Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: membrane filter

membrane filter

Membrane Filters: Tiny Guardians of Water Quality

Membrane filters, thin sheets of material with microscopic pores, play a crucial role in environmental and water treatment. They act as barriers, selectively allowing certain substances through while trapping others, ensuring clean and safe water for human consumption and environmental protection.

1. The Lab Essential: Membrane Filters for Water Analysis

In laboratory settings, membrane filters are often used in the examination of water quality. These filters, resembling paper, possess tiny pore sizes, typically ranging from 0.2 to 0.45 micrometers. These pores are small enough to retain bacteria and other microorganisms present in water samples.

How it works:

  1. A known volume of water is passed through the filter.
  2. The trapped microorganisms are then cultivated on a nutrient medium, allowing for their identification and enumeration.
  3. This analysis provides valuable information about the microbial contamination of the water source and helps assess its safety for drinking or other uses.

2. High-Tech Filtration: Pressure-Driven Membrane Filters

Beyond laboratory analysis, membrane filters are also vital for large-scale water treatment. These filters, driven by pressure, employ microfiltration or ultrafiltration technologies to remove contaminants.


  • Utilizes filters with pore sizes typically between 0.1 and 10 micrometers, effectively removing suspended solids, algae, and protozoa.
  • This technology is widely used in drinking water treatment plants and industrial processes.


  • Employs filters with even smaller pore sizes, ranging from 0.01 to 0.1 micrometers, capable of removing viruses, bacteria, and macromolecules.
  • This method is particularly effective for purifying wastewater and producing high-quality drinking water.

Advantages of Membrane Filtration:

  • High efficiency: Removes a wide range of contaminants, ensuring water purity.
  • Environmentally friendly: Does not require chemical additives, minimizing environmental impact.
  • Versatile application: Suitable for treating various water sources, from drinking water to industrial wastewater.


Membrane filters are invaluable tools in environmental and water treatment, ensuring the safety and quality of our water resources. From the laboratory to large-scale treatment plants, these tiny guardians stand guard, filtering out contaminants and providing clean and safe water for all.

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