Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: Odor-Miser


Odor-Miser: Tackling Odors with Activated Carbon

In the world of environmental and water treatment, odor control is a critical aspect. Unpleasant smells can not only be a nuisance, but also indicative of underlying pollution issues. Enter Odor-Miser, a cutting-edge solution offered by Westport Environmental Systems, utilizing the power of activated carbon to tackle odor problems effectively.

Vapor Phase Odor Control: How It Works

Odor-Miser operates on the principle of vapor phase odor control. This means it targets odorous compounds directly in the air, effectively eliminating them before they reach the nose. The heart of this system lies in the use of activated carbon, a highly porous material with an immense surface area. This surface area provides numerous adsorption sites, allowing the carbon to capture and retain odor molecules, thereby purifying the air.

Activated Carbon Odor Absorbers: A Powerful Weapon

Westport Environmental Systems offers a range of activated carbon odor absorbers specifically designed for different applications. These absorbers are available in various forms, including:

  • Granular activated carbon (GAC): Ideal for large-scale applications where high flow rates are required.
  • Powdered activated carbon (PAC): Suitable for smaller applications and situations where a high surface area is crucial.
  • Activated carbon cloth (ACC): Offers a unique combination of high surface area and efficient flow, perfect for air filtration systems.

Key Benefits of Odor-Miser

The Odor-Miser system, powered by activated carbon absorbers, offers numerous benefits for environmental and water treatment applications:

  • Effective odor removal: The large surface area of activated carbon ensures efficient capture and removal of a wide range of odorous compounds.
  • Long-lasting performance: Activated carbon absorbers have a high capacity for odor removal, making them suitable for long-term use.
  • Environmentally friendly: Activated carbon is a sustainable and reusable material, contributing to responsible odor control.
  • Customizable solutions: Westport Environmental Systems offers tailored solutions to meet specific odor control needs, ensuring optimal performance.

Applications of Odor-Miser

Odor-Miser finds its application across various sectors, including:

  • Wastewater treatment: Controlling odors emanating from sewage treatment plants and other wastewater facilities.
  • Industrial applications: Removing odorous emissions from manufacturing processes, chemical plants, and food processing facilities.
  • Municipal applications: Controlling odors from landfills, composting sites, and public restrooms.

By providing a comprehensive and effective odor control solution, Odor-Miser plays a vital role in creating cleaner, healthier environments. Its utilization of activated carbon technology ensures a sustainable and efficient approach to tackling odor problems, contributing to the overall well-being of our communities and the environment.

Test Your Knowledge

Odor-Miser Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary mechanism used by Odor-Miser to remove odors? a) Chemical oxidation b) Vapor phase odor control c) Biological filtration d) Thermal decomposition


b) Vapor phase odor control

2. What material is at the heart of the Odor-Miser system? a) Ozone b) Activated carbon c) Chlorine d) Bio-filters


b) Activated carbon

3. Which type of activated carbon is best suited for large-scale applications with high flow rates? a) Powdered activated carbon (PAC) b) Activated carbon cloth (ACC) c) Granular activated carbon (GAC) d) None of the above


c) Granular activated carbon (GAC)

4. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of the Odor-Miser system? a) Effective odor removal b) Long-lasting performance c) High energy consumption d) Environmentally friendly


c) High energy consumption

5. What is a primary application of Odor-Miser in the environmental sector? a) Removing pesticides from water b) Controlling odors from wastewater treatment plants c) Cleaning up oil spills d) Reducing greenhouse gas emissions


b) Controlling odors from wastewater treatment plants

Odor-Miser Exercise

Scenario: A local manufacturing facility is experiencing a strong, unpleasant odor from its production process. The facility manager is looking for an effective odor control solution.

Task: Based on the information provided about Odor-Miser, create a brief proposal outlining how the system could address the facility's odor problem. Include:

  • The benefits of using Odor-Miser
  • The type of activated carbon absorber recommended
  • A brief explanation of how the system would be implemented

Exercice Correction

**Proposal for Odor Control at [Facility Name]** **Introduction:** We propose utilizing Westport Environmental Systems' Odor-Miser system to effectively address the odor problem experienced at your facility. Odor-Miser, powered by activated carbon absorbers, offers a sustainable and efficient solution for controlling unpleasant smells. **Benefits of Odor-Miser:** * **Effective Odor Removal:** Odor-Miser employs activated carbon, a highly porous material with a large surface area, to efficiently capture and remove a wide range of odorous compounds. * **Long-Lasting Performance:** Activated carbon absorbers have a high capacity for odor removal, making them suitable for long-term use. * **Environmentally Friendly:** Activated carbon is a reusable and sustainable material, contributing to a responsible and eco-conscious approach to odor control. * **Customizable Solutions:** Westport Environmental Systems offers tailored solutions to meet specific odor control needs, ensuring optimal performance for your facility. **Recommended Solution:** Based on the nature of your production process and the odor intensity, we recommend the following: * **Type of Activated Carbon:** Granular activated carbon (GAC) is ideal for large-scale applications with high flow rates, ensuring efficient odor capture and removal from your facility's emissions. **Implementation:** The Odor-Miser system will be installed at the source of the odor emissions, such as the production line or ventilation system. The GAC absorbers will be housed within a custom-designed unit, tailored to your facility's specific needs. The system will work by drawing in air containing the odorous compounds, allowing the activated carbon to adsorb the molecules, effectively eliminating the unpleasant smell before it is released into the surrounding environment. **Conclusion:** By implementing Odor-Miser, your facility can achieve effective odor control, create a more pleasant work environment, and meet environmental regulations. We are confident that Odor-Miser will provide a lasting solution for your odor problem.


  • Activated Carbon: Properties and Applications by G. S. Bhat (2016): This book provides a comprehensive overview of activated carbon, including its properties, production, and various applications, such as odor control.
  • Air Pollution Control Engineering by Daniel W. Peavy, Donald R. Rowe, and George T. C. Sorial (2015): This textbook explores various air pollution control technologies, including activated carbon adsorption for odor control.
  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. (2014): This standard reference book discusses wastewater treatment processes, including odor control using activated carbon in specific chapters.


  • Activated Carbon Adsorption for Air Pollution Control by J. A. Shaheen (2003): This journal article focuses specifically on the application of activated carbon for odor removal from air streams.
  • A Review of Activated Carbon Adsorption for Odor Control in Wastewater Treatment Plants by J. Y. Zhang et al. (2019): This review article explores the use of activated carbon for odor control in various wastewater treatment settings.
  • The Potential of Activated Carbon for Odor Control: A Review by A. B. Saleh et al. (2022): This review paper delves into the recent advancements and future perspectives of activated carbon in odor control applications.

Online Resources

  • Westport Environmental Systems: Their website provides detailed information about Odor-Miser and its applications in different industries. You can find case studies, technical documents, and contact information for further inquiries.
  • Activated Carbon: A Sustainable Material for Odor Control by EPA (2023): This website resource from the US Environmental Protection Agency outlines the benefits and applications of activated carbon for odor control, including its sustainability and environmental impact.
  • Activated Carbon Adsorption: A Comprehensive Guide by AzoM: This online guide offers a comprehensive overview of activated carbon technology, including its principles, types, and applications in various fields, including odor control.

Search Tips

  • "Odor Control" + "Activated Carbon": This search will provide articles and websites focusing on the use of activated carbon for odor control.
  • "Westport Environmental Systems" + "Odor-Miser": This will lead you to specific information about the Odor-Miser system and its features.
  • "Activated Carbon Adsorption" + "Wastewater Treatment": This will find resources related to odor control in wastewater treatment using activated carbon.
  • "Activated Carbon" + "Applications" + "Odor Removal": This search will return a variety of resources and studies on different applications of activated carbon for odor removal.
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