Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: localized corrosion

localized corrosion

Localized Corrosion: A Silent Threat in Environmental & Water Treatment

In the world of Environmental and Water Treatment, corrosion is a constant enemy, silently eroding infrastructure and compromising the effectiveness of crucial processes. While general corrosion, affecting the entire surface, is more visible, localized corrosion poses a hidden and often more dangerous threat. This type of corrosion occurs at a relatively high speed in limited sections of the area exposed to the corrosive medium. This concentrated attack can lead to catastrophic failures, compromising the integrity of water treatment plants, pipelines, and other critical infrastructure.

Types of Localized Corrosion:

  • Pitting Corrosion: This is the most common type, characterized by the formation of small, deep pits or holes in the metal surface. The pits are often difficult to detect in their early stages, making them particularly dangerous.
  • Crevice Corrosion: Occurs in confined spaces, such as under gaskets, washers, or at the junction of two surfaces. The trapped corrosive environment within these crevices accelerates corrosion.
  • Filiform Corrosion: This type is primarily found in coated metals and is characterized by thread-like corrosion patterns under the coating.
  • Galvanic Corrosion: Happens when two dissimilar metals are in contact in an electrolyte. The more active metal corrodes at an accelerated rate.
  • Stress Corrosion Cracking: Occurs when a metal is subjected to tensile stress in a corrosive environment. This can lead to brittle fracture, even in materials that are normally resistant to corrosion.

Factors Contributing to Localized Corrosion:

  • Composition of the Corrosive Medium: The presence of specific ions, such as chloride or sulfate, can significantly increase the rate of localized corrosion.
  • Temperature: Higher temperatures often accelerate the rate of corrosion.
  • Oxygen Concentration: In some cases, localized corrosion can be exacerbated by the presence of oxygen, while in others, the absence of oxygen can be the culprit.
  • Surface Conditions: Imperfections on the metal surface, such as scratches, pits, or deposits, can act as initiation sites for localized corrosion.
  • Metallurgical Properties: Certain metals and alloys are more prone to localized corrosion than others.

Addressing Localized Corrosion in Environmental & Water Treatment:

  • Material Selection: Choosing corrosion-resistant materials for components in contact with corrosive media is essential.
  • Design Considerations: Avoiding tight spaces, crevices, and areas where fluids can stagnate can mitigate crevice and pitting corrosion.
  • Protective Coatings: Applying appropriate coatings can provide a barrier against corrosive environments.
  • Cathodic Protection: This technique involves applying an electric current to the metal surface to make it cathodic, thus preventing corrosion.
  • Water Treatment: Removing corrosive ions and controlling water quality parameters can help minimize localized corrosion.


Localized corrosion is a significant threat to the long-term operation and safety of Environmental and Water Treatment systems. By understanding its causes, recognizing its various forms, and employing appropriate mitigation strategies, we can effectively combat this silent enemy and ensure the continued reliability of our critical infrastructure.

Test Your Knowledge

Localized Corrosion Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a type of localized corrosion?

a) Pitting Corrosion b) Crevice Corrosion c) General Corrosion d) Filiform Corrosion


c) General Corrosion

2. What is the primary characteristic of pitting corrosion?

a) Formation of a thin, uniform layer of corrosion products b) Formation of small, deep pits or holes in the metal surface c) Cracking of the metal due to stress and corrosion d) Thread-like corrosion patterns under a coating


b) Formation of small, deep pits or holes in the metal surface

3. Which of the following factors can contribute to localized corrosion?

a) High oxygen concentration b) Smooth, polished metal surface c) Low temperature d) Absence of corrosive ions


a) High oxygen concentration

4. What is a common mitigation strategy for localized corrosion?

a) Using non-corrosive materials b) Applying protective coatings c) Increasing the flow rate of the corrosive medium d) Exposing the metal to higher temperatures


b) Applying protective coatings

5. Which of the following is NOT an example of a localized corrosion mitigation strategy?

a) Cathodic protection b) Water treatment c) Increasing the surface area exposed to the corrosive medium d) Material selection


c) Increasing the surface area exposed to the corrosive medium

Localized Corrosion Exercise

Scenario: You are designing a new water treatment plant. The intake pipeline will be made of steel and will be exposed to seawater, which is known to be highly corrosive.

Task: Identify three potential localized corrosion issues that could arise in this scenario and explain how you would mitigate each one.

Exercice Correction

Here are three potential localized corrosion issues and mitigation strategies:

  • **Pitting Corrosion:** Seawater contains high chloride concentrations, which can significantly accelerate pitting corrosion.
    **Mitigation:** * Use stainless steel grades with high resistance to pitting corrosion. * Apply a protective coating specifically designed for seawater environments, such as epoxy coatings or specialized anti-corrosion paints.
  • **Crevice Corrosion:** The intake pipeline may have crevices, such as the junction between pipe sections or under flanges. These areas can trap stagnant seawater, leading to crevice corrosion.
    **Mitigation:** * Design the pipeline with smooth surfaces and avoid tight spaces to minimize potential crevice areas. * Use gaskets and seals that are resistant to crevice corrosion.
  • **Galvanic Corrosion:** If the intake pipeline is connected to other structures made of different metals (e.g., bronze or copper), galvanic corrosion can occur. The steel pipe would corrode at an accelerated rate.
    **Mitigation:** * Use isolation materials or sacrificial anodes to prevent direct contact between dissimilar metals. * Ensure that all metal components are properly insulated from each other.


  • Corrosion Engineering by Mars G. Fontana & Norbert D. Greene: A comprehensive guide to corrosion, including detailed chapters on localized corrosion.
  • Corrosion: Fundamentals, Testing, and Protection by David R. Scantlebury & Peter R. Roberge: Covers the basics of corrosion and its various forms, with specific sections on localized corrosion.
  • Corrosion and Protection of Metals by J.C. Scully & D.W. Shoesmith: A detailed text on corrosion, including extensive coverage of localized corrosion mechanisms and mitigation methods.


  • "Localized Corrosion: A Silent Threat in Environmental & Water Treatment" by [Your Name/Organization]: This article provides a detailed overview of localized corrosion, its types, causes, and mitigation methods specifically for environmental and water treatment applications.
  • "Pitting Corrosion of Stainless Steels in Chloride-Containing Environments" by R.W. Staehle: A comprehensive study on pitting corrosion in stainless steels, a common material in water treatment systems.
  • "Crevice Corrosion of Metals: Mechanisms and Prevention" by H.H. Uhlig & R.W. Staehle: Discusses the mechanisms behind crevice corrosion and provides practical strategies for preventing it.
  • "Galvanic Corrosion in Water Treatment Systems" by [Author Name]: An article focusing on galvanic corrosion in water treatment systems, explaining the causes and providing practical solutions.

Online Resources

  • National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE): This organization offers a wealth of resources on corrosion, including articles, webinars, and training courses related to localized corrosion.
  • ASM International: This organization provides access to technical information, standards, and publications related to corrosion science and engineering, including information on localized corrosion.
  • Corrosion Doctors: This website provides articles, guides, and FAQs on various aspects of corrosion, including localized corrosion.
  • Corrosionpedia: A comprehensive online encyclopedia with articles, definitions, and resources on corrosion, including detailed information on different forms of localized corrosion.

Search Tips

  • "Localized Corrosion" + "Water Treatment": This search will return relevant results on localized corrosion specifically in the context of water treatment systems.
  • "Pitting Corrosion" + "Stainless Steel" + "Water Treatment": This specific search will bring up information on pitting corrosion, a common issue in water treatment systems using stainless steel materials.
  • "Crevice Corrosion" + "Environmental" + "Mitigation": This search will find resources on crevice corrosion and potential solutions for environmental applications.
  • "Galvanic Corrosion" + "Water Pipes": This will help locate resources on galvanic corrosion as it relates to water pipes and other components.
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