Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: Pacific Flush

Pacific Flush

The Pacific Flush: A Legacy of Innovation in Wastewater Treatment

The term "Pacific Flush" holds a significant place in the history of wastewater treatment, specifically referring to a groundbreaking technology developed by Tank Former, a company later acquired by USFilter/Envirex. This article explores the origins and impact of the Pacific Flush, highlighting its role in shaping the industry and its lasting legacy.

The Birth of a Breakthrough:

Tank Former, a leading manufacturer of digestion equipment, gained prominence in the 1970s with its innovative "Pacific Flush" system. This technology revolutionized the way wastewater solids were processed, offering a more efficient and environmentally friendly alternative to conventional methods. The Pacific Flush, unlike traditional systems that relied on mechanical mixing, used a unique hydraulic design to create a powerful flush of water within the digester. This flush, akin to a tidal surge, effectively mixed the solids and provided optimal conditions for the anaerobic digestion process.

Key Advantages of the Pacific Flush:

  • Enhanced Mixing: The Pacific Flush's hydraulic action ensured superior mixing of solids, resulting in more efficient and complete digestion. This meant reduced sludge volume and improved treatment efficiency.
  • Reduced Energy Consumption: Unlike mechanical mixers, the Pacific Flush relied on the natural flow of wastewater, minimizing energy requirements and lowering operating costs.
  • Improved Environmental Performance: The enhanced mixing and digestion resulted in lower biogas production and improved sludge quality, reducing environmental impact.

USFilter/Envirex Acquisition and Legacy:

In 1996, USFilter, a leading provider of water and wastewater treatment solutions, acquired Tank Former. This acquisition brought the Pacific Flush technology under the umbrella of USFilter, expanding its reach and influence within the industry. The company subsequently rebranded as Envirex, further consolidating its position as a global leader in wastewater treatment.

Though the Pacific Flush technology is no longer actively marketed, its impact continues to reverberate. The innovations it introduced paved the way for more efficient and environmentally sustainable wastewater treatment solutions. The legacy of the Pacific Flush lives on through the advanced technologies and innovations developed by Envirex and its successor companies, contributing to cleaner water and a healthier environment.


The Pacific Flush, a testament to Tank Former's ingenuity, played a pivotal role in shaping the wastewater treatment landscape. Its unique design and advantages continue to inspire innovation and provide a valuable lesson in the pursuit of more efficient and sustainable solutions. The acquisition by USFilter/Envirex ensured the legacy of this groundbreaking technology, paving the way for continued advancements in the field of wastewater treatment.

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