Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: SideCar


SideCar: A Powerful Addition to RBC Aeration Systems for Environmental & Water Treatment

The world of environmental and water treatment is constantly evolving, seeking solutions that are both efficient and sustainable. One technology that has proven its worth is the Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC) aeration system. These systems, characterized by their rotating discs that provide a large surface area for biological growth, effectively treat wastewater. However, recent advancements have led to the introduction of SideCar technology, a powerful add-on that significantly enhances RBC performance.

What is SideCar?

Developed by Jones MacCrea, Inc., SideCar is an innovative attachment that utilizes bioaugmentation – introducing specific beneficial bacteria to enhance the natural treatment process. These bacteria, specifically selected for their effectiveness in treating target pollutants, are housed within a bioreactor integrated onto the SideCar.

How Does SideCar Work?

The SideCar operates in tandem with the existing RBC system. As wastewater flows through the RBC, it encounters the SideCar, where the bioreactor's specialized bacteria actively break down target pollutants. The system is designed to:

  • Target Specific Pollutants: SideCar can be customized to address a variety of pollutants, including pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals, and emerging contaminants.
  • Increase Treatment Efficiency: The addition of targeted bacteria significantly boosts the degradation of pollutants, often resulting in higher treatment efficiency.
  • Reduce Sludge Production: By optimizing biological processes, SideCar can minimize the amount of sludge generated during treatment.
  • Improve Treatment Stability: The bioaugmentation provided by SideCar stabilizes the treatment process, making it less susceptible to fluctuations in wastewater flow and composition.

Advantages of SideCar

  • Increased Treatment Efficiency: SideCar significantly enhances the performance of RBC systems by augmenting the biological processes.
  • Reduced Operating Costs: By improving treatment efficiency and minimizing sludge production, SideCar contributes to lower operating expenses.
  • Environmental Sustainability: SideCar promotes a more sustainable approach to wastewater treatment by reducing the environmental footprint of the process.
  • Flexibility and Adaptability: SideCar can be readily adapted to existing RBC systems, offering a cost-effective way to upgrade existing infrastructure.


SideCar represents a significant advancement in environmental and water treatment technology. By harnessing the power of bioaugmentation, this technology enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of RBC systems, enabling treatment facilities to address a wider range of pollutants and achieve greater sustainability. As environmental concerns continue to grow, solutions like SideCar will play a vital role in safeguarding our water resources and creating a cleaner future.

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