Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Environmental Health & Safety: infectious dose 50 (ID 50 )

infectious dose 50 (ID 50 )

Infectious Dose 50 (ID50): A Key Concept in Environmental & Water Treatment

In the realm of environmental and water treatment, ensuring the safety of our water supply is paramount. One crucial aspect of this effort involves understanding the infectious potential of various microbes and the dose required to cause illness. This is where the Infectious Dose 50 (ID50) comes in.

What is ID50?

ID50 represents the number of microbes required to infect 50% of a population exposed to them. This metric is a powerful tool for evaluating the virulence of a microbe, meaning its ability to cause disease.

How is ID50 Determined?

Determining ID50 involves conducting laboratory experiments where various doses of a microbe are introduced to a test population, usually animals or cell cultures. By observing the percentage of infected individuals at each dose level, scientists can extrapolate the dose that causes infection in 50% of the population.

Why is ID50 Important in Environmental & Water Treatment?

The concept of ID50 is crucial for several reasons in environmental and water treatment:

  • Risk Assessment: ID50 values help assess the potential risk posed by specific microbes to human health. This information is critical in developing safe drinking water standards and guidelines.
  • Treatment Optimization: Understanding the ID50 of various pathogens informs the design and effectiveness of water treatment processes. For example, knowing the ID50 of a specific bacteria can guide the selection of appropriate disinfection techniques and the necessary contact time.
  • Monitoring and Surveillance: ID50 values can be used to monitor the effectiveness of water treatment systems and detect potential outbreaks. Changes in ID50 values may indicate the emergence of antibiotic resistance or the presence of a new strain of a pathogen.

Factors Affecting ID50:

Several factors can influence the ID50 of a microbe, including:

  • Strain Variability: Different strains of the same microbe can have varying virulence, leading to different ID50 values.
  • Environmental Conditions: Factors such as water temperature, pH, and nutrient availability can impact the survival and infectivity of microbes, ultimately affecting their ID50.
  • Host Factors: The age, health, and immune status of the exposed population can also influence susceptibility to infection and therefore affect the observed ID50.


For example, the ID50 of Cryptosporidium parvum in humans is estimated to be around 10-100 oocysts. This means that ingesting 10 to 100 Cryptosporidium oocysts has a 50% chance of causing infection.


The ID50 serves as a critical metric in environmental and water treatment by providing insight into the infectious potential of microbes and informing the development of effective treatment strategies. Understanding this concept allows us to better protect public health and ensure the safety of our water supply.

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