Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: oxygen sag

oxygen sag

The Oxygen Sag: When Rivers Choke on Pollution

Imagine a river, flowing freely, its waters teeming with life. Then, a factory dumps its untreated wastewater into the stream. This sudden influx of pollutants throws the river's delicate ecosystem into chaos. This is where the concept of oxygen sag comes in.

The oxygen sag refers to a temporary decrease in the dissolved oxygen (DO) levels in a stream or river occurring downstream from a point source of pollution. This decrease is not just a minor dip; it can be severe enough to harm aquatic life and even lead to the death of entire ecosystems.

Here's how the oxygen sag unfolds:

  1. Pollution Introduction: When organic waste, such as sewage, industrial effluent, or agricultural runoff enters a water body, microorganisms go to work, consuming the waste as food.
  2. Oxygen Consumption: These microorganisms use up dissolved oxygen in the water as they decompose the organic matter. This is known as biochemical oxygen demand (BOD).
  3. Oxygen Sag: As the BOD increases, the dissolved oxygen levels decrease, creating a "sag" in the DO profile of the river. The sag's severity depends on factors like the amount of pollution, the river's flow rate, and the temperature of the water.
  4. Recovery Zone: As the organic waste is decomposed, the BOD decreases, and the DO levels gradually recover.

The consequences of an oxygen sag are far-reaching:

  • Fish Kills: The lack of oxygen can suffocate fish and other aquatic organisms.
  • Ecosystem Imbalance: The depletion of DO disrupts the natural balance of the aquatic ecosystem, impacting food webs and biodiversity.
  • Aesthetic Degradation: The polluted water often becomes cloudy, smelly, and unsafe for recreation.

Solutions to combat oxygen sag:

  • Wastewater Treatment: Properly treating wastewater before it is discharged into rivers is crucial to reduce the BOD load.
  • Pollution Prevention: Reducing the amount of pollution entering water bodies through responsible industrial practices and agricultural management is essential.
  • River Restoration: Rehabilitating damaged river ecosystems through measures like riparian buffer zones and habitat restoration can help improve water quality and enhance DO levels.

The oxygen sag serves as a stark reminder of the importance of maintaining water quality. By understanding this phenomenon and taking proactive measures to prevent and mitigate it, we can protect our rivers and ensure their health for future generations.

Test Your Knowledge

Oxygen Sag Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the oxygen sag? a) An increase in the dissolved oxygen levels in a river. b) A temporary decrease in the dissolved oxygen levels in a river. c) A permanent decrease in the dissolved oxygen levels in a river. d) The natural fluctuation of dissolved oxygen levels in a river.


b) A temporary decrease in the dissolved oxygen levels in a river.

2. What causes the oxygen sag? a) An increase in the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water. b) The decomposition of organic waste by microorganisms. c) The release of harmful chemicals into the water. d) The natural flow of the river.


b) The decomposition of organic waste by microorganisms.

3. What is BOD? a) Biochemical Oxygen Demand b) Biological Oxygen Demand c) Bacterial Oxygen Demand d) Bio-Organic Demand


a) Biochemical Oxygen Demand

4. What is a major consequence of the oxygen sag? a) Increased fish populations. b) Improved water quality. c) Fish kills due to lack of oxygen. d) Enhanced biodiversity in the river.


c) Fish kills due to lack of oxygen.

5. Which of the following is NOT a solution to combat oxygen sag? a) Wastewater treatment. b) Pollution prevention. c) Increasing industrial discharge. d) River restoration.


c) Increasing industrial discharge.

Oxygen Sag Exercise


Imagine a river that receives wastewater discharge from a nearby factory. The factory produces a significant amount of organic waste, contributing to a severe oxygen sag in the river.


  1. Analyze: What are the likely consequences of the oxygen sag on the river ecosystem? Consider the impact on fish, other aquatic organisms, and the overall balance of the ecosystem.
  2. Propose: Suggest three practical solutions that the factory and local authorities could implement to mitigate the oxygen sag and restore the river's health.

Exercice Correction

**Analysis:** * **Fish Kills:** The severe oxygen depletion caused by the factory's discharge will lead to fish kills, as they struggle to survive in low-oxygen conditions. * **Impact on Aquatic Organisms:** Other aquatic organisms, such as insects, invertebrates, and plants, will also be negatively affected by the oxygen sag. These organisms form the base of the food web, and their decline will have a ripple effect throughout the ecosystem. * **Ecosystem Imbalance:** The oxygen sag disrupts the natural balance of the river ecosystem, leading to the dominance of pollution-tolerant species and the decline of sensitive species. This imbalance weakens the ecosystem's resilience to future disturbances. **Proposed Solutions:** 1. **Wastewater Treatment:** The factory should install an effective wastewater treatment plant to remove organic matter and other pollutants before discharging wastewater into the river. This significantly reduces the BOD load entering the river. 2. **Pollution Prevention:** The factory should implement measures to reduce the generation of organic waste in its production process. This could include using less water-intensive production methods, recycling and reusing materials, and adopting cleaner production technologies. 3. **River Restoration:** The local authorities could implement river restoration projects to improve the river's health. This could involve planting riparian buffer zones to filter pollutants, restoring degraded habitats, and controlling invasive species that compete with native plants.


  • Water Quality: An Introduction by Davis and Cornwell (This provides a comprehensive overview of water quality parameters, including DO and BOD, and discusses oxygen sag in detail.)
  • Environmental Engineering: A Global Text by Tchobanoglous, Burton, and Stensel (This text covers wastewater treatment and its role in mitigating oxygen sag, along with other relevant aspects of water pollution control.)
  • River Ecology and Management: Applications of Ecological Principles by Petts (This book explores the ecological impacts of pollution on rivers, including the effects of oxygen depletion.)


  • "Dissolved Oxygen Sag Curve" by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (This EPA document offers a detailed explanation of the oxygen sag curve and its relevance to water quality assessment.)
  • "Oxygen Sag: A Review of Causes, Consequences, and Solutions" by Sharma and Singh (This review article provides an in-depth analysis of oxygen sag, highlighting its causes, consequences, and potential solutions.)
  • "The Role of Wastewater Treatment in Preventing Oxygen Sag in Rivers" by Chen et al. (This article investigates the effectiveness of wastewater treatment technologies in reducing BOD and mitigating oxygen sag.)

Online Resources

  • EPA's Water Quality Standards Website: This website provides information on water quality standards, including dissolved oxygen, and offers resources for understanding and managing oxygen sag. (
  • USGS Water Science School: This online resource offers educational information on various aspects of water science, including dissolved oxygen, BOD, and their relationship to oxygen sag. (
  • WWF: Rivers & Water Resources: This World Wildlife Fund website features information about river ecosystems and the threats they face, including pollution and oxygen sag. (

Search Tips

  • "Oxygen sag + river + pollution": This search term will yield relevant results related to oxygen sag and its connection to river pollution.
  • "Dissolved oxygen + BOD + oxygen sag": This term will provide information on the relationship between dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, and the oxygen sag phenomenon.
  • "Oxygen sag + wastewater treatment": This search will focus on the role of wastewater treatment in preventing and mitigating oxygen sag.
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