Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: product water

product water

Product Water: The Result of Treatment and Desalination

In the realm of Environmental and Water Treatment, product water refers to the final output of a treatment or desalination process. It signifies water that has been purified or modified to meet specific quality standards, rendering it suitable for various applications.

Understanding the Process:

Product water is born from a range of treatments designed to remove impurities from raw water sources. These processes can include:

  • Filtration: Physically separating suspended solids from the water using filters of varying pore sizes.
  • Coagulation and Flocculation: Adding chemicals to bind smaller particles together, forming larger clumps that can be easily removed through sedimentation.
  • Disinfection: Killing harmful microorganisms using chlorine, ultraviolet light, or ozone.
  • Dechlorination: Removing excess chlorine after disinfection to ensure safe drinking water.
  • Softening: Reducing the concentration of calcium and magnesium ions, responsible for water hardness, to prevent mineral buildup.
  • Desalination: Removing dissolved salts from seawater or brackish water, making it suitable for drinking or other uses.

Diverse Applications:

The journey of product water extends beyond mere purification. Depending on its quality, it can be used for:

  • Drinking water: Meeting the stringent standards for human consumption.
  • Industrial processes: Serving as a vital component in various manufacturing processes.
  • Irrigation: Providing a reliable source of water for agriculture.
  • Reclamation: Reusing treated wastewater for non-potable purposes like landscaping or toilet flushing.

Quality Control and Standards:

Ensuring the quality of product water is paramount. Specific standards and regulations define the acceptable levels of contaminants for different applications. For instance, drinking water standards are significantly stricter than those for industrial water. Regular monitoring and testing are crucial to guarantee product water meets the intended use requirements.

The Future of Product Water:

As global water scarcity intensifies, the role of product water in securing sustainable water resources is growing. Advancements in desalination technology and water treatment processes are leading to the development of more efficient and cost-effective methods for producing high-quality product water. This, in turn, opens new avenues for meeting the diverse water needs of a growing population.

In conclusion, product water represents the culmination of water treatment efforts. By converting raw water into a usable form, it plays a vital role in safeguarding public health, driving industrial progress, and ensuring sustainable water management practices.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Product Water

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of product water?

a) To be bottled and sold commercially.


Incorrect. Product water's primary purpose is to provide purified water for various uses.

b) To be used for irrigation and agriculture.


Incorrect. While irrigation is one application, product water has a wider range of uses.

c) To be treated and released back into the environment.


Incorrect. Treated water can be released back into the environment, but product water is typically intended for specific uses.

d) To be converted into a usable form for drinking, industrial processes, and other applications.


Correct. Product water is purified or modified to meet specific quality standards for various uses.

2. Which of the following is NOT a common method used to treat raw water to produce product water?

a) Filtration


Incorrect. Filtration is a common method used to remove suspended solids.

b) Disinfection


Incorrect. Disinfection is essential to eliminate harmful microorganisms.

c) Evaporation


Correct. Evaporation is primarily used in desalination but not a common general treatment method.

d) Softening


Incorrect. Softening helps reduce water hardness by removing minerals.

3. What is the main purpose of desalination?

a) To remove impurities from wastewater.


Incorrect. Wastewater treatment focuses on different types of impurities.

b) To remove dissolved salts from seawater or brackish water.


Correct. Desalination converts salty water into fresh water.

c) To kill harmful bacteria in drinking water.


Incorrect. Disinfection is the process for killing bacteria in water.

d) To increase the pH level of water.


Incorrect. pH adjustment is a separate process in water treatment.

4. Which of the following is NOT a key factor in determining the quality of product water?

a) The intended use of the water


Incorrect. Drinking water standards are stricter than those for industrial water.

b) The source of the raw water


Incorrect. The source water influences the required treatment process.

c) The cost of the treatment process


Correct. While cost is a factor, it's not a primary determinant of water quality.

d) The presence of contaminants


Incorrect. Contaminant levels are crucial for determining water quality.

5. What is the significance of product water in the face of global water scarcity?

a) It provides an alternative to traditional water sources.


Correct. Product water offers a sustainable solution to water scarcity.

b) It is a cheaper and more efficient way to obtain water.


Incorrect. Cost and efficiency are factors, but the main significance lies in its role in addressing scarcity.

c) It is a less environmentally friendly way to obtain water.


Incorrect. Advancements in technology make product water a more sustainable option.

d) It is not a significant solution to water scarcity.


Incorrect. Product water plays a crucial role in ensuring water security.


Imagine you are tasked with designing a water treatment system for a small community. Your goal is to produce product water that meets drinking water standards. The community has access to a nearby river as its raw water source. Based on the information about product water treatment processes, describe the steps you would take to design the system and ensure the product water meets the necessary quality standards.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible solution, focusing on essential steps:

  1. Water Quality Analysis: First, a thorough analysis of the river water is required to identify contaminants and their concentrations. This will inform the necessary treatment steps.
  2. Pre-treatment: The raw water likely contains suspended solids and organic matter. Therefore, a pre-treatment stage using a combination of screens, sedimentation tanks, and possibly coagulation/flocculation is necessary to remove these larger particles.
  3. Filtration: A filtration system using sand filters or membrane filtration (e.g., ultrafiltration or microfiltration) would be required to remove remaining suspended particles and smaller contaminants.
  4. Disinfection: This is crucial to eliminate harmful bacteria and viruses. Chlorine disinfection is a common and cost-effective method, but alternatives like UV or ozone may be considered depending on the specific requirements and local conditions.
  5. Post-treatment: Depending on the initial water quality, additional steps may be needed:
    • Dechlorination: If chlorine disinfection was used, a dechlorination step is needed to reduce chlorine levels to acceptable standards.
    • Softening: If the water is hard, a softening process to remove calcium and magnesium can be incorporated.
  6. Storage and Distribution: After treatment, the water needs to be stored in a clean reservoir and distributed to the community through a properly maintained pipe network.
  7. Regular Monitoring and Testing: Consistent water quality monitoring is essential to ensure the product water continuously meets the required standards. This involves regular testing for contaminants, pH, chlorine levels, etc.

Additional Considerations: * Choosing the right technology: The selection of treatment processes and equipment should be based on the water quality, available resources, and the budget. * Sustainability: Consider using renewable energy sources for the treatment plant if possible. * Community Engagement: It's important to involve the community in the design and implementation process to ensure the system meets their needs and expectations.


  • Water Treatment: Principles and Design by Mark J. Hammer (comprehensive guide covering various water treatment processes)
  • Desalination: Principles, Technologies, and Applications by M. El-Dessouky and M. A. Ettouney (in-depth exploration of desalination methods and their applications)
  • Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies edited by T.D. Waite and F.M. Mavinic (compendium of treatment technologies and their practical applications)


  • "Product Water Quality and its Impact on the Efficiency of Membrane Filtration Systems" by C. H. Lee and S. C. Yoon, Journal of Membrane Science (2014) - discusses the importance of product water quality for membrane filtration
  • "The Role of Product Water Quality in Industrial Water Reuse" by J. C. Crittenden et al., Water Research (2017) - explores the impact of product water quality on industrial water reuse
  • "Emerging Technologies for Water Desalination: A Review" by S. K. Das et al., Desalination (2016) - examines the latest advancements in desalination technologies

Online Resources

  • United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): - Provides detailed information on drinking water standards and regulations
  • World Health Organization (WHO): - Offers comprehensive guidelines on water quality and health
  • International Desalination Association (IDA): - A leading organization dedicated to advancing desalination technologies and promoting sustainable water management

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