Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: makeup water

makeup water

Makeup Water: The Unsung Hero of Water Treatment

In the world of environmental and water treatment, the term "makeup water" might not sound glamorous, but it plays a crucial role in ensuring smooth and efficient operations. Essentially, makeup water is the fluid added to a recirculating stream to maintain a stable equilibrium of various parameters.

Think of it like this: imagine a bathtub filled with water. As you run the faucet, you're adding makeup water to keep the tub full. In water treatment systems, this makeup water replenishes the water lost through evaporation, filtration, or other processes.

Maintaining Equilibrium:

Makeup water is vital for maintaining equilibrium in a recirculating stream by addressing several critical aspects:

  • Temperature: In systems where temperature is crucial, such as cooling towers, makeup water helps maintain the desired temperature by compensating for heat loss through evaporation.
  • Solids Concentration: In systems like reverse osmosis, makeup water ensures a balanced concentration of dissolved solids. This is vital for maintaining membrane efficiency and preventing scaling.
  • Chemical Concentration: Some systems rely on specific chemical concentrations for optimal performance. Makeup water ensures that these concentrations remain consistent.

Examples of Makeup Water in Action:

  • Cooling Towers: Cooling towers use water to dissipate heat from industrial processes. Makeup water compensates for water lost through evaporation, maintaining water levels and ensuring efficient cooling.
  • Reverse Osmosis (RO) Systems: RO systems use membranes to remove dissolved solids from water. Makeup water replaces the water that is rejected by the membrane, ensuring continuous operation.
  • Boiler Feedwater Systems: Boilers require purified water to prevent scaling and corrosion. Makeup water is treated to meet strict purity standards before being added to the boiler.

Key Considerations for Makeup Water:

  • Quality: The quality of makeup water is crucial to prevent fouling, scaling, and corrosion in the recirculating system.
  • Treatment: Depending on the specific application, makeup water might require pre-treatment, such as filtration, softening, or demineralization.
  • Monitoring: Close monitoring of makeup water parameters, such as temperature, conductivity, and chemical composition, is essential to maintain system performance.


Makeup water is a seemingly simple yet essential component of environmental and water treatment systems. It plays a crucial role in maintaining equilibrium, ensuring efficient operation, and maximizing the performance of these systems. Understanding the importance and specific requirements of makeup water in different applications is crucial for optimizing water treatment processes and ensuring sustainable water management.

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