium and magnesium. Consequently, soils with high sodium content become dispersed, leading to reduced permeability and water infiltration, hindering plant growth.
  • Soil Structure Degradation: Sodium accumulation in soil can cause clay particles to swell and disperse, disrupting soil structure. This creates a "hardpan" layer, hindering root penetration and water movement.
  • Nutrient Availability: Excessive sodium can hinder nutrient uptake by plants, particularly those requiring calcium and magnesium for growth.

Implications for Water Treatment:

SAR is a vital factor in water treatment processes. Water sources with high SAR may require specific treatments to reduce the sodium concentration before use for irrigation:

  • Reverse Osmosis (RO): RO effectively removes sodium ions and other salts, but it can be a costly process.
  • Ion Exchange: This method involves replacing sodium ions with calcium or magnesium ions using specialized resins.
  • Blending: Combining high SAR water with low SAR water can dilute the sodium concentration to a manageable level.

SAR in Environmental Sustainability:

Maintaining optimal SAR levels is crucial for achieving sustainable water and soil management:

  • Minimizing Irrigation Water Salinity: By using water with low SAR, soil salinization can be prevented, preserving soil fertility and agricultural productivity.
  • Protecting Groundwater Resources: Reducing sodium leaching into groundwater through appropriate irrigation practices and water treatment helps safeguard this vital resource.
  • Promoting Soil Health: By minimizing sodium accumulation, soil structure and nutrient availability can be maintained, enhancing agricultural resilience.


The sodium absorption ratio (SAR) is a key indicator of water quality and its potential impact on soil health. By understanding the implications of SAR, implementing appropriate water treatment strategies, and adopting sustainable irrigation practices, we can mitigate the adverse effects of sodium on our environment and ensure the long-term productivity of our water resources.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Understanding Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR)

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does SAR stand for?

(a) Sodium Absorption Ratio (b) Soil Absorption Rate (c) Salinity Assessment Ratio (d) Sodium Activity Ratio


(a) Sodium Absorption Ratio

2. Which of the following is NOT a factor used to calculate SAR?

(a) Sodium (Na+) (b) Potassium (K+) (c) Calcium (Ca2+) (d) Magnesium (Mg2+)


(b) Potassium (K+)

3. What happens to soil structure when SAR levels are high?

(a) Soil becomes more compacted. (b) Soil becomes more porous and aerated. (c) Soil particles become more dispersed. (d) Soil structure remains unaffected.


(c) Soil particles become more dispersed.

4. Which of the following is NOT a common water treatment method for high SAR water?

(a) Reverse Osmosis (RO) (b) Ion Exchange (c) Chlorination (d) Blending


(c) Chlorination

5. How can maintaining optimal SAR levels contribute to environmental sustainability?

(a) By promoting soil salinization for increased crop yields. (b) By increasing the use of fertilizers to counteract sodium effects. (c) By protecting groundwater resources from sodium contamination. (d) By reducing the use of water for irrigation, conserving water resources.


(c) By protecting groundwater resources from sodium contamination.

Exercise: Calculating SAR


You are given the following water analysis results:

| Ion | Concentration (meq/L) | |---|---| | Na+ | 10 | | Ca2+ | 5 | | Mg2+ | 3 |

Calculate the SAR of this water sample.

Exercice Correction

SAR = [Na+] / √([Ca2+] + [Mg2+]/2)

SAR = 10 / √(5 + 3/2)

SAR = 10 / √(6.5)

SAR ≈ 3.92


  • "Soil Salinity and Sodicity: A Guide for Management" by B.A. Stewart and R.L. Westermann (2005): Provides a comprehensive overview of salinity and sodicity, including SAR, with practical guidance for soil management.
  • "Principles of Soil Science" by Brady and Weil (2017): A standard textbook for soil science that covers soil chemistry, including the effects of sodium on soil properties.
  • "Irrigation Water Management" by D. Hillel (2004): This book explores irrigation practices and water quality, with a dedicated section on SAR and its impact on soil health.


  • "Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR) and its Impact on Soil Properties: A Review" by A.K. Singh et al. (2018): Provides a detailed overview of SAR, its effects on soil, and remediation techniques.
  • "The Influence of Sodium Absorption Ratio on Soil Hydraulic Conductivity and Solute Transport" by A.M. Harb et al. (2014): Explores the relationship between SAR and soil permeability.
  • "Evaluation of Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR) of Irrigation Water Sources in the United States" by R.L. Westermann et al. (2007): Offers a study of SAR levels in different irrigation water sources in the USA.

Online Resources

Search Tips

  • "SAR irrigation water": This search will provide relevant results on SAR specifically related to irrigation practices.
  • "SAR soil salinization": This search will focus on the effects of SAR on soil salinization and remediation techniques.
  • "SAR water treatment": This search will yield information on methods for reducing SAR in water sources.
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