Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: Polybrake


Polybrake: A Powerful Tool in the Fight Against Polymer Buildup in Water Treatment

In the world of environmental and water treatment, the battle against unwanted polymer buildup is a constant struggle. Polymers, while often beneficial for processes like flocculation and filtration, can also lead to undesirable accumulation in systems, hindering performance and increasing maintenance costs.

Enter Polybrake, a revolutionary cleaning product from AquaPro, Inc., specifically designed to combat this issue. Polybrake offers a unique and effective solution for removing polymer residues from a variety of water treatment systems, including:

  • Filtration systems: Polybrake effectively removes polymer buildup in sand filters, membrane filters, and other filtration technologies, restoring optimal performance.
  • Coagulation and flocculation systems: Polybrake helps prevent clogging and maintain optimal efficiency in these critical water treatment steps.
  • Reverse Osmosis (RO) systems: Polymer buildup in RO systems can significantly reduce efficiency. Polybrake's powerful cleaning action helps to restore optimal performance and minimize downtime.

What makes Polybrake so effective?

  • Specialized formula: Polybrake's unique formulation specifically targets polymer residues, breaking them down and allowing for their removal from the system.
  • High-performance cleaning: Polybrake is designed to effectively remove even stubborn polymer deposits, leaving surfaces clean and free of buildup.
  • Versatile application: Polybrake can be used in a variety of water treatment systems, providing a comprehensive solution for polymer-related issues.
  • Safe and environmentally friendly: Polybrake is formulated to be safe for use in water treatment systems and minimizes environmental impact.

The benefits of using Polybrake are numerous:

  • Improved system performance: By removing polymer buildup, Polybrake restores optimal efficiency and performance to water treatment systems.
  • Reduced maintenance costs: By preventing clogging and reducing the frequency of manual cleaning, Polybrake can significantly lower maintenance costs.
  • Extended equipment lifespan: Polybrake helps to protect water treatment equipment from damage caused by polymer buildup, extending its lifespan.
  • Enhanced water quality: By removing polymer residues, Polybrake contributes to producing cleaner and higher-quality treated water.

Polybrake is the ultimate weapon in the fight against polymer buildup in water treatment systems. Its effectiveness, versatility, and safety make it an invaluable tool for professionals seeking to optimize system performance, minimize maintenance, and ensure the delivery of high-quality water.

Test Your Knowledge

Polybrake Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the main issue that Polybrake addresses in water treatment systems?

a) Bacterial contamination b) Mineral buildup c) Polymer buildup d) Chlorine levels


c) Polymer buildup

2. Polybrake can be used in which of the following water treatment systems?

a) Filtration systems only b) Coagulation and flocculation systems only c) Reverse Osmosis systems only d) All of the above


d) All of the above

3. What makes Polybrake effective in removing polymer buildup?

a) Its high concentration of chlorine b) Its acidic nature c) Its ability to break down polymer residues d) Its ability to bind with polymer molecules


c) Its ability to break down polymer residues

4. What is a major benefit of using Polybrake?

a) Reducing water consumption b) Increasing water pressure c) Improving system performance d) Eliminating the need for filtration


c) Improving system performance

5. Polybrake is considered:

a) A hazardous chemical b) A safe and environmentally friendly product c) Only effective for certain types of polymers d) A temporary solution to polymer buildup


b) A safe and environmentally friendly product

Polybrake Exercise

Scenario: A water treatment plant uses a sand filter system that has been experiencing reduced flow rates and increased backwashing frequency. The plant manager suspects polymer buildup in the filter is the cause.


  1. Identify two specific problems that polymer buildup can cause in a sand filter system.
  2. Explain how using Polybrake could help solve these problems.
  3. Describe one other benefit the plant manager could expect from using Polybrake.

Exercice Correction

  1. Two specific problems:

    • Reduced flow rates: Polymer buildup can clog the sand filter bed, restricting water flow and reducing the filter's efficiency.
    • Increased backwashing frequency: The clogged sand filter bed will require more frequent backwashing to remove the accumulated polymer residue, leading to increased water usage and downtime.
  2. How Polybrake helps:

    • Polybrake breaks down the polymer buildup, restoring the sand filter bed's permeability and improving water flow rates.
    • By removing the polymer buildup, Polybrake reduces the need for frequent backwashing, saving water and minimizing downtime.
  3. Another benefit:

    • Extended lifespan of the sand filter: By preventing polymer buildup, Polybrake protects the filter media from damage and extends its operational lifespan, leading to reduced replacement costs.


  • Water Treatment Plant Design: This book by James M. Symons provides a comprehensive overview of water treatment processes and technologies, including filtration and flocculation. You can find sections discussing polymer use and potential issues related to buildup.
  • Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies: This handbook edited by Andrew W. Herbert offers a broad range of information on various treatment methods. You can find chapters related to membrane filtration, reverse osmosis, and other processes where polymers are used.


  • "Polymeric Membrane Fouling: Causes, Control and Mitigation" by Deshmukh et al. (2021): This article focuses on the issue of fouling in membrane filtration systems, a common problem related to polymer buildup.
  • "The Role of Polymers in Water Treatment" by Hunter (2003): This article provides a detailed review of different polymers used in water treatment and their applications.
  • "Control of Fouling in Reverse Osmosis Membranes" by Baker (2004): This article explores various approaches to prevent and manage fouling in reverse osmosis membranes, which can be caused by polymer buildup.

Online Resources

  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): This organization offers a wealth of information on water treatment technologies, including articles, publications, and standards.
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): WEF provides resources on wastewater treatment, but also has information relevant to water treatment practices and issues related to polymers.
  • National Water Research Institute (NWRI): NWRI offers research and information on water quality and treatment, including topics related to polymer use and management.

Search Tips

  • "Polymer buildup in water treatment": Use this general search term to find articles and resources related to the issue.
  • "Polymeric flocculants in water treatment": This search will help you find information on the specific types of polymers used for flocculation and their potential for causing buildup.
  • "Reverse osmosis membrane fouling": This search term will lead you to resources focusing on the specific problem of polymer buildup in reverse osmosis systems.
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