Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: ozone contactor

ozone contactor

Ozone Contactors: The Key to Efficient Ozone Treatment

Ozone (O3), a powerful oxidant, plays a crucial role in various environmental and water treatment applications. However, simply introducing ozone into water isn't enough. This is where ozone contactors come into play. These devices are designed to maximize the efficiency of ozone transfer from the gas phase into the liquid phase, ensuring optimal treatment results.

What are Ozone Contactors?

Ozone contactors are specialized equipment used in water and wastewater treatment to facilitate the efficient transfer of ozone gas into the target liquid. They create a controlled environment where ozone can dissolve into the water or wastewater, enabling the desired chemical reactions to occur.

How They Work:

The process of ozone transfer within a contactor involves various factors, including:

  • Gas Dispersion: Ozone contactors are designed to finely disperse ozone gas into tiny bubbles, increasing the surface area for contact with the liquid.
  • Contact Time: The design ensures sufficient contact time between the ozone gas and the water, allowing for maximum ozone absorption.
  • Mass Transfer: The contactor's geometry and flow patterns optimize mass transfer, promoting the movement of ozone from the gas phase into the liquid.

Types of Ozone Contactors:

There are several types of ozone contactors, each with its unique advantages and disadvantages:

  • Venturi Contactors: These utilize the Venturi effect to create a vacuum that draws ozone gas into the water stream, resulting in fine bubble formation and efficient mixing.
  • Packed Bed Contactors: These consist of a bed of packing material, like ceramic rings or plastic saddles, which increases the surface area for gas-liquid contact.
  • Diffuser Contactors: These employ porous diffusers to generate tiny ozone bubbles for optimal transfer into the water.
  • Spray Contactors: Ozone gas is sprayed onto a falling film of water, maximizing contact area and efficiency.

Applications of Ozone Contactors:

Ozone contactors find extensive use in various environmental and water treatment applications, including:

  • Drinking Water Treatment: Ozone effectively removes taste, odor, and color compounds, while also oxidizing iron, manganese, and other contaminants.
  • Wastewater Treatment: Ozone is used for disinfection, odor control, and the removal of organic pollutants, reducing the need for chlorine-based treatments.
  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment: Ozone effectively tackles challenging pollutants like pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and industrial byproducts.

Advantages of Using Ozone Contactors:

  • Enhanced Efficiency: Maximized ozone transfer leads to significant improvements in treatment effectiveness.
  • Reduced Ozone Consumption: Efficient transfer reduces ozone requirements, minimizing costs.
  • Improved Water Quality: Thorough disinfection and contaminant removal result in high-quality water.
  • Environmentally Friendly: Ozone decomposes into oxygen, minimizing the risk of harmful byproducts.


Ozone contactors are essential components of modern water and wastewater treatment systems. They play a vital role in ensuring efficient ozone transfer, leading to optimal treatment outcomes, improved water quality, and reduced environmental impact. Selecting the right contactor for a specific application requires careful consideration of factors like flow rate, ozone concentration, and the nature of the contaminants being treated.

Test Your Knowledge

Ozone Contactors Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of an ozone contactor?

a) To generate ozone gas.


Incorrect. Ozone contactors don't generate ozone; they facilitate its transfer into water.

b) To store ozone gas.


Incorrect. Ozone contactors are not designed for storage.

c) To maximize the transfer of ozone from the gas phase into the liquid phase.


Correct! Ozone contactors optimize the transfer of ozone into water.

d) To remove residual ozone from treated water.


Incorrect. While ozone contactors contribute to ozone usage, other methods are used for residual ozone removal.

2. Which of these is NOT a type of ozone contactor?

a) Venturi Contactors


Incorrect. Venturi contactors are a common type.

b) Packed Bed Contactors


Incorrect. Packed bed contactors are another common type.

c) Diffuser Contactors


Incorrect. Diffuser contactors are widely used.

d) Gravity Contactors


Correct! Gravity contactors are not a recognized type of ozone contactor.

3. How do ozone contactors enhance the efficiency of ozone treatment?

a) By increasing the concentration of ozone gas.


Incorrect. Ozone contactors don't increase the ozone concentration; they improve its utilization.

b) By decreasing the required contact time between ozone and water.


Incorrect. Contactors aim to maximize contact time for better transfer.

c) By increasing the surface area for contact between ozone and water.


Correct! Fine bubbles and increased surface area contribute to efficient transfer.

d) By reducing the temperature of the water being treated.


Incorrect. Temperature can affect ozone solubility, but it's not a direct function of the contactor.

4. Ozone contactors are widely used in which of these applications?

a) Drinking water treatment


Correct! Ozone is effective in treating drinking water.

b) Wastewater treatment


Correct! Ozone is used in various wastewater treatment processes.

c) Industrial wastewater treatment


Correct! Ozone is employed to handle industrial pollutants.

d) All of the above


Correct! Ozone contactors are essential in all these applications.

5. Which of the following is a significant advantage of using ozone contactors?

a) Reduced reliance on chlorine-based treatments.


Correct! Ozone offers an alternative to chlorine, reducing the risk of harmful byproducts.

b) Increased formation of harmful byproducts.


Incorrect. Ozone decomposes into oxygen, minimizing byproducts.

c) Higher costs associated with ozone treatment.


Incorrect. Efficient ozone transfer can actually reduce costs.

d) Lower effectiveness compared to traditional treatment methods.


Incorrect. Ozone treatment is generally highly effective.

Ozone Contactors Exercise


You are tasked with designing an ozone contactor for a small municipal water treatment plant. The plant processes 1000 m3 of water per day. The desired ozone concentration in the treated water is 1 ppm.


  1. Research and choose a suitable type of ozone contactor for this application, explaining your reasoning.
  2. Briefly describe the key design considerations for your chosen contactor, including factors like gas dispersion, contact time, and mass transfer optimization.
  3. Discuss any challenges you might face in implementing your chosen contactor, and how you would address them.

Exercice Correction:

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible solution to the exercise:

1. Choosing a contactor:

  • For a small municipal plant with a relatively low flow rate (1000 m3/day), a Venturi contactor could be a suitable choice.
  • Venturi contactors are efficient in generating fine ozone bubbles due to the vacuum created by the Venturi effect. This leads to optimal gas-liquid contact and efficient ozone transfer.

2. Key design considerations:

  • Gas dispersion: The Venturi design ensures fine ozone bubble formation, maximizing the surface area for contact.
  • Contact time: The Venturi throat design allows for sufficient contact time between the ozone bubbles and the water. The length of the Venturi and water flow rate can be adjusted to optimize contact time.
  • Mass transfer optimization: The Venturi effect creates a mixing zone that promotes mass transfer, moving ozone from the gas phase into the water.

3. Challenges and solutions:

  • Pressure drop: Venturi contactors can cause a significant pressure drop. This can be mitigated by optimizing the Venturi throat size and the water flow rate.
  • Ozone concentration control: Maintaining a consistent ozone concentration in the treated water requires careful control of the ozone generator output and flow rates. Automated control systems and sensors can help ensure accurate ozone dosage.
  • Maintenance: Venturi contactors may require regular cleaning and maintenance to prevent clogging or build-up of materials. A schedule for routine inspection and cleaning should be established.

Additional Considerations:

  • The specific design of the Venturi contactor should be customized based on the plant's flow rate, desired ozone concentration, and water quality characteristics.
  • Pilot testing with the chosen contactor design can help validate the efficiency and optimize its performance before full-scale implementation.


  • "Water Treatment: Principles and Design" by W. Wesley Eckenfelder Jr. (Provides comprehensive information on water treatment technologies, including ozone contactors)
  • "Ozone in Water and Wastewater Treatment: Theory and Practice" by James R. Bolton (Focuses on ozone applications, with detailed chapters on contactor design and operation)
  • "Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations" edited by John C. Crittenden et al. (Includes sections on ozone technology and contactor selection)


  • "Design Considerations for Ozone Contactors in Drinking Water Treatment" by P.C. Singer (Discusses key factors to consider for contactor selection and optimization)
  • "Performance Evaluation of Different Ozone Contactors for Wastewater Treatment" by A.K. Jain et al. (Compares different types of contactors based on their efficiency and cost-effectiveness)
  • "Ozone Contactors: A Review of Recent Developments and Applications" by S.A. Khan et al. (Summarizes recent advancements in contactor design and their applications)

Online Resources

  • "Ozone Contactors: The Key to Efficient Ozone Treatment" - This article (the one you provided) offers a basic introduction to ozone contactors and their applications.
  • The Water Environment Federation (WEF) - Provides information on ozone technology and best practices for its implementation.
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA) - Offers resources and publications related to ozone treatment and contactor design.
  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Provides guidance on ozone use in water treatment and the associated regulatory requirements.

Search Tips

  • "Ozone contactor types" - Find different types of contactors and their characteristics.
  • "Ozone contactor design factors" - Explore key considerations for contactor selection and design.
  • "Ozone contactor efficiency comparison" - Compare different contactors based on their ozone transfer efficiency.
  • "Ozone contactor cost analysis" - Investigate the cost-effectiveness of different contactor options.
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