Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: Sewer Chewer

Sewer Chewer

The Unseen Hero of Wastewater Treatment: The Sewer Chewer and Comminuter

In the world of waste management, there are many unsung heroes working diligently behind the scenes to keep our cities clean and healthy. One such hero is the "Sewer Chewer," a term often used to describe comminuters, also known as sludge grinders or grinders. These machines are essential components of wastewater treatment plants, playing a crucial role in the efficient and hygienic processing of sewage.

What is a Sewer Chewer?

A sewer chewer, or comminuter, is a mechanical device designed to shred and reduce the size of solid waste materials found in sewage. These materials can include anything from toilet paper and food scraps to rags, plastic, and even larger objects accidentally flushed down the drain.

Why are they Important?

Sewer chewers are essential for several reasons:

  • Preventing blockages: Large debris can clog pipes and pumps, leading to costly repairs and potential overflows. Comminuters break down these materials, ensuring smooth flow through the system.
  • Improving treatment efficiency: By reducing the size of solids, comminuters allow for more efficient treatment processes. This includes better sedimentation and digestion, resulting in cleaner wastewater discharge.
  • Protecting equipment: Large debris can damage sensitive equipment like pumps and grinders. Comminuters act as a protective barrier, extending the lifespan of these critical components.
  • Promoting hygiene: By preventing the build-up of debris, comminuters help maintain hygienic conditions within the sewer system. This is crucial for preventing the spread of disease and protecting public health.

Comminuter/Sludge Grinder by Yeomans Chicago Corp.

Yeomans Chicago Corp. is a leading manufacturer of wastewater treatment equipment, known for their innovative and reliable products. Their comminuter/sludge grinders are designed for both municipal and industrial applications, offering several advantages:

  • High-quality construction: Yeomans comminuters are built with durable materials and rigorous quality control, ensuring long-lasting performance.
  • Efficient operation: Their advanced design minimizes energy consumption and maximizes shredding efficiency.
  • Ease of maintenance: The comminuters are designed for easy access and cleaning, reducing downtime and maintenance costs.
  • Customizable solutions: Yeomans offers a variety of models and options to meet the specific needs of different applications.

The Bottom Line

Sewer chewers are often overlooked, but they play a critical role in the efficient and hygienic operation of wastewater treatment systems. Comminuters, like those manufactured by Yeomans Chicago Corp., are essential tools for ensuring clean water and a healthy environment. As we continue to strive for sustainable waste management solutions, the importance of these "unseen heroes" cannot be overstated.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Unseen Hero of Wastewater Treatment

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a "Sewer Chewer"?

a) To filter out pollutants from wastewater b) To transport wastewater to treatment facilities c) To shred and reduce the size of solid waste in sewage d) To disinfect wastewater before discharge


c) To shred and reduce the size of solid waste in sewage

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using a comminuter in wastewater treatment?

a) Preventing blockages in pipes and pumps b) Improving treatment efficiency c) Increasing the volume of wastewater d) Protecting equipment from damage


c) Increasing the volume of wastewater

3. What does the acronym "Yeomans Chicago Corp." stand for?

a) Young Engineers and Mechanics for Clean Sanitation b) Yeomans Corporation, a leading manufacturer of wastewater treatment equipment c) Youthful Environmentalists and Managers for Clean Operations d) None of the above


b) Yeomans Corporation, a leading manufacturer of wastewater treatment equipment

4. What is the main advantage of Yeomans comminuters' "high-quality construction"?

a) They are more aesthetically pleasing b) They are more expensive than other models c) They are more durable and long-lasting d) They are easier to install


c) They are more durable and long-lasting

5. Why are sewer chewers considered "unsung heroes" in waste management?

a) They are not as well-known as other sanitation workers b) They operate behind the scenes and are often overlooked c) They are not very important in the overall process d) They are not very effective


b) They operate behind the scenes and are often overlooked

Exercise: Comminuter Design Challenge

Imagine you are tasked with designing a new comminuter for a small wastewater treatment plant. Consider the following factors:

  • Capacity: The plant processes 100,000 gallons of wastewater per day.
  • Debris: The plant receives a high volume of food scraps and plastic waste.
  • Budget: The plant has a limited budget for equipment.
  • Maintenance: The plant has limited staff for maintenance and repairs.

Based on these factors, design your comminuter and explain your choices:

  • What type of cutting mechanism would you use?
  • How would you ensure efficient shredding of different types of debris?
  • What features would you include for ease of maintenance?
  • How would you ensure cost-effectiveness without compromising performance?

Exercise Correction

This is an open-ended exercise, so there's no single "correct" answer. Here's an example of a possible solution:

**Design Choices:**

  • Cutting Mechanism: A combination of rotating blades and a stationary grate would be suitable. This allows for efficient shredding of a variety of debris sizes and materials.
  • Efficient Shredding: The blades should be made of durable, corrosion-resistant material and have a high-speed rotation for effective shredding. The grate should be designed with small openings to ensure thorough size reduction.
  • Ease of Maintenance: The comminuter should have a removable cover for easy access to the blades and grate. The design should incorporate self-cleaning mechanisms, such as a scraper or water jet system, to minimize manual cleaning.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: The comminuter should be made of durable yet affordable materials. The design should be streamlined and efficient, reducing energy consumption and maximizing performance.


  • This combination of features addresses the specific challenges of the small wastewater treatment plant.
  • The cutting mechanism is effective for a wide range of debris.
  • Easy maintenance reduces downtime and labor costs.
  • The design is cost-effective while still ensuring the comminuter's performance.

**Remember, this is just one example, and different solutions may be better suited to specific needs and budgets.**


  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. (Provides comprehensive coverage of wastewater treatment processes, including comminution)
  • Water and Wastewater Treatment: Principles and Design by Davis & Cornwell (Covers the design and operation of wastewater treatment plants, highlighting the role of comminuters)
  • Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations by W. Wesley Eckenfelder (Offers practical insights into the operation of wastewater treatment facilities, including comminuter maintenance and troubleshooting)


  • "Comminution in Wastewater Treatment" by The Water Environment Federation (Provides technical information on comminution principles and applications)
  • "Wastewater Treatment Plant Equipment: A Guide for Operators" by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (Offers a detailed overview of wastewater treatment equipment, including comminuters)
  • "The Role of Comminution in the Treatment of Wastewater" by Journal of Environmental Engineering (Provides scientific insights into the effectiveness of comminution in wastewater treatment)

Online Resources

  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): (Offers comprehensive information on wastewater treatment technologies and best practices)
  • United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): (Provides resources and guidance on wastewater treatment, including comminuter operation)
  • Yeomans Chicago Corp.: (Offers information on their comminuter products and services)

Search Tips

  • "Wastewater treatment comminution"
  • "Sludge grinder"
  • "Sewer chewer"
  • "Comminuter wastewater treatment"
  • "Grinder wastewater"
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