Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: nitrate formers

nitrate formers

Nitrate Formers: Key Players in Nitrogen Cycling and Water Treatment

In the intricate world of environmental and water treatment, understanding the role of nitrate formers is crucial. These are microorganisms, primarily bacteria, that play a vital role in the nitrogen cycle by converting nitrite (NO2-) to nitrate (NO3-), a process known as nitrification. This seemingly simple transformation is essential for maintaining healthy ecosystems and managing water quality.

The Importance of Nitrate Formers:

  • Nitrogen Cycle: Nitrification is a key step in the nitrogen cycle, ensuring nitrogen is available for plant growth while preventing harmful ammonia accumulation.
  • Water Treatment: Nitrate formers are harnessed in wastewater treatment to remove ammonia, a toxic compound, and convert it into less harmful nitrate.
  • Agricultural Practices: Understanding nitrate formers is important for efficient fertilizer management in agriculture. Excess nitrate can leach into groundwater, posing a threat to human health and aquatic ecosystems.

Nitrobacter: A Model Nitrate Former:

One of the most well-known nitrate formers is Nitrobacter. This genus of bacteria is responsible for the second step in nitrification, oxidizing nitrite to nitrate. They are typically found in soils, freshwater, and wastewater treatment systems. Nitrobacter are chemoautotrophs, meaning they obtain energy from oxidizing inorganic compounds (in this case, nitrite) and use carbon dioxide as their sole carbon source.

Other Notable Nitrate Formers:

Besides Nitrobacter, other genera of bacteria play significant roles in nitrate formation:

  • Nitrospira: These bacteria are also important nitrate formers and are becoming increasingly recognized for their role in wastewater treatment.
  • Nitrosomonas: While not directly forming nitrate, Nitrosomonas bacteria are responsible for the first step in nitrification, oxidizing ammonia to nitrite.

Challenges and Future Research:

While nitrate formers are beneficial for nitrogen cycling and water treatment, there are some challenges:

  • Slow Growth Rates: Nitrate formers have relatively slow growth rates, which can limit their efficiency in certain applications.
  • Environmental Conditions: Their activity is highly sensitive to pH, temperature, and oxygen availability, requiring careful management.
  • Nitrate Accumulation: Excess nitrate can lead to eutrophication of water bodies and poses health risks.

Future research aims to enhance our understanding of nitrate formers to improve their application in various fields, including:

  • Optimizing Nitrification Processes: Developing strategies to enhance the efficiency and speed of nitrification in wastewater treatment.
  • Nitrate Removal Technologies: Exploring novel methods for removing excess nitrate from water sources.
  • Sustainable Agriculture: Implementing practices that promote the activity of nitrate formers in soils for efficient nitrogen utilization.


Nitrate formers play a crucial role in the nitrogen cycle and are essential for maintaining healthy ecosystems and managing water quality. By understanding these microorganisms, we can harness their potential to improve wastewater treatment, optimize agricultural practices, and protect the environment. Further research will undoubtedly shed light on their complex interactions and lead to innovative solutions for environmental and water management challenges.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Nitrate Formers

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which process do nitrate formers perform? a) Denitrification b) Nitrogen fixation c) Nitrification d) Ammonification


c) Nitrification

2. What is the primary product of nitrification? a) Ammonia (NH3) b) Nitrite (NO2-) c) Nitrate (NO3-) d) Nitrogen gas (N2)


c) Nitrate (NO3-)

3. Which of these is NOT a genus of bacteria involved in nitrate formation? a) Nitrobacter b) Nitrospira c) Nitrosomonas d) Nitrosopumilus


d) Nitrosopumilus

4. What is a major challenge in utilizing nitrate formers for water treatment? a) Their high growth rates b) Their sensitivity to environmental conditions c) The formation of toxic byproducts d) The high cost of cultivating them


b) Their sensitivity to environmental conditions

5. What is a potential benefit of researching nitrate formers further? a) Developing more efficient wastewater treatment systems b) Creating new fertilizers that are less harmful to the environment c) Finding new sources of energy d) All of the above


d) All of the above

Exercise: Nitrate Formers in Wastewater Treatment

Scenario: You are a wastewater treatment engineer tasked with optimizing the nitrification process in a wastewater treatment plant. The current process is inefficient, resulting in high ammonia levels in the effluent.


  1. Identify the potential limiting factors that could be affecting the activity of nitrate formers in your plant.
  2. Propose specific strategies to address these limiting factors and improve the efficiency of nitrification.
  3. Explain how these strategies would promote the growth and activity of nitrate formers.

Exercice Correction

Here are some possible limiting factors and strategies:

1. Limiting Factors:

  • Low dissolved oxygen (DO): Nitrification is an aerobic process, requiring oxygen for the bacteria to thrive.
  • Suboptimal pH: Nitrobacter and Nitrospira have specific pH ranges for optimal activity.
  • Nutrient limitations: Nitrate formers require specific nutrients, such as carbon, phosphorus, and trace elements.
  • Temperature fluctuations: Nitrification rates can be affected by temperature variations.
  • Toxic compounds: Inhibitors like heavy metals or organic pollutants can hinder bacterial activity.

2. Strategies to Address Limiting Factors:

  • Increase DO: Aerate the wastewater to increase dissolved oxygen levels.
  • Optimize pH: Adjust pH to the optimal range for nitrification by adding chemicals or using biological methods.
  • Provide essential nutrients: Add nutrients like phosphorus and trace elements to the wastewater.
  • Control temperature: Ensure a consistent temperature within the optimal range for nitrate formers.
  • Remove toxic compounds: Implement pre-treatment steps to remove heavy metals and other inhibitors.

3. Explanation:

  • Increased DO: Provides the necessary oxygen for the bacteria to carry out their metabolic processes.
  • Optimal pH: Allows the bacteria to operate at their most efficient levels.
  • Nutrient availability: Provides the building blocks for bacterial growth and reproduction.
  • Stable temperature: Maintains optimal conditions for enzyme activity and bacterial metabolism.
  • Removal of toxins: Protects the bacteria from harmful substances that inhibit their activity.

By addressing these factors, you can create a more favorable environment for the nitrate formers, promoting their growth and enhancing the efficiency of the nitrification process.


  • Brock Biology of Microorganisms by Michael T. Madigan, John M. Martinko, David S. Stahl, and Kelly S. Bender. This comprehensive microbiology textbook includes chapters on nitrogen cycling and nitrifying bacteria.
  • Environmental Microbiology by William C. Ghiorse and James T. Staley. This book provides a detailed discussion on the microbial processes involved in nitrogen transformation and the role of nitrate formers in various environments.
  • Water Quality: An Introduction by David A. Dzombak and F. M. M. Morel. This book covers the importance of nitrate in water quality, its sources, and the role of nitrate formers in water treatment.


  • "Nitrification in the Environment" by J.G. Kuenen and J.W.M. de Vries. This article provides a thorough review of the nitrification process, highlighting the role of nitrate formers and their environmental significance.
  • "The Diversity and Ecology of Nitrifying Bacteria" by M.L. Schmidt and J.G. Kuenen. This article focuses on the diversity and ecological roles of nitrate formers in various ecosystems.
  • "Nitrification in Wastewater Treatment: A Review" by M. Anjum, et al. This review article explores the application of nitrate formers in wastewater treatment, including their efficiency, challenges, and potential for improvement.

Online Resources

  • National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Pubmed: Search for "nitrate formers," "nitrification," or specific genera like "Nitrobacter" or "Nitrospira" to find relevant research articles and scientific literature.
  • Microbiology Society: Explore their website for articles, resources, and information on nitrate formers and nitrogen cycling.
  • United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Their website offers resources on water quality, nitrogen pollution, and the role of nitrification in wastewater treatment.
  • University of California, Berkeley, Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management: Check their research publications and website for insights on nitrate formers and their impact on environmental systems.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "nitrate formers," "nitrification," "Nitrobacter," "Nitrospira," and combine them with terms like "wastewater treatment," "agriculture," or "environmental impact" to refine your search.
  • Utilize quotation marks to search for exact phrases, such as "nitrate formers in wastewater."
  • Explore related search terms like "nitrogen cycle," "ammonia oxidation," "nitrite oxidation," and "denitrification" to uncover further information.
  • Use the "filetype:pdf" operator in your search to find relevant research papers and reports.
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