Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: peripheral feed clarifier

peripheral feed clarifier

The Peripheral Feed Clarifier: A Circular Approach to Water Treatment

In the realm of environmental and water treatment, the pursuit of efficient and effective methods for removing suspended solids from wastewater is paramount. One such method, the peripheral feed clarifier, presents a unique and efficient approach to sedimentation, offering several advantages over traditional rectangular clarifiers.

How It Works:

As the name suggests, a peripheral feed clarifier is a circular sedimentation basin where the incoming wastewater, or influent, enters the basin at its perimeter and flows radially towards the central outlet. This circular design allows for a continuous, smooth flow pattern that minimizes turbulence and promotes efficient settling of solids.

Key Features and Advantages:

  • Efficient Settling: The circular flow pattern and radial flow paths minimize short-circuiting, promoting optimal settling of suspended solids. This results in cleaner effluent and higher removal efficiencies.
  • Lower Hydraulic Loading: The peripheral feed design distributes the influent evenly across the basin, reducing the hydraulic loading on any specific area. This minimizes the risk of sludge buildup and ensures consistent performance.
  • Compact Design: Compared to traditional rectangular clarifiers, peripheral feed clarifiers offer a more compact footprint, making them ideal for space-constrained applications.
  • Flexibility in Sludge Removal: Peripheral feed clarifiers can accommodate various sludge removal mechanisms, including continuous or batch sludge withdrawal. This allows for tailored solutions based on the specific needs of the treatment process.
  • Reduced Maintenance: The simpler design and lower hydraulic loading lead to reduced maintenance requirements, further contributing to its overall cost-effectiveness.


Peripheral feed clarifiers are widely employed in a variety of water and wastewater treatment applications, including:

  • Municipal Wastewater Treatment: Removal of suspended solids from municipal wastewater prior to discharge or further treatment.
  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment: Treating wastewater from various industries, including food processing, chemical manufacturing, and textile production.
  • Stormwater Management: Settling of suspended solids from stormwater runoff, preventing pollution of receiving waters.
  • Process Water Treatment: Clarification of industrial process water, ensuring clean water for downstream operations.


The peripheral feed clarifier offers a compelling solution for efficient and effective sedimentation in water treatment applications. Its unique circular design promotes optimal settling, reduces hydraulic loading, and offers a compact and cost-effective solution. By leveraging this technology, we can achieve cleaner water and a more sustainable future.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Peripheral Feed Clarifier

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary design feature of a peripheral feed clarifier? (a) Rectangular basin with multiple inlets (b) Circular basin with influent entering at the perimeter (c) Square basin with a central inlet (d) Triangular basin with a single inlet


(b) Circular basin with influent entering at the perimeter

2. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of a peripheral feed clarifier? (a) Efficient settling of suspended solids (b) Lower hydraulic loading (c) Increased risk of sludge buildup (d) Compact design


(c) Increased risk of sludge buildup

3. How does the circular flow pattern in a peripheral feed clarifier contribute to efficient settling? (a) It creates turbulence, which helps the solids settle faster. (b) It promotes a uniform flow, reducing short-circuiting and allowing solids to settle effectively. (c) It increases the retention time, allowing for more complete settling. (d) It reduces the volume of wastewater, making it easier to settle solids.


(b) It promotes a uniform flow, reducing short-circuiting and allowing solids to settle effectively.

4. Where is the peripheral feed clarifier commonly used? (a) Only for municipal wastewater treatment (b) For both municipal and industrial wastewater treatment (c) Primarily for stormwater management (d) Exclusively for process water treatment


(b) For both municipal and industrial wastewater treatment

5. What is a key advantage of the peripheral feed clarifier's design in terms of maintenance? (a) Requires more frequent sludge removal (b) Requires more specialized equipment for operation (c) Leads to reduced maintenance requirements (d) Requires more frequent cleaning of the basin


(c) Leads to reduced maintenance requirements


**Imagine you're designing a new wastewater treatment plant for a small town. You need to choose between a traditional rectangular clarifier and a peripheral feed clarifier. The site is relatively small, and the town has a limited budget.

  1. Explain why a peripheral feed clarifier might be a better choice in this scenario.**
  2. List at least two advantages of the peripheral feed clarifier that would be particularly beneficial in this case.

Exercise Correction

**1. Explanation:** A peripheral feed clarifier would be a better choice in this scenario due to its space-saving design and potentially lower maintenance requirements. The smaller footprint would be advantageous for a limited site, and the lower maintenance costs would align with the town's budget constraints. **2. Advantages:** * **Compact Design:** The circular design of the peripheral feed clarifier requires less space compared to a traditional rectangular clarifier, making it a suitable option for the limited site. * **Reduced Maintenance:** The lower hydraulic loading and simpler design of the peripheral feed clarifier translate to fewer maintenance requirements, contributing to cost savings and overall efficiency.


  • "Water Treatment Plant Design" by M.J. Hammer and M.J. Hammer, Jr. - This comprehensive book covers various aspects of water treatment, including clarifier design and operation.
  • "Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal, and Reuse" by Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. - This classic text provides detailed information on wastewater treatment processes, including sedimentation.
  • "Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations" by David A. Davis - This practical guide covers various water and wastewater treatment technologies, including clarifiers.


  • "A Comparative Study of Rectangular and Circular Settling Tanks" by B.N. Prasad, et al. - This research paper compares the performance of rectangular and circular clarifiers in terms of sedimentation efficiency.
  • "Performance Evaluation of Peripheral Feed Clarifier for Municipal Wastewater Treatment" by S.K. Sharma, et al. - This research paper analyzes the performance of a peripheral feed clarifier in treating municipal wastewater.
  • "Design and Operation of Peripheral Feed Clarifiers" by A.C.C.S. Ferreira, et al. - This article provides an overview of the design and operation principles of peripheral feed clarifiers.

Online Resources

  • WEF (Water Environment Federation) website: - WEF offers numerous resources on water treatment technologies, including clarifiers.
  • AWWA (American Water Works Association) website: - AWWA provides a wealth of information on water treatment technologies, including clarifier design and operation.
  • EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) website: - EPA offers resources on water treatment regulations and technologies, including information on clarifiers.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "peripheral feed clarifier," "circular clarifier," "sedimentation basin," "water treatment."
  • Combine keywords with specific applications: "peripheral feed clarifier municipal wastewater," "peripheral feed clarifier industrial wastewater," "peripheral feed clarifier stormwater."
  • Explore academic databases: Use Google Scholar or other databases to find relevant research papers and publications.
  • Utilize advanced search operators: Use quotation marks to search for exact phrases (e.g., "peripheral feed clarifier") and the "OR" operator to broaden your search (e.g., "peripheral feed clarifier OR circular clarifier").
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