Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: material balance

material balance

Material Balance: The Foundation of Environmental and Water Treatment

In environmental and water treatment, understanding the movement and fate of substances is crucial. This is where the concept of material balance comes in. It's a fundamental principle that states "matter cannot be created or destroyed", a law often referred to as the law of conservation of mass. This principle is applied to understand and manage the flow of pollutants, contaminants, and other materials within a system.

The essence of material balance is simple:

  1. Identify the system: Define the specific area or process you are analyzing. This could be a lake, a wastewater treatment plant, or a specific industrial process.
  2. Track the inputs: Determine the sources and amounts of materials entering the system. This includes everything from wastewater discharges to atmospheric deposition.
  3. Track the outputs: Determine the ways materials leave the system, including outflow, evaporation, degradation, and removal through treatment processes.
  4. Account for changes within the system: Identify any transformations or reactions that occur within the system, such as chemical reactions or biological degradation.
  5. Balance the equation: Ensure that the total amount of material entering the system equals the total amount leaving plus any changes within the system.

How Material Balance is Used in Environmental & Water Treatment:

  • Pollution control: Material balance helps identify sources of pollution, track their movement, and design efficient treatment strategies.
  • Wastewater treatment: Material balance is critical in designing and optimizing wastewater treatment processes. By tracking the flow of pollutants and their removal, we can ensure that treatment plants are meeting regulatory standards.
  • Contaminant fate and transport: Material balance helps predict the fate and transport of contaminants in the environment, allowing for informed decision-making on remediation strategies and prevention measures.
  • Environmental monitoring: By tracking material flow, environmental monitoring programs can identify changes in pollutant levels, assess the effectiveness of environmental regulations, and pinpoint areas needing attention.
  • Resource recovery: Material balance can help identify opportunities for resource recovery from waste streams, leading to more sustainable practices.

Beyond the Basics: Considerations and Challenges

While material balance is a powerful tool, its application in real-world scenarios can present challenges:

  • Complex systems: Environmental systems are often complex, with multiple inputs, outputs, and reactions. Tracking all these aspects can be challenging.
  • Data limitations: Accurate data on inputs, outputs, and transformations is crucial for accurate material balance calculations. However, data collection can be time-consuming and expensive.
  • Assumptions and simplifications: Due to the complexity of real-world systems, material balance models often rely on simplifying assumptions. This can affect the accuracy of the results.
  • Uncertainty and variability: Environmental factors like weather patterns and seasonal changes can influence material flows, adding uncertainty to the analysis.

Despite these challenges, material balance remains a fundamental principle in environmental and water treatment. By understanding and applying this concept, we can improve our ability to protect our environment and manage our resources effectively.

Test Your Knowledge

Material Balance Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the fundamental principle of material balance? (a) Matter can be created or destroyed under certain conditions. (b) Matter cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed. (c) Material balance is only applicable to closed systems. (d) Material balance is only relevant to water treatment, not environmental applications.


The correct answer is **(b) Matter cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed.** This is the law of conservation of mass, which forms the basis of material balance.

2. Which of the following is NOT a step involved in conducting a material balance analysis? (a) Identifying the system boundaries (b) Tracking inputs and outputs (c) Determining the cost of treatment processes (d) Accounting for transformations within the system


The correct answer is **(c) Determining the cost of treatment processes.** While cost is important in decision-making, it's not directly part of the material balance calculation itself.

3. How is material balance used in pollution control? (a) To determine the cost-effectiveness of various treatment options. (b) To identify the sources of pollution and their pathways. (c) To predict the long-term impact of pollutants on the environment. (d) To estimate the amount of pollution released by a particular industry.


The correct answer is **(b) To identify the sources of pollution and their pathways.** Material balance helps track the movement of pollutants, allowing us to pinpoint where they originate and how they spread.

4. What is a major challenge in applying material balance in real-world scenarios? (a) The lack of scientific understanding of material transformations. (b) The inability to measure all inputs and outputs accurately. (c) The high cost of conducting material balance analysis. (d) The limited application of material balance to only specific systems.


The correct answer is **(b) The inability to measure all inputs and outputs accurately.** Real-world systems are complex, and obtaining precise data on all aspects of material flow can be difficult.

5. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using material balance in environmental and water treatment? (a) Identifying opportunities for resource recovery (b) Predicting the long-term environmental impact of pollutants (c) Designing efficient and effective treatment processes (d) Determining the optimal price for treated water


The correct answer is **(d) Determining the optimal price for treated water.** While cost is important, material balance focuses on the movement of materials and their transformations, not on economic pricing.

Material Balance Exercise

Scenario: A small town's wastewater treatment plant receives an average inflow of 10,000 m³ of wastewater per day. The plant removes 80% of the organic pollutants (measured as BOD) from the incoming wastewater. The treated effluent discharged from the plant contains 20 mg/L of BOD.


  1. Calculate the amount of BOD entering the plant each day.
  2. Calculate the amount of BOD removed by the plant each day.
  3. Calculate the amount of BOD discharged from the plant each day.
  4. What percentage of the incoming BOD is removed by the plant?

Exercice Correction

**1. Amount of BOD entering the plant:**

Assume the incoming BOD concentration is X mg/L.

Total BOD entering = 10,000 m³ * X mg/L = 10,000X mg

**2. Amount of BOD removed:**

BOD removed = 80% of total BOD = 0.8 * 10,000X mg = 8,000X mg

**3. Amount of BOD discharged:**

Total BOD discharged = 10,000 m³ * 20 mg/L = 200,000 mg

**4. Percentage of incoming BOD removed:**

Percentage removed = (BOD removed / Total BOD entering) * 100%

Percentage removed = (8,000X mg / 10,000X mg) * 100% = 80%

**Therefore, the plant removes 80% of the incoming BOD, which aligns with the given information.**


  • Environmental Engineering: Fundamentals, Sustainability, Design by Davis, M.L., Cornwell, D.A. (2015): This comprehensive textbook covers material balance principles extensively within the context of environmental engineering, including wastewater treatment and pollution control.
  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. (2014): This widely used reference provides detailed information on wastewater treatment processes and how material balance is used in their design and optimization.
  • Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering by Tchobanoglous, G., Burton, F.L., Stensel, H.D. (2003): This textbook covers basic principles of environmental engineering, including material balance concepts, with applications in various environmental contexts.
  • Handbook of Environmental Engineering by Sharma, R.K. (2008): This handbook offers a wide range of information on environmental engineering, including material balance applications and specific case studies.


  • "Material Balance: A Powerful Tool for Pollution Control" by EPA (2010): This article by the Environmental Protection Agency provides a clear explanation of material balance principles and its applications in pollution control.
  • "The Use of Material Balance for Water Quality Management" by Davis, M.L. (2002): This article discusses the application of material balance for water quality management, highlighting its importance in watershed management and pollution control.
  • "Material Balance in Waste Management: A Review" by Singh, R.K. & Singh, S. (2016): This article provides a comprehensive review of material balance applications in waste management, covering both waste reduction and resource recovery aspects.

Online Resources

  • EPA Material Balance Website:
  • USGS Water Science School: Material Balance:
  • The Engineering Toolbox: Material Balance Calculations:

Search Tips

  • "Material balance environmental engineering"
  • "Material balance wastewater treatment"
  • "Material balance pollution control"
  • "Material balance case studies"
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