Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: Siloda


Siloda: A Sustainable Solution for Sludge Management

The term "Siloda" refers to a revolutionary approach to sludge management, combining high-rate sludge composting with advanced anaerobic digestion technologies. This environmentally friendly process offers a sustainable alternative to traditional methods, transforming wastewater sludge into valuable resources like compost and biogas.

Siloda's Key Features:

  • Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Siloda significantly reduces the environmental impact of sludge treatment by eliminating methane emissions associated with traditional anaerobic digestion processes.
  • Resource Recovery: The process recovers valuable nutrients from the sludge, generating high-quality compost that can be used as a soil amendment.
  • Sustainable Biogas Production: Siloda produces biogas that can be used for energy generation or other industrial applications.
  • Cost-Effective Solution: The process reduces the overall cost of sludge treatment by minimizing disposal fees and maximizing resource recovery.

High-Rate Sludge Composting:

USFilter/Krüger (North America) and OTV are two leading companies specializing in high-rate sludge composting technologies. Both companies have developed proprietary processes that accelerate the composting process through controlled aeration, temperature, and moisture management. This ensures the rapid breakdown of organic matter and the production of high-quality compost within a shorter timeframe.

USFilter/Krüger's High-Rate Composting Technology:

USFilter/Krüger's process utilizes a series of aerated composting vessels where the sludge is mixed with bulking agents. The vessels are equipped with a specialized aeration system that provides optimal oxygen levels for microbial activity. This process ensures a rapid and efficient decomposition of organic matter, producing high-quality compost in a relatively short period.

OTV's High-Rate Composting Technology:

OTV's high-rate composting system operates through a series of aerated tunnels. The sludge is conveyed through the tunnels in a controlled manner, allowing for uniform aeration and mixing. This system ensures a consistent and efficient composting process, resulting in high-quality compost with minimal odor emissions.

Benefits of Siloda:

  • Reduced Sludge Volume: Siloda significantly reduces the volume of sludge requiring disposal, minimizing landfilling requirements.
  • Improved Nutrient Management: The compost produced through Siloda processes can be used to replenish soil nutrients, reducing the reliance on synthetic fertilizers.
  • Enhanced Soil Health: The high-quality compost produced through Siloda contributes to improved soil structure, water retention, and microbial activity.
  • Reduced Environmental Footprint: Siloda offers a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional sludge treatment methods, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and minimizing the environmental impact.


Siloda presents a cutting-edge solution for sludge management, effectively transforming wastewater sludge into valuable resources. By combining high-rate composting with advanced anaerobic digestion technologies, Siloda offers a sustainable and cost-effective approach to managing sludge, promoting resource recovery, and reducing environmental impact. The innovative technologies developed by USFilter/Krüger and OTV are driving this transformation, paving the way for a greener and more sustainable future.

Test Your Knowledge


  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. (This comprehensive textbook covers various wastewater treatment processes, including sludge management, and may provide information on composting and anaerobic digestion technologies relevant to Siloda.)
  • Composting and Vermicomposting: Theory and Practice by M.A. Khan (This book explores composting techniques, including high-rate composting, which is a key aspect of the Siloda approach.)
  • Anaerobic Digestion: A Sustainable Technology for Renewable Energy and Resource Recovery by A. Angelidaki (This book provides in-depth information on anaerobic digestion, a vital component of Siloda, and its applications for biogas production and resource recovery.)


  • "High-Rate Composting of Sewage Sludge: A Review" by M.A. Khan and A.L. Khan (This article provides a comprehensive overview of high-rate composting technologies and their potential for sludge management, which are directly relevant to Siloda.)
  • "Anaerobic Digestion of Sewage Sludge: A Review" by J.A.R. van Lier, A.A.M. De Wilde, and J.C. Gottschal (This article explores the various aspects of anaerobic digestion in the context of sludge treatment, offering insights into the technology used in Siloda.)
  • "Siloda: A Sustainable Solution for Sludge Management" by [Author's name] (This article, if published, would provide detailed information about the Siloda approach, its benefits, and specific technologies employed. You can find this by searching for "Siloda" in scientific databases like Scopus or Web of Science.)

Online Resources

  • USFilter/Krüger website: ( This website provides detailed information about USFilter/Krüger's high-rate composting technology, which is a core component of Siloda.
  • OTV website: ( This website provides information about OTV's composting technologies, including their high-rate composting systems.
  • Wastewater Technology Centre website: ( This website offers resources and information on wastewater treatment technologies, including sludge management.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Use combinations like "Siloda sludge management," "high-rate composting sludge," "anaerobic digestion sludge," "USFilter Krüger composting," "OTV composting."
  • Explore different search operators: Use quotation marks to search for exact phrases, such as "Siloda technology."
  • Filter by date and source: Use filters to refine your search results by specific publication dates or types of sources (e.g., academic journals, news articles).
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