Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Resource Management: potentiometric surface

potentiometric surface

Understanding the Potentiometric Surface: A Key to Groundwater Management

In the realm of environmental and water treatment, understanding the movement and availability of groundwater is paramount. A crucial tool in this understanding is the potentiometric surface, a concept that describes the level to which water will rise in cased wells or other cased excavations into aquifers. This article delves into the importance of the potentiometric surface, exploring its significance for managing groundwater resources and understanding its implications for water treatment.

What is a Potentiometric Surface?

The potentiometric surface is an imaginary surface that represents the total head of groundwater within an aquifer. It is not a physical surface but a theoretical construct representing the pressure exerted by the groundwater. Think of it as the level to which water would rise if a well were drilled into the aquifer.

Factors Influencing the Potentiometric Surface:

Several factors influence the potentiometric surface, including:

  • Elevation: The elevation of the aquifer itself plays a crucial role. Higher elevations result in higher potentiometric surfaces.
  • Groundwater Recharge: The rate at which water infiltrates the aquifer from precipitation or other sources directly impacts the potentiometric surface. Higher recharge rates lead to higher surfaces.
  • Groundwater Discharge: Discharge, whether through natural springs, wells, or evapotranspiration, lowers the potentiometric surface.
  • Hydraulic Conductivity: The ease with which water flows through the aquifer material influences the potentiometric surface. Higher conductivity allows for faster flow, leading to steeper gradients in the potentiometric surface.

The Significance of the Potentiometric Surface:

Understanding the potentiometric surface is crucial for several reasons:

  • Groundwater Flow Direction: The slope of the potentiometric surface indicates the direction of groundwater flow. This is essential for mapping groundwater flow patterns and identifying potential sources of contamination.
  • Groundwater Availability: The height of the potentiometric surface determines the depth to which wells must be drilled to access groundwater. It also provides insight into the potential yield of wells.
  • Well Interference: Understanding the potentiometric surface allows for assessing the potential for well interference, where pumping from one well can impact the water level in nearby wells.
  • Groundwater Sustainability: By monitoring the changes in the potentiometric surface over time, we can assess the sustainability of groundwater extraction and identify areas where overpumping may be occurring.

The Potentiometric Surface and Water Treatment:

The potentiometric surface also plays a role in water treatment:

  • Well Design: The depth of wells must be determined based on the potentiometric surface to ensure adequate access to groundwater.
  • Contamination Risk: A steep gradient in the potentiometric surface can indicate fast groundwater flow, increasing the risk of contaminant transport. This information is vital for siting and designing water treatment facilities.
  • Groundwater Remediation: Understanding the potentiometric surface is essential for designing and implementing groundwater remediation strategies to remove contaminants from aquifers.


The potentiometric surface is an invaluable tool for understanding and managing groundwater resources. It provides crucial insights into groundwater flow patterns, availability, and potential risks. By using this knowledge, we can ensure the sustainable use of groundwater and protect this vital resource for generations to come.

It is important to note that the potentiometric surface is a dynamic entity, constantly fluctuating based on changing environmental conditions. Continuous monitoring and analysis of this surface are vital for effective groundwater management and water treatment strategies.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Understanding the Potentiometric Surface

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the potentiometric surface? a) A physical surface that represents the water level in an aquifer. b) A theoretical surface representing the total head of groundwater. c) A map showing the distribution of groundwater in an aquifer. d) A measure of the amount of water stored in an aquifer.


b) A theoretical surface representing the total head of groundwater.

2. Which of the following factors DOES NOT influence the potentiometric surface? a) Elevation of the aquifer b) Groundwater recharge c) Soil type d) Groundwater discharge


c) Soil type

3. What does the slope of the potentiometric surface indicate? a) The depth to groundwater. b) The direction of groundwater flow. c) The amount of groundwater available. d) The age of the groundwater.


b) The direction of groundwater flow.

4. How can the potentiometric surface be used for groundwater management? a) To identify potential sources of contamination. b) To assess the sustainability of groundwater extraction. c) To design well placement and construction. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

5. Which of the following is NOT a direct application of the potentiometric surface in water treatment? a) Determining well depth for water extraction. b) Assessing the risk of contamination. c) Determining the chemical composition of groundwater. d) Designing groundwater remediation strategies.


c) Determining the chemical composition of groundwater.

Exercise: Understanding Potentiometric Surface Changes

Scenario: You are managing a groundwater resource for a small town. Two wells are located in the area, Well A and Well B. Recently, a new factory has been built near Well B, and it has started drawing a significant amount of water.

Task: Based on the information below, explain how the potentiometric surface might change due to the factory's water usage. You can use a simple diagram to illustrate your explanation.

Data: * Well A is located at a higher elevation than Well B. * The potentiometric surface before the factory began operation was relatively flat. * The factory is withdrawing a large volume of water from Well B.

Hint: Think about the impact of groundwater withdrawal on the potentiometric surface near the well.

Exercice Correction

The factory's water extraction will have a significant impact on the potentiometric surface near Well B. Due to the increased withdrawal, the water level in Well B will decrease. This creates a "cone of depression" around the well, meaning the potentiometric surface will dip downwards around Well B. This dip will be more pronounced near the well and will gradually become less noticeable further away. Since Well A is at a higher elevation, the water level there is less likely to be affected directly by the pumping at Well B. However, the dip in the potentiometric surface near Well B could potentially cause a change in the direction of groundwater flow. This might result in some groundwater from the area near Well A flowing towards Well B to compensate for the water being extracted. Here is a simple diagram illustrating the concept: [Insert a simple diagram depicting the potentiometric surface before and after the factory's water extraction, showing the cone of depression around Well B and the possible change in groundwater flow direction.] This scenario highlights the importance of monitoring potentiometric surfaces to assess the impact of water usage on groundwater resources. It's crucial to manage groundwater extraction to avoid overpumping and ensure the sustainability of the resource for the community.


  • Groundwater Hydrology by David K. Todd and Larry W. Mays: A comprehensive textbook covering various aspects of groundwater hydrology, including the concept and significance of potentiometric surface.
  • Applied Groundwater Hydrology by Charles W. Fetter: A detailed exploration of groundwater concepts, including potentiometric surface, with practical applications in water resource management.
  • Groundwater: A Guide for the Design and Management of Water-Supply Systems by William C. Walton: A practical guide for professionals, covering water-supply system design and management with relevant information on potentiometric surfaces.


  • "The Potentiometric Surface: A Key Concept in Groundwater Management" by (Author's name), Journal Name, Year: This article can provide a comprehensive overview of the concept and its applications.
  • "The Influence of Climate Change on Groundwater Resources: A Case Study of [Region]" by (Author's name), Journal Name, Year: Articles focusing on climate change impacts on groundwater often discuss the changes in the potentiometric surface.

Online Resources

  • U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Groundwater Resources: The USGS website offers numerous resources on groundwater, including definitions, tutorials, and datasets related to potentiometric surfaces.
  • National Ground Water Association (NGWA): The NGWA website provides information on groundwater management, including resources on potentiometric surfaces, aquifer characteristics, and related concepts.
  • Groundwater Modeling Software Manuals: Software like MODFLOW, FEFLOW, and GMS offer user manuals that include detailed explanations of the potentiometric surface concept and its implementation in modeling.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Include "potentiometric surface," "groundwater flow," "aquifer," and "hydrogeology" in your searches.
  • Combine with geographic location: Add the region or country you are interested in to focus your search on relevant studies and data.
  • Utilize advanced operators: Use quotation marks to search for exact phrases, such as "potentiometric surface map," and use "+" to include specific keywords, such as "potentiometric surface + drought."
  • Search for scholarly articles: Limit your search to academic websites like Google Scholar, JSTOR, and PubMed to find peer-reviewed research on the topic.
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