Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Water Purification: intercondenser


Intercondensers: Boosting Efficiency in Evaporation Systems

In the realm of environmental and water treatment, evaporation plays a crucial role in separating water from dissolved solids or impurities. This process often utilizes a steam jet vacuum system, which relies on the principle of steam injection to create a low-pressure environment for efficient evaporation. However, the high steam consumption of this system can be a significant energy burden. Enter the intercondenser, a key component that significantly improves energy efficiency by reducing steam consumption.

Understanding the Intercondenser:

An intercondenser is a condenser strategically positioned between stages of the steam jet vacuum system in an evaporator. It serves as a heat exchanger, capturing the latent heat released during the condensation of steam from the previous stage. This heat is then used to preheat the incoming feed for the next stage.

The Benefits of Intercondensers:

  1. Reduced Steam Consumption: By preheating the feed, the intercondenser minimizes the amount of steam required for evaporation in subsequent stages. This translates to substantial energy savings and lower operating costs.
  2. Enhanced Efficiency: The preheated feed increases the efficiency of the evaporation process, allowing for greater water removal with lower energy input.
  3. Lower Operational Costs: The combined effect of reduced steam consumption and enhanced efficiency leads to lower operational costs for the entire system.
  4. Improved Environmental Impact: By minimizing steam usage, intercondensers contribute to reduced greenhouse gas emissions and a more sustainable operation.

How Intercondensers Work:

The intercondenser essentially acts as a heat recovery unit. Steam from the previous stage enters the intercondenser, where it condenses and releases latent heat. This heat is then transferred to the incoming feed through a heat exchanger, typically a shell-and-tube arrangement. The preheated feed then enters the next stage of the evaporation process, requiring less steam to reach the desired temperature for evaporation.

Applications of Intercondensers:

Intercondensers are widely employed in various water treatment applications, including:

  • Wastewater Treatment: Used to concentrate wastewater streams, reducing the volume and simplifying disposal.
  • Seawater Desalination: Critical for achieving high water recovery rates in desalination plants.
  • Food Processing: Used to concentrate food products, increasing their shelf life and reducing transportation costs.
  • Chemical Processing: Essential in evaporating solutions containing valuable chemicals, maximizing recovery and minimizing waste.


Intercondensers are valuable tools in modern evaporation systems, playing a significant role in improving energy efficiency, reducing costs, and enhancing environmental sustainability. Their ability to recover heat from steam condensation makes them essential components for any operation seeking to optimize energy usage and minimize environmental impact. By understanding the benefits and function of intercondensers, engineers and operators can design and operate more efficient and sustainable evaporation systems.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Intercondensers in Evaporation Systems

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of an intercondenser in an evaporation system?

a) To increase the pressure within the evaporation chamber. b) To remove dissolved solids from the feed water. c) To preheat the incoming feed for the next stage of evaporation. d) To generate additional steam for the evaporation process.


c) To preheat the incoming feed for the next stage of evaporation.

2. How does an intercondenser contribute to energy savings in an evaporation system?

a) By increasing the rate of evaporation. b) By reducing the amount of steam required for evaporation. c) By eliminating the need for preheating the feed. d) By converting steam directly into electricity.


b) By reducing the amount of steam required for evaporation.

3. What is the primary mechanism by which an intercondenser recovers heat?

a) By utilizing solar energy to heat the feed. b) By capturing the latent heat released during steam condensation. c) By burning additional fuel to generate heat. d) By utilizing the heat from the surrounding environment.


b) By capturing the latent heat released during steam condensation.

4. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using an intercondenser in an evaporation system?

a) Reduced steam consumption. b) Enhanced efficiency of the evaporation process. c) Increased operational costs. d) Improved environmental impact.


c) Increased operational costs.

5. In which of the following applications are intercondensers commonly used?

a) Refrigeration systems. b) Power generation plants. c) Wastewater treatment facilities. d) All of the above.


c) Wastewater treatment facilities.

Exercise: Intercondenser Application

Scenario: A wastewater treatment plant uses a steam jet vacuum system for evaporating concentrated wastewater. The plant manager is considering installing an intercondenser to improve efficiency.


  • Identify two key benefits the plant could expect from installing an intercondenser.
  • Explain how the intercondenser would achieve these benefits.
  • Suggest one potential drawback of using an intercondenser in this specific application.

Exercise Correction


  1. Reduced steam consumption: The intercondenser would preheat the incoming wastewater, requiring less steam to reach the evaporation temperature in subsequent stages. This translates to significant energy savings and lower operating costs.
  2. Enhanced evaporation efficiency: The preheated feed would increase the efficiency of the evaporation process, allowing for greater water removal with lower energy input. This results in faster and more effective wastewater concentration.


  • The intercondenser captures the latent heat released during steam condensation from the previous stage.
  • This heat is then transferred to the incoming wastewater through a heat exchanger, preheating it.
  • The preheated feed requires less steam to reach the desired temperature for evaporation, leading to reduced steam consumption and increased efficiency.

Potential drawback:

  • Increased complexity: Installing an intercondenser adds complexity to the system, requiring additional maintenance and potential for troubleshooting.
  • The plant needs to ensure the design and installation of the intercondenser are suitable for the specific wastewater characteristics to achieve the desired benefits.


  • Evaporation Technology for Water Treatment and Reuse: This book, edited by Peter S. Cartwright, delves into various aspects of evaporation, including intercondensers. It offers a comprehensive overview of evaporation technologies, their applications, and their environmental impact.
  • Wastewater Treatment Engineering: By Metcalf & Eddy, this widely used textbook covers various wastewater treatment processes, including evaporation and the role of intercondensers in improving efficiency.


  • "Energy Optimization in Multi-Effect Evaporation Systems for Wastewater Treatment" by R.R. Bhide, M.S. Rao, and P.G. Dastidar (2009): This article focuses on energy optimization in multi-effect evaporation systems, specifically discussing the use of intercondensers for improving efficiency and reducing energy consumption.
  • "Performance Evaluation of Intercondenser in Multi-Effect Evaporation System for Seawater Desalination" by M.A. Al-Ghamdi, M.A. Khan, and A.M. Al-Khedhairy (2014): This article examines the performance of intercondensers in multi-effect desalination systems, highlighting their impact on water production and energy efficiency.

Online Resources

  • Evaporation and Crystallization Technology - Intercondenser Design: This website provides detailed information on the design and operation of intercondensers, including diagrams and calculations.
  • Alfa Laval - Intercondenser Technology: Alfa Laval, a leading provider of evaporation systems, offers in-depth information on their intercondenser technology, including applications, benefits, and case studies.

Search Tips

  • "Intercondenser + Evaporation": This will provide relevant results on intercondensers in the context of evaporation systems.
  • "Intercondenser + Wastewater Treatment": This search will focus on the application of intercondensers in wastewater treatment processes.
  • "Intercondenser + Desalination": This search will reveal information about intercondensers in seawater desalination systems.
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