Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: recalcining


Recalcination: A Sustainable Solution for Lime Recovery in Water and Wastewater Treatment

The efficient and sustainable treatment of water and wastewater is paramount for public health and environmental protection. Lime, a key component in many treatment processes, plays a vital role in removing impurities and improving water quality. However, lime usage generates significant amounts of sludge, posing disposal challenges and environmental concerns. Recalcination emerges as a promising solution to address this challenge, allowing for the recovery and reuse of lime, promoting circularity and reducing environmental impact.

What is Recalcination?

Recalcination is a thermal process that converts lime sludge, typically generated during water or wastewater treatment, back into usable lime. This process utilizes a multiple hearth furnace, a specialized piece of equipment designed for high-temperature processing. The sludge is fed into the furnace, where it undergoes a series of stages:

  • Drying: The sludge is initially dried to remove moisture content.
  • Calcination: The dried sludge is then heated to a high temperature, typically around 900-1000°C, causing a chemical transformation. The calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in the sludge decomposes into calcium oxide (CaO) – also known as quicklime – and carbon dioxide (CO2).
  • Cooling: The recalcined lime is then cooled to a manageable temperature for handling and storage.

Benefits of Recalcination:

  • Lime Recovery: Recalcination enables the recovery of usable lime from sludge, significantly reducing the need for virgin lime production. This conserves natural resources and minimizes the environmental impact associated with lime mining.
  • Waste Reduction: By reusing lime, recalcination reduces the volume of sludge requiring disposal, minimizing landfill requirements and promoting sustainable waste management practices.
  • Reduced Costs: Reusing lime significantly reduces the costs associated with purchasing fresh lime, leading to substantial economic savings for water and wastewater treatment plants.
  • Environmental Sustainability: Recalcination contributes to a more circular economy by minimizing waste generation and promoting the reuse of valuable resources. The process also reduces carbon emissions compared to using virgin lime.

Challenges and Considerations:

Despite its numerous benefits, recalcination presents some challenges:

  • High Energy Consumption: The high temperatures required for calcination necessitate significant energy inputs, increasing operational costs and potentially contributing to emissions.
  • Equipment Cost: Multiple hearth furnaces are specialized and expensive equipment, requiring capital investment for implementation.
  • Operational Complexity: Recalcination involves intricate process control and requires skilled personnel for operation and maintenance.

Future Directions:

To overcome these challenges, ongoing research focuses on:

  • Energy Efficiency: Developing innovative furnace designs and process optimization strategies to reduce energy consumption.
  • Alternative Technologies: Exploring other technologies like fluidized bed reactors that can provide energy efficiency and reduce operational costs.
  • Integration and Optimization: Integrating recalcination into existing water and wastewater treatment facilities to optimize resource utilization and minimize operational disruptions.


Recalcination is a valuable tool for sustainable water and wastewater treatment, enabling lime recovery and reducing environmental impact. By minimizing waste, conserving resources, and reducing costs, this process contributes to a greener and more circular economy in the water treatment sector. Continued research and innovation in this field hold immense potential to further enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of lime recovery in water and wastewater treatment, contributing to a cleaner and healthier future.

Test Your Knowledge

Recalcination Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the main purpose of Recalcination?

a) To dispose of lime sludge safely.


Incorrect. Recalcination is not about disposal but about recovery and reuse.

b) To convert lime sludge into usable lime.

Correct! Recalcination transforms lime sludge back into usable lime.

c) To reduce the moisture content of lime sludge.

Incorrect. While drying is a part of the process, it's not the main purpose.

d) To decompose calcium oxide into calcium carbonate.

Incorrect. Recalcination actually reverses this process, transforming calcium carbonate into calcium oxide.

2. What type of equipment is typically used for Recalcination?

a) Fluidized bed reactor


While fluidized bed reactors are being explored, the most common equipment is a multiple hearth furnace.

b) Multiple hearth furnace

Correct! Multiple hearth furnaces are designed for high-temperature processing of sludge.

c) Rotary kiln

Incorrect. Rotary kilns are commonly used for cement production, not typically for recalcination.

d) Centrifuge

Incorrect. Centrifuges are used for separating solids from liquids, not for thermal processing.

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of Recalcination?

a) Lime recovery


Incorrect. Lime recovery is a major benefit of recalcination.

b) Reduced waste disposal

Incorrect. Reduced waste disposal is a significant benefit.

c) Increased demand for virgin lime

Correct! Recalcination aims to reduce the need for virgin lime, not increase it.

d) Reduced operational costs

Incorrect. Reusing lime can significantly reduce costs.

4. Which of the following is a challenge associated with Recalcination?

a) Low energy consumption


Incorrect. High energy consumption is a challenge.

b) Low capital investment

Incorrect. Recalcination requires significant capital investment for equipment.

c) Simple operational procedures

Incorrect. Recalcination requires intricate process control.

d) All of the above

Incorrect. Only high energy consumption, high capital investment, and operational complexity are challenges.

5. What is a potential future direction in Recalcination research?

a) Using more traditional, established technologies


Incorrect. Research is focused on innovating, not reverting to older technologies.

b) Increasing the use of virgin lime

Incorrect. The goal is to reduce the need for virgin lime, not increase it.

c) Developing energy-efficient technologies

Correct! Reducing energy consumption is a critical research focus.

d) Ignoring the environmental impact

Incorrect. Environmental impact is a key concern in recalcination research.

Recalcination Exercise

Scenario: A wastewater treatment plant currently generates 100 tonnes of lime sludge per year. The plant is considering implementing recalcination to recover lime and reduce sludge disposal costs.


  • Assuming a recalcination process recovers 80% of the lime from the sludge, calculate the amount of usable lime recovered annually.
  • Calculate the amount of sludge requiring disposal after recalcination.
  • Discuss potential benefits and challenges of implementing recalcination for this plant.

Exercice Correction

  • Usable Lime Recovered:

    • 100 tonnes of sludge * 80% recovery = 80 tonnes of usable lime recovered annually.
  • Sludge Disposal:

    • 100 tonnes of sludge - 80 tonnes of recovered lime = 20 tonnes of sludge requiring disposal.
  • Benefits:

    • Reduced lime purchase costs: Significant cost savings by reusing recovered lime.
    • Reduced landfill requirements: Lower volume of sludge needing disposal.
    • Environmental Sustainability: Promoting a circular economy and reducing environmental impact.
  • Challenges:

    • Capital investment: Purchasing and installing a recalcination system is expensive.
    • Energy consumption: The process requires substantial energy, potentially increasing operational costs.
    • Operational expertise: Skilled personnel are needed to operate and maintain the system.

Conclusion: Implementing recalcination can be a valuable investment for this plant, offering long-term benefits in terms of cost savings and sustainability. However, careful consideration of the initial investment and ongoing operational costs is crucial for a successful implementation.


  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. (This comprehensive text covers various wastewater treatment processes including lime usage and its recovery.)
  • Water Treatment: Principles and Design by Davis & Cornwell (This book explores lime treatment processes, including recalcination, within the context of water treatment.)
  • Lime and Limestone: Chemistry, Technology, and Applications by George A. Parks (This book provides a detailed examination of lime chemistry and its applications, including recalcination, in various industries.)


  • "Recalcination of Lime Sludge: A Review" by D.J. Lee, J.S. Lee, and Y.S. Cho (This article provides an overview of recalcination technology, its benefits, challenges, and potential improvements.)
  • "The Potential of Recalcination for Sustainable Lime Recovery in Water Treatment" by J.L. Smith and R.J. Brown (This article focuses on the specific application of recalcination in water treatment, emphasizing its sustainability benefits.)
  • "Lime Recalcination: A Techno-Economic Analysis of Its Viability in Wastewater Treatment" by A.K. Sharma and P.K. Gupta (This article delves into the economic feasibility of recalcination in wastewater treatment, analyzing costs and potential savings.)

Online Resources

  • "Lime Recalcination" - Water Environment Federation (WEF) - This resource provides general information about recalcination, including its principles, advantages, and applications.
  • "Recalcination" - Global Water & Wastewater Treatment Alliance (GWWA) - This website offers articles, reports, and research papers on various aspects of water and wastewater treatment, including lime recovery through recalcination.
  • "Lime Recovery Technologies: A Review" - ResearchGate - This resource provides a comprehensive overview of different lime recovery technologies, including recalcination, highlighting their pros and cons.

Search Tips

  • "Recalcination lime wastewater treatment": This will provide results specific to the application of recalcination in wastewater treatment.
  • "Lime recovery recalcination technology": This search will lead you to resources discussing different technologies involved in lime recovery through recalcination.
  • "Economic feasibility recalcination water treatment": This will uncover information about the economic aspects of using recalcination in water treatment.
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