Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Wastewater Treatment: inclined plate separator

inclined plate separator

Inclined Plate Settlers: Enhancing Settling Efficiency in Environmental & Water Treatment

Inclined plate settlers are a critical component in many environmental and water treatment processes, playing a vital role in enhancing the separation of solids from liquids. These devices, essentially a series of parallel, inclined plates installed within a clarifier or thickener, function by increasing the settling area and promoting more efficient particle separation.

How Inclined Plate Settlers Work:

The principle behind inclined plate settlers is simple yet effective. As wastewater or sludge enters the settling tank, it flows upwards between the closely spaced, inclined plates. This upward flow creates a much larger surface area for particles to settle upon compared to a traditional circular clarifier. The plates act as settling surfaces, allowing heavier particles to settle down while the clarified liquid flows upwards.

Key Advantages of Using Inclined Plate Settlers:

  • Increased Settling Area: Inclined plates provide significantly more settling area per unit volume, leading to improved efficiency in removing suspended solids.
  • Reduced Settling Time: The shorter distance particles need to travel to settle due to the inclined plates results in a faster settling process.
  • Enhanced Clarification: Inclined plate settlers allow for better clarification of the liquid, resulting in a higher quality effluent.
  • Increased Sludge Concentration: By promoting efficient settling, these devices can increase the concentration of sludge, improving efficiency in downstream processes like dewatering.
  • Space Savings: Inclined plate settlers are often more compact than traditional settling tanks, reducing the overall footprint of the treatment plant.

Applications in Environmental & Water Treatment:

Inclined plate settlers find applications in various water and wastewater treatment processes:

  • Municipal Wastewater Treatment: They are used in primary and secondary clarifiers to remove suspended solids and settle sludge.
  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment: Inclined plate settlers are employed in industries like food processing, chemical manufacturing, and mining to treat wastewater containing suspended solids.
  • Water Treatment Plants: They are used in water treatment plants to remove suspended particles from raw water before further treatment.
  • Sludge Thickening: Inclined plate settlers are used to increase the concentration of sludge before dewatering and disposal.


Inclined plate settlers are essential tools in environmental and water treatment, offering significant advantages in terms of settling efficiency, space utilization, and overall treatment effectiveness. By maximizing settling area and promoting faster sedimentation, these devices contribute to producing a higher quality effluent and minimizing environmental impact. As technology advances, new innovations in inclined plate settler design continue to improve their efficiency and expand their application in various water and wastewater treatment scenarios.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz on Inclined Plate Settlers

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of inclined plates in a settling tank?

a) To increase the flow rate of wastewater. b) To enhance the mixing of wastewater and sludge. c) To provide a larger surface area for particles to settle. d) To prevent the formation of sludge.


c) To provide a larger surface area for particles to settle.

2. How do inclined plate settlers contribute to reduced settling time?

a) By creating a turbulent flow pattern. b) By increasing the viscosity of the wastewater. c) By shortening the distance particles need to travel to settle. d) By reducing the density of the particles.


c) By shortening the distance particles need to travel to settle.

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using inclined plate settlers?

a) Increased settling area. b) Reduced settling time. c) Enhanced clarification. d) Increased energy consumption.


d) Increased energy consumption. (They actually help reduce energy consumption.)

4. Where are inclined plate settlers commonly used in wastewater treatment?

a) Only in primary clarifiers. b) Only in secondary clarifiers. c) In both primary and secondary clarifiers. d) In tertiary treatment stages.


c) In both primary and secondary clarifiers.

5. How do inclined plate settlers contribute to space savings in a treatment plant?

a) By eliminating the need for separate sludge holding tanks. b) By allowing for a smaller footprint compared to traditional settling tanks. c) By reducing the amount of wastewater that needs to be treated. d) By enabling the use of smaller pumps and piping systems.


b) By allowing for a smaller footprint compared to traditional settling tanks.

Exercise on Inclined Plate Settlers

Scenario: A wastewater treatment plant is considering installing inclined plate settlers in their primary clarifiers. They currently have circular clarifiers with a diameter of 10 meters and a depth of 4 meters. The plant processes 5000 m3 of wastewater per day.

Task: Calculate the total surface area of the circular clarifiers and the potential increase in settling area if inclined plate settlers were installed with a plate spacing of 0.05 meters. Assume a plate length of 3 meters and a total of 100 plates per clarifier.


  • The surface area of a circle is calculated using the formula πr2, where r is the radius.
  • The total settling area provided by inclined plates is calculated by multiplying the plate surface area by the number of plates.

Exercice Correction

**1. Surface area of circular clarifiers:** * Radius (r) = Diameter / 2 = 10 m / 2 = 5 m * Surface area = πr2 = π * (5 m)2 = 78.54 m2 * Since there are two clarifiers, the total surface area is 78.54 m2 * 2 = 157.08 m2. **2. Settling area provided by inclined plates:** * Plate surface area = Plate length * Plate spacing = 3 m * 0.05 m = 0.15 m2 * Total settling area per clarifier = Plate surface area * Number of plates = 0.15 m2 * 100 = 15 m2 * Total settling area for both clarifiers = 15 m2 * 2 = 30 m2 **3. Increase in settling area:** * The potential increase in settling area is 30 m2 - 157.08 m2 = **-127.08 m2** **Conclusion:** This result indicates that the proposed inclined plate settlers would provide a much smaller surface area than the current circular clarifiers. This could potentially reduce the efficiency of the treatment process. Further investigation is required to determine the optimal configuration of inclined plates for the given plant conditions and desired settling efficiency.


  • Water Treatment Plant Design: By Davis & Cornwell - A comprehensive text covering various aspects of water treatment, including sedimentation and inclined plate settlers.
  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal, and Reuse: By Metcalf & Eddy - A classic reference on wastewater treatment processes, with detailed information on settling tanks and inclined plate settlers.
  • Handbook of Environmental Engineering: Edited by Richard A. Dallman - This handbook contains chapters dedicated to sedimentation, clarifying the principles and applications of inclined plate settlers.


  • "Inclined Plate Settlers: A Review of Applications, Design, and Performance" by K.D. Chakraborty and S.K. Sharma - This paper provides an overview of inclined plate settlers, including design considerations, operating parameters, and performance evaluation.
  • "Optimizing Inclined Plate Settler Performance for Wastewater Treatment" by A. Kumar and R. Singh - This article focuses on optimizing the design and operation of inclined plate settlers to maximize their efficiency.
  • "The Role of Inclined Plate Settlers in Sludge Thickening" by J. Smith and D. Jones - This article explores the application of inclined plate settlers in sludge thickening, discussing their advantages and limitations.

Online Resources

  • EPA Website: Search for "inclined plate settlers" on the EPA website for information on regulations, best practices, and research related to this technology.
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF) Website: This website offers resources on water and wastewater treatment, including technical papers, webinars, and publications related to inclined plate settlers.
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA) Website: The AWWA website provides resources for water treatment professionals, including information on sedimentation and inclined plate settlers.
  • Manufacturer Websites: Many manufacturers of inclined plate settlers provide technical data, case studies, and design guides on their websites.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just "inclined plate settlers," try searching for "inclined plate settlers design," "inclined plate settlers applications," or "inclined plate settlers efficiency" for more targeted results.
  • Combine keywords with specific industries: Search for "inclined plate settlers wastewater treatment," "inclined plate settlers industrial wastewater," or "inclined plate settlers water treatment plants" to narrow down your search.
  • Include relevant technical terms: Use terms like "sedimentation," "sludge thickening," "clarification," or "suspended solids" to refine your search and find more specialized information.
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases like "inclined plate settler design guidelines" in quotation marks to find exact matches.
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