Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: Rotordisk


Rotordisk: A Rotating Revolution in Environmental & Water Treatment

The term "Rotordisk" refers to a crucial component within a specific type of wastewater treatment technology: the Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC). Developed by the CMS Group, Inc., RBCs are an efficient and sustainable solution for removing organic pollutants from wastewater.

Understanding the Rotordisk:

The Rotordisk is essentially a circular plastic disc with a high surface area designed to support the growth of biofilm. This biofilm, a complex community of microorganisms, plays a vital role in the wastewater treatment process.

How Rotordisks Work in the RBC:

  1. Wastewater Flow: Wastewater enters the RBC and is distributed evenly over the rotating disks.
  2. Biofilm Formation: As the disks slowly rotate (typically at a speed of 1-2 revolutions per minute), they are constantly exposed to fresh wastewater. This allows the biofilm to flourish, with microorganisms feeding on the organic pollutants in the wastewater.
  3. Oxygen Transfer: The rotating disks create a thin film of water on their surface, maximizing the contact between the biofilm and dissolved oxygen. This oxygen is essential for the aerobic microorganisms in the biofilm to break down the pollutants.
  4. Wastewater Cleaned: As the wastewater passes through the RBC, the organic pollutants are removed and broken down by the microorganisms, resulting in cleaner and safer effluent.

Advantages of Rotordisks in RBCs:

  • High Efficiency: The high surface area of the disks allows for a large amount of biofilm growth, increasing the overall efficiency of the treatment process.
  • Low Energy Consumption: RBCs have low energy requirements due to the slow rotation speed of the disks.
  • Durability: Rotordisks are made of durable plastic materials, ensuring long-term use.
  • Minimal Maintenance: The simple design and robust construction of the disks require minimal maintenance, reducing operational costs.
  • Environmentally Friendly: RBCs are a sustainable and eco-friendly solution, as they don't use chemicals or produce harmful byproducts.

Applications of Rotordisk-Based RBCs:

  • Municipal Wastewater Treatment: Removal of organic pollutants and nutrients from sewage.
  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment: Treatment of wastewater from various industries, including food processing, textiles, and pharmaceuticals.
  • Agricultural Wastewater Treatment: Removal of organic matter from animal waste and runoff.


Rotordisks are essential components of Rotating Biological Contactors, playing a crucial role in removing organic pollutants from wastewater. Their high efficiency, low energy consumption, and environmental friendliness make them a viable and sustainable solution for various water treatment applications. As a leading innovator in RBC technology, the CMS Group, Inc., continues to develop and refine this technology, ensuring its effectiveness and efficiency in meeting the growing demands of water treatment globally.

Test Your Knowledge

Rotordisk Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is a Rotordisk primarily made of?

a) Metal b) Ceramic c) Plastic d) Glass


c) Plastic

2. What is the main function of the biofilm that grows on the Rotordisk?

a) To filter out solid particles b) To absorb heavy metals c) To break down organic pollutants d) To regulate the pH of the wastewater


c) To break down organic pollutants

3. How does the rotation of the Rotordisk contribute to the treatment process?

a) It physically crushes the pollutants b) It creates a vortex that pulls the pollutants down c) It exposes the biofilm to fresh wastewater and oxygen d) It increases the temperature of the wastewater


c) It exposes the biofilm to fresh wastewater and oxygen

4. Which of these is NOT an advantage of Rotordisks in RBCs?

a) High efficiency b) Low energy consumption c) High maintenance requirements d) Environmentally friendly


c) High maintenance requirements

5. In which of the following applications are Rotordisk-based RBCs used?

a) Removing salt from seawater b) Treating drinking water c) Purifying air d) Municipal wastewater treatment


d) Municipal wastewater treatment

Rotordisk Exercise:

Scenario: You are a wastewater treatment plant operator. The plant uses a Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC) system. The RBC system has been experiencing reduced efficiency, with higher levels of organic pollutants in the effluent.


  1. Identify at least three potential causes for the reduced efficiency of the RBC system.
  2. For each potential cause, propose a specific solution or action that could be taken to address it.

Exercise Correction

Here are some possible causes and solutions:

Possible Causes:

  1. Biofilm deterioration: The biofilm may be compromised due to factors like high nutrient loading, toxic substances, or changes in the wastewater composition.
  2. Insufficient oxygen transfer: The Rotordisks may not be rotating at an optimal speed, or there might be a blockage in the aeration system.
  3. Overloading of the RBC system: The plant may be receiving more wastewater than the system is designed to handle.
  4. Rotordisk damage: The Rotordisks might have physical damage, reducing their surface area and biofilm growth.


  1. Improve wastewater quality: Reduce the loading of nutrients, monitor for toxic substances, and analyze the changes in wastewater composition.
  2. Optimize rotation speed and aeration: Ensure the Rotordisks are rotating at the appropriate speed, check for blockages in the aeration system, and consider upgrading to a more efficient aeration system.
  3. Increase treatment capacity: If necessary, consider expanding the RBC system or implementing additional treatment stages to handle the increased wastewater flow.
  4. Replace damaged Rotordisks: Inspect the Rotordisks for damage, and replace any that are significantly worn or damaged.


  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal, and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy (2014): A comprehensive textbook on wastewater treatment technologies, including detailed information on biological treatment processes like RBCs.
  • Biological Wastewater Treatment: Principles, Modelling and Design by T.R.W. Atherton (2004): Focuses on the fundamentals of biological wastewater treatment, including specific chapters on RBCs and their design considerations.
  • Handbook of Environmental Engineering by P.N. Cheremisinoff (2000): A broad overview of environmental engineering principles and practices, including a section on biological wastewater treatment and RBC technology.


  • Rotating Biological Contactors (RBCs): A Review by A.K. Jain and R.K. Jain (2012): A comprehensive review of RBC technology, covering its history, principles, applications, and advantages.
  • Performance of Rotating Biological Contactors for Wastewater Treatment: A Case Study by H.M.A. El-Gendy (2014): A case study demonstrating the efficiency of RBCs in treating specific types of wastewater, highlighting practical aspects of implementation.
  • Optimization of Rotating Biological Contactors for Wastewater Treatment by D.A. Nokes et al. (2008): Research paper focusing on the optimization of RBC operation, including parameters like disk rotation speed, hydraulic loading, and biofilm thickness.

Online Resources

  • CMS Group, Inc.: - The official website of the company pioneering RBC technology, offering information on their products and services related to Rotordisks and RBCs.
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): - A leading non-profit organization dedicated to water quality, providing valuable resources, publications, and research related to wastewater treatment technologies.
  • International Water Association (IWA): - A global network promoting sustainable water management, offering a wealth of information on various aspects of water treatment, including RBC technology.

Search Tips

  • "Rotating Biological Contactors" + "Rotordisk" + "Wastewater Treatment" - This search string will target information specific to the Rotordisk component within RBCs and its application in wastewater treatment.
  • "RBC Technology" + "Environmental Engineering" - Broadens the search to cover research articles and publications related to the technology itself and its environmental impact.
  • "CMS Group" + "RBC" + "Case Studies" - This search can help locate real-world examples of RBC applications and the performance of Rotordisk-based systems.
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