Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: maximum contaminant level (MCL)

maximum contaminant level (MCL)

Maximum Contaminant Levels: Safeguarding Our Water Supply

Clean and safe drinking water is essential for human health and well-being. The presence of contaminants in water, however, poses a significant risk. To ensure public safety, regulatory bodies like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the United States establish Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for various substances found in drinking water.

Defining MCLs

An MCL represents the maximum permissible level of a contaminant in water delivered to the free-flowing outlet of the ultimate user of a public water system. This means the MCL is the legal limit for a specific contaminant in the water that reaches your tap. It's a crucial benchmark that water treatment facilities must adhere to, ensuring that the water delivered to consumers is safe for consumption.

MCLs: A Two-Tiered System

The MCL framework is comprised of two key levels:

  • Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCLG): This level represents the level of a contaminant in drinking water that is considered safe for human consumption over a lifetime, with no known health risks. It is a non-enforceable health goal.
  • Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL): This is the enforceable standard that water treatment facilities must meet. It is set as close to the MCLG as feasible, considering the cost, technology, and practicality of achieving the goal.

Setting MCLs: A Complex Process

Setting MCLs is a complex process that involves careful consideration of various factors, including:

  • Toxicity of the contaminant: The potential health risks associated with the contaminant are assessed.
  • Exposure levels: The amount of exposure people are likely to receive from drinking water is considered.
  • Feasibility of removal: Technological capabilities for removing the contaminant from water are evaluated.
  • Cost of treatment: The economic impact of implementing treatment technologies is weighed.

MCLs: Protecting Public Health

MCLs play a vital role in safeguarding public health. They ensure that water delivered to consumers is safe for drinking, cooking, and other household uses. By setting limits on contaminants, MCLs protect individuals from potential health risks associated with exposure to harmful substances.

Beyond MCLs: A Multi-faceted Approach

While MCLs are a crucial component of water safety, a holistic approach that includes other measures is crucial. These measures include:

  • Water quality monitoring: Regular testing of water sources and distribution systems to ensure compliance with MCLs.
  • Public education: Raising awareness about water quality issues and the importance of MCLs.
  • Treatment technologies: Implementing advanced water treatment techniques to remove contaminants effectively.

The Future of MCLs

The MCL framework is constantly evolving as new scientific knowledge emerges and technological advancements occur. Regularly reviewing and updating MCLs is essential to ensure they remain effective in protecting public health.

In conclusion, MCLs are a vital tool in the ongoing effort to provide safe and clean drinking water. By setting limits on contaminants, MCLs ensure that water is safe for consumption and protect public health. Continuous vigilance and ongoing advancements in technology will continue to improve our understanding and management of water quality, safeguarding this precious resource for generations to come.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Maximum Contaminant Levels

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does "MCL" stand for? a) Maximum Contaminant Level b) Minimum Contaminant Limit c) Maximum Concentration Limit d) Minimum Concentration Limit


a) Maximum Contaminant Level

2. What is the purpose of the Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCLG)? a) To set a legal limit for a contaminant in drinking water. b) To represent the safe level of a contaminant in drinking water for lifetime consumption. c) To guide the development of new water treatment technologies. d) To monitor the effectiveness of existing water treatment facilities.


b) To represent the safe level of a contaminant in drinking water for lifetime consumption.

3. Which of the following factors is NOT considered when setting MCLs? a) Toxicity of the contaminant b) Exposure levels c) Cost of treatment d) Water temperature


d) Water temperature

4. What is the role of water quality monitoring in ensuring safe drinking water? a) To determine the effectiveness of water treatment facilities. b) To track the presence and levels of contaminants in water sources and distribution systems. c) To educate the public about the importance of MCLs. d) To develop new technologies for removing contaminants from water.


b) To track the presence and levels of contaminants in water sources and distribution systems.

5. Why is it important to regularly review and update MCLs? a) To reflect changes in water treatment technologies. b) To keep up with evolving scientific knowledge about the health effects of contaminants. c) To ensure they remain effective in protecting public health. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

Exercise: Water Quality Scenario

Scenario: A local water treatment facility is facing a challenge with elevated levels of lead in the drinking water supply. The current MCL for lead is 15 parts per billion (ppb). The facility's recent tests show an average lead level of 18 ppb.


  1. Explain the potential health risks associated with elevated lead levels in drinking water.
  2. What steps should the water treatment facility take to address this issue and bring the lead levels below the MCL?

Exercice Correction

**Potential health risks associated with elevated lead levels in drinking water:** * **Neurological effects:** Lead can damage the brain, especially in young children, leading to developmental delays, learning difficulties, and behavioral problems. * **Cardiovascular effects:** High lead exposure can increase the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. * **Reproductive effects:** Lead can affect fertility and increase the risk of miscarriage. * **Other health problems:** Lead can also contribute to kidney damage, anemia, and bone disorders. **Steps the water treatment facility should take:** * **Identify the source of lead contamination:** This could involve investigating the water pipes in the distribution system, the water source itself, or even lead-containing plumbing fixtures in homes. * **Implement appropriate water treatment methods:** Options could include: * **Corrosion control:** Adding chemicals to the water to prevent lead from leaching from pipes. * **Filtration:** Using filters to remove lead from the water. * **Replacement:** Replacing lead pipes with non-lead alternatives. * **Public notification and education:** Inform the community about the lead levels in the water, the potential health risks, and steps they can take to mitigate exposure (e.g., using a lead filter, avoiding drinking water from taps that haven't been flushed). * **Ongoing monitoring:** Continue to test the water regularly to ensure the lead levels remain below the MCL.


  • "Drinking Water Quality: A Guide to Understanding and Managing Risks" by Peter R. M. Taylor
  • "Fundamentals of Water Quality and Wastewater Engineering" by William P. Weber and William B. DiGiano
  • "Water Quality: An Introduction" by Kenneth W. * *Potter and David L. * *Chapman


  • "Maximum Contaminant Level Goals (MCLGs) and Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs)" by US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA website)
  • "A Review of the Regulatory Framework for Drinking Water Quality in the United States" by A. V. Neufeld and A. * *A. LeChevallier (Journal of Water and Health, 2014)
  • "Drinking Water Quality: A Global Perspective" by J. C. * *Bolton and S. * *J. Hoffman (Journal of Water and Health, 2010)

Online Resources

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Maximum Contaminant Level," "MCL," "Drinking Water Regulations," "EPA Drinking Water Standards," "Water Quality Standards"
  • Combine keywords with location: "MCLs California," "Drinking Water Regulations New York"
  • Include specific contaminants: "MCL for Lead," "Drinking Water Standards for Arsenic"
  • Search for official government resources: "EPA drinking water website," "WHO drinking water guidelines," "CDC drinking water safety"
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