Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: No-Well


No-Well Water Screens: Revolutionizing Intake Design with Pier-Mounted Solutions

The traditional channel-type intake design for water treatment plants has long been the industry standard, but it comes with inherent limitations and complexities. The development of "no-well" water screens, specifically the pier-mounted traveling screen designs from USFilter/Rex and Link-Belt, offers a compelling alternative, promising improved efficiency, reduced maintenance, and a smaller environmental footprint.

Traditional Channel-Type Intakes: The Challenges:

  • Large Footprint: Channel-type intakes require extensive land space for construction, often leading to higher land acquisition costs and environmental impact.
  • Maintenance Demands: These systems often involve intricate mechanisms and require regular cleaning and repairs, leading to increased maintenance costs and downtime.
  • Limited Flexibility: Adapting channel-type intakes to changing water conditions or expansions can be challenging and expensive.

No-Well Water Screens: A New Paradigm:

No-well water screens, like those offered by USFilter/Rex and Link-Belt, eliminate the need for a traditional channel-type intake by utilizing a pier-mounted design. This innovative approach offers several advantages:

  • Space Efficiency: Pier-mounted designs require significantly less land space than channel-type intakes, leading to lower acquisition costs and minimizing environmental impact.
  • Simplified Operation and Maintenance: These screens are designed with minimal moving parts and require less maintenance, minimizing downtime and operational costs.
  • Flexibility and Adaptability: Pier-mounted designs are easier to adapt to changing water conditions and can be readily expanded as needs evolve.

Pier-Mounted Traveling Screen Designs:

Both USFilter/Rex and Link-Belt offer robust and reliable pier-mounted traveling screen designs for no-well applications:

  • USFilter/Rex Traveling Screens: These screens feature a unique "walking beam" design, providing efficient debris removal and reliable operation even in challenging conditions.
  • Link-Belt Traveling Screens: Their offerings emphasize durability and ease of maintenance, employing heavy-duty construction and innovative cleaning mechanisms for extended lifespan and optimal performance.

Benefits Beyond Efficiency:

No-well water screens offer several environmental benefits beyond space efficiency:

  • Reduced Construction Impact: Minimizing the footprint reduces environmental disruption during construction and minimizes habitat fragmentation.
  • Optimized Water Flow: The open design reduces potential for sediment buildup and promotes efficient water flow, mitigating negative impacts on aquatic ecosystems.
  • Lower Energy Consumption: Reduced maintenance requirements and streamlined design contribute to lower energy consumption, minimizing carbon footprint.


No-well water screens, particularly the pier-mounted traveling screen designs from USFilter/Rex and Link-Belt, offer a compelling alternative to traditional channel-type intakes. These solutions deliver superior efficiency, reduced maintenance, and a smaller environmental footprint, making them a valuable asset for modern water treatment facilities. As the industry continues to prioritize sustainability and cost-effectiveness, no-well screen technologies are poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of water intake design.

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