Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: Secchi disk

Secchi disk

The Secchi Disk: A Simple Tool for Measuring Water Clarity and Productivity

The Secchi disk, a seemingly simple tool consisting of a black and white checkered disk, plays a vital role in environmental and water treatment studies. This seemingly mundane object provides a valuable insight into the health and productivity of aquatic ecosystems.

Unveiling the Depths: Measuring Water Clarity

When lowered into water, the Secchi disk disappears from view at a specific depth. This depth, known as the Secchi depth, serves as a proxy for water clarity, indicating the amount of light that can penetrate the water column. Clear water allows light to penetrate deeper, resulting in a larger Secchi depth, while turbid water, laden with suspended particles, limits light penetration and exhibits a shallower Secchi depth.

Beyond Clarity: Estimating the Euphotic Zone

The Secchi depth is not merely a measure of water clarity; it also provides a rough estimate of the euphotic zone, the layer of water where sufficient light exists for photosynthesis to occur. This zone is crucial for the growth and survival of aquatic plants and phytoplankton, which form the base of the aquatic food web.

Applications in Environmental and Water Treatment

The Secchi disk finds diverse applications across various fields:

  • Monitoring Water Quality: Regular Secchi depth measurements can track changes in water clarity over time, providing valuable insights into water quality trends and potential pollution events.
  • Assessing Lake and Reservoir Health: By indicating the depth of the euphotic zone, the Secchi disk helps assess the productivity of these water bodies, revealing potential algal blooms or other imbalances.
  • Evaluating Water Treatment Processes: The Secchi disk can monitor the effectiveness of water treatment processes, ensuring that turbidity is reduced to acceptable levels.
  • Researching Climate Change Impacts: The Secchi depth can reveal how climate change affects water clarity and ecosystem productivity, as changing precipitation patterns and rising temperatures can impact algal growth and water turbidity.

The Secchi Disk: A Powerful Tool for Understanding Aquatic Ecosystems

While seemingly simple, the Secchi disk offers a powerful tool for understanding the health and functioning of aquatic ecosystems. Its ability to measure water clarity and estimate the euphotic zone provides valuable insights into a range of environmental issues, from pollution to climate change. By utilizing this simple yet effective tool, scientists and water resource managers can gain a better understanding of the intricate dynamics of our aquatic world.

Test Your Knowledge

Secchi Disk Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does the Secchi disk primarily measure?

a) Water temperature b) Water clarity c) Water salinity d) Water pH


b) Water clarity

2. What is the depth at which the Secchi disk disappears from view called?

a) Euphotic zone b) Secchi depth c) Turbidity level d) Photosynthetic zone


b) Secchi depth

3. A shallower Secchi depth indicates:

a) Clearer water b) Deeper euphotic zone c) More productive ecosystem d) More turbid water


d) More turbid water

4. Which of the following is NOT a potential application of the Secchi disk?

a) Monitoring water quality b) Assessing the effectiveness of water treatment c) Measuring the amount of dissolved oxygen d) Researching climate change impacts


c) Measuring the amount of dissolved oxygen

5. The Secchi disk helps estimate the depth of the:

a) Benthic zone b) Littoral zone c) Euphotic zone d) Aphotic zone


c) Euphotic zone

Secchi Disk Exercise

Scenario: You are a water quality researcher studying a local lake. You have measured the Secchi depth at 3 different locations in the lake:

  • Location A: 1.5 meters
  • Location B: 0.8 meters
  • Location C: 2.2 meters

Task: Based on the Secchi depth measurements, answer the following questions:

  1. Which location has the clearest water?
  2. Which location likely has the most productive ecosystem?
  3. Which location might be experiencing potential water quality issues?

Exercice Correction

1. **Location C** has the clearest water as it has the deepest Secchi depth. 2. **Location C** also likely has the most productive ecosystem as a deeper Secchi depth indicates a deeper euphotic zone, allowing for more photosynthetic activity. 3. **Location B** might be experiencing potential water quality issues as its shallow Secchi depth indicates high turbidity, which can be caused by pollution or excessive algae growth.


  • Limnology: By G.E. Hutchinson (1957) - Provides a comprehensive overview of limnology, including a chapter dedicated to Secchi disk measurements.
  • A Guide to the Secchi Disk: By the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - A practical guide to using the Secchi disk for water quality monitoring.
  • Water Quality Monitoring: A Practical Guide: By William J. Mitsch and James G. Gosselink (2007) - This book covers various water quality parameters, including Secchi depth, and its practical applications.


  • "Secchi disk transparency: A historical perspective with global applications" By R.G. Wetzel (2001) - This article provides an in-depth review of the history, applications, and limitations of the Secchi disk.
  • "Secchi disk measurements: An overview of methods and applications" By G.A. Lamberti (2006) - This article offers a practical guide to using the Secchi disk, including best practices and data analysis.
  • "The Secchi disk as a tool for assessing the effects of climate change on water clarity" By M.T. Brett and T.P. Downing (2015) - This research article examines the use of Secchi depth to assess the impact of climate change on lake ecosystems.

Online Resources

  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Secchi Disk Information: Provides information on the Secchi disk, its use, and resources for water quality monitoring.
  • Secchi Disk Society: Dedicated to promoting the use of the Secchi disk for scientific research and education.
  • The Limnological Society of America (LSA) - Secchi Disk Resources: Offers resources and guidance on Secchi disk measurements and analysis.
  • Aquatic Commons - Secchi Disk Database: Provides access to a global database of Secchi disk measurements, allowing for comparisons and analysis of water clarity data.

Search Tips

  • "Secchi disk + water quality" - This search will yield articles and resources related to the use of the Secchi disk for water quality monitoring.
  • "Secchi disk + climate change" - This search will focus on research examining the impact of climate change on water clarity, using the Secchi disk as a tool.
  • "Secchi disk + lake monitoring" - This search will find resources specific to using the Secchi disk for monitoring the health and productivity of lakes and reservoirs.
  • "Secchi disk + data analysis" - This search will lead to articles and tools for analyzing and interpreting Secchi depth data.
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