Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: lime recalcining

lime recalcining

Reclaiming the Past: Lime Recalcining in Environmental & Water Treatment

Lime, in its various forms, plays a crucial role in environmental and water treatment processes. It's a versatile chemical used for water softening, pH adjustment, heavy metal removal, and sludge stabilization. However, lime usage can lead to significant disposal costs associated with the generated sludge. This is where lime recalcining comes in, offering a sustainable and cost-effective solution.

What is Lime Recalcining?

Lime recalcining is a thermal process that recovers usable lime from water or wastewater sludge. It involves heating the sludge in a specialized furnace, typically a multiple hearth furnace, to a high temperature (around 800-1000°C). This process decomposes the sludge, driving off water and other volatile components, and regenerates calcium oxide (CaO), commonly known as quicklime.

The Multiple Hearth Furnace: A Key Component

The multiple hearth furnace is a vertically stacked chamber with several hearths. Sludge is fed into the top hearth and gradually moves downward through a series of rotating arms and scrapers. As it moves down, it's exposed to increasing temperatures, allowing for efficient dehydration and decomposition. The furnace's design ensures maximum heat transfer and minimizes energy consumption.

Benefits of Lime Recalcination:

  • Reduced Disposal Costs: Reclaiming lime significantly reduces the volume of sludge needing disposal, leading to substantial cost savings.
  • Resource Recovery: Instead of being discarded, the recovered lime can be reused in various water and wastewater treatment applications, minimizing resource depletion.
  • Environmental Sustainability: Lime recalcining promotes a circular economy, reducing the environmental footprint associated with lime production and disposal.
  • Improved Sludge Handling: Recalcination can reduce the sludge's volume and moisture content, making it easier and safer to handle.

Applications in Water Treatment:

Lime recalcining finds diverse applications in various water treatment processes:

  • Water Softening: Recovered lime can be used to soften hard water by removing calcium and magnesium ions.
  • pH Adjustment: Lime is essential for maintaining the optimal pH levels required for effective water treatment.
  • Heavy Metal Removal: Reclaimed lime can precipitate heavy metals, effectively removing them from water.
  • Sludge Stabilization: It can be used to stabilize sludge, reducing odor and pathogen risks.

Challenges and Future Developments:

Despite its numerous benefits, lime recalcining faces challenges, including:

  • High Capital Costs: Setting up a lime recalcination plant can be expensive.
  • Operational Complexity: The process requires specialized equipment and skilled personnel.
  • Energy Consumption: Heating the sludge to high temperatures requires significant energy input.

Research and development are focused on improving the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of lime recalcination. New technologies, like plasma gasification, are being explored to reduce energy consumption and enhance the process's overall sustainability.


Lime recalcining is a promising technology for achieving sustainable and cost-effective water treatment. It offers a viable solution for reducing waste, conserving resources, and minimizing the environmental impact of water treatment operations. With ongoing research and development, this technology has the potential to play an increasingly vital role in the future of water and wastewater management.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz on Lime Recalcining

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of lime recalcining?

a) To dispose of water treatment sludge safely. b) To recover usable lime from sludge. c) To create new forms of lime for specific applications. d) To enhance the taste and odor of water.


b) To recover usable lime from sludge.

2. Which type of furnace is commonly used in lime recalcining?

a) Rotary kiln b) Fluidized bed furnace c) Multiple hearth furnace d) Blast furnace


c) Multiple hearth furnace

3. What is the main advantage of lime recalcining over traditional sludge disposal?

a) Reduced energy consumption b) Increased sludge volume c) Reduced disposal costs d) Improved sludge odor


c) Reduced disposal costs

4. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of lime recalcining?

a) Resource recovery b) Increased carbon footprint c) Improved sludge handling d) Environmental sustainability


b) Increased carbon footprint

5. Lime recalcining is used in water treatment for all of the following EXCEPT:

a) Water softening b) pH adjustment c) Heavy metal removal d) Chlorine disinfection


d) Chlorine disinfection

Exercise on Lime Recalcining

Scenario: A water treatment plant generates 100 tonnes of sludge per year. The cost of disposing of this sludge is $100 per tonne. The plant is considering installing a lime recalcining system that can recover 70% of the lime from the sludge. The cost of the recalcination system is $1 million, and its operational cost is $50 per tonne of sludge processed.


  1. Calculate the annual disposal cost before implementing the recalcination system.
  2. Calculate the annual amount of lime recovered using the recalcination system.
  3. Calculate the annual operational cost of the recalcination system.
  4. Calculate the net annual cost savings from using the recalcination system.

Note: Consider the cost of the recalcination system as a one-time investment and ignore its depreciation for this exercise.

Exercice Correction

1. **Annual disposal cost:** 100 tonnes * $100/tonne = $10,000 2. **Annual amount of lime recovered:** 100 tonnes * 70% = 70 tonnes 3. **Annual operational cost:** 100 tonnes * $50/tonne = $5,000 4. **Net annual cost savings:** * **Savings from reduced disposal cost:** 100 tonnes * $100/tonne * 70% = $7,000 * **Net savings:** $7,000 (savings) - $5,000 (operational cost) = $2,000


  • "Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse" by Metcalf & Eddy: This comprehensive text covers various wastewater treatment processes, including lime softening and sludge treatment.
  • "Water Treatment: Principles and Design" by Davis & Cornwell: This book delves into the fundamentals of water treatment, with chapters on lime softening and other relevant topics.
  • "Handbook of Industrial Waste Treatment" by David A. Sedlak: This handbook provides detailed information on industrial wastewater treatment methods, including lime recalcination and sludge management.


  • "Lime Recalcining: A Sustainable Solution for Water and Wastewater Treatment" by [Author's Name], [Journal Name], [Year]: A specific article focusing on the benefits, challenges, and technological advancements in lime recalcination.
  • "Thermal Treatment of Sewage Sludge: A Review" by [Author's Name], [Journal Name], [Year]: This article explores various thermal treatment methods for sewage sludge, including lime recalcination, and discusses their advantages and disadvantages.
  • "Lime Recalcination for Wastewater Treatment: A Case Study" by [Author's Name], [Journal Name], [Year]: A practical case study demonstrating the application of lime recalcination in a specific wastewater treatment facility.

Online Resources

  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): [WEF Website]: WEF is a leading organization in the field of water and wastewater treatment, providing resources and publications on lime recalcination and other related technologies.
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): [AWWA Website]: AWWA offers technical resources, research reports, and training materials related to various aspects of water treatment, including lime use.
  • National Lime Association (NLA): [NLA Website]: NLA provides information about lime production, uses, and environmental considerations, including lime recalcination.

Search Tips

  • "Lime recalcination wastewater treatment": This will help you find articles and research focusing on the application of lime recalcination in wastewater treatment processes.
  • "Lime recalcination technology": This query will lead to information about different technologies used in lime recalcination, including multiple hearth furnaces.
  • "Lime recalcination cost analysis": This search will help you find studies and analyses evaluating the cost-effectiveness of lime recalcination compared to other sludge treatment methods.
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